I recently acquired my first raider, and I wanted to mod it. My only setback was, I had never modded a primary before. I preceded extremeley cautiously, and the mod come out successful. First it was a standard air restricter removal.

Then I found some kind of heavy metallic tubing, and I thought it would be perfect for a barrel. At first the tubing wouldn't go throught the hole in the front of the gun, so I had to widen it. I secured it with pumbers goop and I closed the gun up, test fired and it worked.

Finished Product
Edited by sharpshooter35, 05 February 2011 - 11:39 PM.
92% of teens would cry if Miley Cyrus was about to jump off a building.
If you are part of the 8% who would say "Jump B****, JUMP!!!!" . . .
Copy and paste this in your signature.
Don't forget about the Jones Brothers