Personally, I love longshots. When angel breeched, they get great range, are reliable, and are very accurate with stefans. However, you can no longer use them to fire stock darts, or use the new drum mags, 18 cap mags, or standard mags like other clipped blasters, which is disappointing. I know there has been a thread or two on making a breech that can accept streamlines, but I can't find it, and I remember it not having measurements. I experimented a bit, and took the ideas of Angel, heretecorp and SGnerf's breeches into the creation of this one. Obviously, I claim no credit for the design of the breech, I just tweaked it, and wish to share my findings. With this breech, you can use the standard modded clips and shoot desired length stefan darts, or use normal clips and drums to shoot stock darts or cddt's
19/32 brass
9/16 brass
17/32 brass
1/2 brass
Super adhesive of choice (I used fishin glue, but epoxy will work as well as zap a gap)
Tools needed:
Dremel with metal cutting disk
Sand paper or sanding bit
Start out by cutting the stock breech about half way into the back part, which is black on the new editions. Cut out the AR and sand the inside enough for it to stomach the piece of 19/32s.

Now, lets cut the 19/32 down to size.

Now that you have your piece cut, sand the lip (the part under the half brass) down just a bit, to make is smooth. Then sand the half brass with sand paper or a sanding bit, to get the filings off it. Then, push it into the base of the breech, and secure it with super glue or epoxy of choice. I used fishin glue. Make sure it's flush with the plastic bit.

So it should look like this.

Then fill the back with hotglue.

Next, cut the 17/32 and 9/16 to a half inch each. Sand the filings off, and super glue them inside the back of the 19/32s.

Now, take your bit of 1/2 brass. We need to cut this just shy of the lip of the 19/32 brass. Here's the measurement.