'Kyosokun', on 29 Jul 2011 - 6:11 PM, said:
Thats true somewhat true, but when talking with a corporate giant, the normal rules don't exactly apply. It doesn't matter that Hasbro might lose whatever legal action they brought to the table, OMW would lose by default of not having the resources to fight the legal battle. And I think it's possibly a much more murky thing that it would seem at surface. Patents, and copyright infringements possibly. *shrugs*
Here's hoping the legal mess doesn't happen.
Meanwhile, I would like to point out that OMW's Facebook page admins have an extremely liberal policy about dialog on their fb page. They encourage detailed and even challenging questions and answer all of them with positive enthusiasm. It encourages a positive and loyal fan base i've noticed. I've seen other manufacturers of things in other hobby industries react very negatively to people doing "mini-modding" which is when someone asks a stupid question and another guy jumps in before the mods can answer it and answers it for them. For instance "which nerf guns are you making mods for?" its been asked a million times and now there's a few dedicated enthusiasts who happily reply to the guy quoting OMW's published list and saying "do a search next time". The OMW moderators actually thank the mini-modding fans! I've never seen that before.
OMW's fb moderators seem to have a policy of "no question too stupid, no question too detailed; all questions will be answered always".
Back to the Recon mod, they claim an 80-100ft range if you keep the thing in pistol configuration. That's with stage 1 and 2 kits. There's a fabled stage 3 kit coming out as well.
They told me that their new AT mod will only get 50ft of range which they attribute to more dead space inside the plunger and the longer barrel. Doesn't make much sense to me since a stock AT has a longer range than a stock Recon in pistol config. To that, OMW said "well these were our findings. All we know is what our tests showed" (paraphrasing). But at least they were kind enough to answer that far into a discussion thread!
They have said that the Longstrike kit will get a polycarbonate bolt sled. They said the Longstrike will also have a stage three kit, whatever that is.
For all ai know, over time shell failure may be a problem. However i think it can only be good for the hobby, same as aftermarket parts for other things have been good for any product line: though IBM lost the PC, the PC hasn't gone away, quite the opposite.
For those of you who do Legos, there's a company called Brickarms.com that sells guns for lego men. just about every kind of gun you can immagine unless its a bullpup, with the exception of the P90 and the Halo rifle, which they do make. the guy who owns the company was afraid Lego would sue but he brought his wares to a fan-organized lego convention at which TLC (the lego company as the fans call it) had a booth. TLC was actually thrilled to have them in the community. Similarly, the Lego mindstorms system has open source software and TLC has said publicly that they want it to stay that way so it gets more fan participation. The result is a secure future for the Lego company. Here's hoping Hasbro realizes the benefits of the existence of OMW and Black Tactical as well as anyone else who comes along.
Btw, I have a question to you guys related to the topic of professional and fan-made mods: The late model dart tag guns are really complicated compared to the N-strike guns. Do you suppose this is Hasbro's attempt to deter mods?