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New Member from Florida saying Hi

introduction and posting of previous works

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#1 KainZero0133



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Posted 26 January 2012 - 02:11 AM

Good day all, I'm new on this forum but not to nerf so I thought I'd get right to business and introduce myself on here and perhaps show some of my work.

As of now I've been using the Orange mod works forums for my projects and such so to avoid any unneeded oversize posts filled with masses of images that have been copied over from another site I've decided to just go ahead and post the 2 links here:

First off is the "mods forum" where i recently was asking about ideas and such for an underbarrel attachment which i eventually went on to build and post images within the same topic:


Next is where I was working towards modding a nerf scout and titan. the scout was modded but only shown in the last link I'll post. and the titan was just conceptual as far as idea gathering. still never got the answer i wanted but we shall see...


Finally I've made a nice compendium of photos of my guns as far as paintjobs and modifications go, more recently was my Secret Strike I did today. I've never actually done pvc/cpvc parts for nerf guns or extended tanks until yesterday so to get 70ft range right off the bat I was jumping. Without further adieu:


Edit: I'd also like to add in that I'm wanting to remove the 2 air vents in the nerf titan and would like to know the difference between a stock titan like mine and one with having only those 2 vents removed and no other mods performed on the gun.

Edited by KainZero0133, 26 January 2012 - 06:02 PM.

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#2 BabyGandhi



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Posted 27 January 2012 - 12:40 PM

I feel like I've known you my whole life.
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#3 KainZero0133



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Posted 27 January 2012 - 05:06 PM

:). I also wanted to mention, eventually i will be doing a titan mod, maybe one day a video for my ssbp. Any ideas and reccomendations are welcome and i will look into a homemade soon
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#4 Lebo



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Posted 30 January 2012 - 03:13 PM

'KainZero0133', on 27 Jan 2012 - 10:06 PM, said:

:). I also wanted to mention, eventually i will be doing a titan mod, maybe one day a video for my ssbp. Any ideas and reccomendations are welcome and i will look into a homemade soon

Hey man! Welcome! I know that might seem weird coming from me, seeing that I am a FNG, but hey, just trying to be polite! I like you paint jobs a lot, there really clean. What kind of homemade were you gonna try, and are you new to homemades?

- Nice meeting you

Edited by Lebo, 30 January 2012 - 03:14 PM.

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'Langley', on 09 Feb 2012 - 11:37 PM, said:


#5 KainZero0133



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Posted 31 January 2012 - 12:04 AM

Grand meeting you too, and welcome to yourself too. I've never done a homemade before, the most I've done with pvc thus far has been making boffers (foam and pvc weapons) and modding my secret strike. I'm working on my first design as we speak, got the parts and just went with it after making a rough draft of the shape/design I wanted (habbit I sometimes like to fall back on). it'll be air powered, and almost all 1/2" piping except the four way section of 3/4" pipe in the back of the gun. it will have a coupler I can add to the end of the barrel in case I want to extend the barrel further. As for now it stands to be a single shot weapon. Also, thanks about the paintjobs, I honestly look at my guns, take a good hour to get the main colors down as to where I may want them, draw it out, than go buy what paints I need if I don't have them and go from there. once i get to painting though things get changed around a bit (not much) or I'll work for more detail (like the sawed off double shot...light blood spatter on the end of the "metal" stock). my favorite is the barricade though as its my Warhammer 40k based gun (loosely based, Inquisition owned firearm).

-- Nice meeting you too
-- Kain
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"I didnt do it...I only pressed the shiny red button..."



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Posted 01 February 2012 - 09:38 AM

Since you dropped this in the modifications forum, I must inform you that this post does not really qualify. If you'd like to simply post picturs of "paintjobs andmodifications", as you say, we have a "modifications and paintjobs" thread specifically for that purpose. I know the inversion of terms can be tricky, but I think you can handle it. If you'd like to post in this forum we expect you to provide a write up of an original modification with embedded images, as opposed to links. Finding information on how to perform that task can beaccomplished using our search engine.

I'll be moving this thread to off topic.
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#7 KainZero0133



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 11:46 PM

All good, I honestly had no clue where to put that stuff, but on a compleatly non-nerf topic I wanted to share my acrylic cane project. Took a good 45 min to heat the 1" wide rod at the end o where I could bend it correctly. I applied the "sit on long end, wear gloves, wrap a towel around hot end and pull up and until a nice curve is achieved" method. That took a few min plus or minus time for reheating it to make corrections. After that it had to be held in place. Today I took the (already spray painted) pvc pipe section I had and fit it onto the handle after cutting the handle down and some of the bottom to get it to the right height. Put the pvc on with a 2 part epoxy, once it set a bit I took super glue and an inch of celcro (the furry part only) and fit it to the indide of the pipe (furry sode facing inward). Strange as it may sound, it was than used o fit my flashlight to the pvc. The velcro allowed a tight fit and with. Bit of twisting it can be safely removed. Oh, and the light has 2 buttons, red for the red light, and black for the white light.

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"What could possibly go wrong?"

"I didnt do it...I only pressed the shiny red button..."

#8 Nsnerfing



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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:48 PM

Welcome to NH!
I want
ANYTHING vintage, I am a collecter. In North Ca? PM me.

#9 Langley


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 11:24 AM

'KainZero0133', on 05 Feb 2012 - 04:46 AM, said:

All good, I honestly had no clue where to put that stuff, but on a compleatly non-nerf topic I wanted to share my acrylic cane project. Took a good 45 min to heat the 1" wide rod at the end o where I could bend it correctly. I applied the "sit on long end, wear gloves, wrap a towel around hot end and pull up and until a nice curve is achieved" method. That took a few min plus or minus time for reheating it to make corrections. After that it had to be held in place. Today I took the (already spray painted) pvc pipe section I had and fit it onto the handle after cutting the handle down and some of the bottom to get it to the right height. Put the pvc on with a 2 part epoxy, once it set a bit I took super glue and an inch of celcro (the furry part only) and fit it to the indide of the pipe (furry sode facing inward). Strange as it may sound, it was than used o fit my flashlight to the pvc. The velcro allowed a tight fit and with. Bit of twisting it can be safely removed. Oh, and the light has 2 buttons, red for the red light, and black for the white light.

Okay, so I might have involuntarily made some lightsaber noises when I saw that....BUT that does not change what I'm about to say.

This thread isn't your personal blog for your DIY projects, and if you want to continue posting here, you should at least be willing to take the time to re-read your own posts before you hit 'submit'. There are some sections of that post that are barely legible.
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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

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