When: Aug 18th, 9 A-friggin-M till 3 or 4 or whatever.
Where: The Bowl at Newel. Maybe someday we’ll venture to unexplored territory but for now we stick with the tried and true.

• Slugs, Venom’s Balls, or ask me
• No glue domes
• Nothing single-shot bigger than a UMB with stock pump and oprv. No bans on springers/bow’ers.
• 4B’s, Titans, Jobars, Roto Rockets: ASK ME!!! Tell me you barrel set up and your intended ammo, I will be very fair if it is safe. No bans on blasters for big ammo.
• Pistols: if you replaced the spring with anything other than another stock spring or the plunger tube with anything other than a different stock tube it is NOT a pistol. A SupaSplat and the like are NOT pistols.
Shield Rules:
• Mantas and manta replicas TOP mounted
• ANY Nerf or toy blaster shell split and TOP mounted Manta-style
• Medium-ish toy shields and a pistol
• Bigish toy shields and melee
• Big Ammo counts as a ‘hit’, not a shield breaker
Melee rules:
• NO barrel taps
• Pool Noodle, FBR/foam insulator, crappy dollar store melee, or ask me
• No Nerf swords, nothing with a stiff shaft/core/center, nothing wrapped in duct tape
BIG AMMO: If Spano did anything to progress the sport it was to legitimize the use of big ammo in Defend The Core, and I fell victim to several Mongo shots that I would have ordinarily blocked with my shield. I declare an official end to fucking around in this category: see below.
DTC Point gradients
• Micros/megas – 1
• Stock ammo - 2
• Mongos/Ballistic Balls/Vortex discs or any disc ammo – 3
• Sonic Baz darts/arrows/4B and UMB missiles – 5
• Titan Rockets/Ironman Rockets – 10
• Homeade/Draconas ammo – Ask me, we will classify fairly
Edited by SonReeceSonJensen, 17 August 2012 - 11:46 AM.