The Ohio Revolution
Posted 19 March 2011 - 03:20 AM
Posted 19 March 2011 - 03:32 AM
WicketTheModder619, on Mar 18 2011, 08:24 PM, said:
Beef Jerky
So... You going to save a piece for me?

Abyss Mods, on Mar 18 2011, 11:07 PM, said:
I know it's a bit late, but if anyone has one, an AT3k barrel spacer would be very nice to have tomorrow.
Well, time to get some sleep. Leaving at 6:30 am tomorrow.
I've got the IMSS for you...
Mr BadWrench, on Mar 19 2011, 01:26 AM, said:
have trades and items for sale, looking for firefly box set.. and bow arms
IDK about firefly box set, but I'll try to find the master blaster missile... Anyone here have Psych box sets?
Edited by Kid Flash, 19 March 2011 - 03:52 AM.
Posted 19 March 2011 - 12:13 PM
Posted 19 March 2011 - 09:25 PM
Posted 19 March 2011 - 09:45 PM
I just got home(with a very sleepy eight year-old), and damn what a time. I want to thank everyone for coming out, especially those who travelled very very far to be here.
Some notables who made it from far and wide:
-BritNerf, our special guest, travelled across an entire ocean to be here.
-Popatachi drove all the way from Massachusetts.
-Ryan and Kane drove together from Chicagoland.
-DemonLord and Wicket also drove from the Chicago area.
All of these fellows were fantastic to have in Ohio and I'd drive to their areas to Nerf should the stars ever be aligned as such.
I'd also like to thank all the[very patient] parents who brought their kids out to participate. All of them were great to engage their kids in the action, and observed the games from the sidelines with not a complaint. At times they spearheaded impromptu dart sweeps, and they were great for taking pics(I can't wait to see those ones).
At peak attendance we approached 40 participants which made for quite a fun-filled day.
Above all else, I hope we sufficiently entertained BritNerf. That's the reason we were here.
Edited by BrokenSVT, 19 March 2011 - 09:54 PM.
Posted 19 March 2011 - 10:00 PM

Getting the XXL Bazooka
Getting a Pulse Master
Putting a 2.5+ foot hopper on the XXL Bazooka and loving it
Getting my SVT4B MKII
Getting my maxshot
Ryan running out of blanks
Shrub forgot the SS2 he bought from me (it's waiting for you)
Posted 19 March 2011 - 10:42 PM
Posted 20 March 2011 - 01:14 AM
-Doing a lot of buying and trading.
-Obtaining a NIB pulse strike.
-Obtaining a NIB scatter blast.
-Buying 300 pink blanks of Kane and Ryan!
-Trading beef jerky to get Demon Lord $6 off on a NIB scatter blast.
-Testing out my new ls and proceeding to fire off three shots and hear 3 simultaneous OWWW!'s. Then running up and shooting the last kid guarding the bucket ( we were playing a carpe variant) with a whistling missile from the undermounted shot blast. After depositing my ball into the bucket, their whole team respawned and I somehow managed to make it out alive. Win.
-Getting to finally use my cpvc breeched ls and doomsayer in action.
-Selling some darts to Popatachi.
-Nerfing with and shooting at Brit.
-Meeting a bunch of new people! The Ohio gang is awesome and I will definitely have to make it out again.
-Waking up at 1 a.m. and getting back home at 11:15 p.m.
-Getting shot with an SVT4B from 15 ft away that someone had loaded a slingshot dart into.
There were a lot more pros, but I am too tired to write them all out.
Edited by WicketTheModder619, 20 March 2011 - 01:15 AM.
Posted 20 March 2011 - 08:53 AM
~Nerfing with Brit!
~Awesome turn out
~We had mobstacles for cover and "TANKS!"
~I have got a TripleStrike! and 2 AT3Ks (one yet to be delivered)
~Shooting McNumbers in the side of the neck with my BnA from 90ft (sorry about the welt)
~and many....many more things that probably shouldn't be writen on the net
~Some people didn't take the hit when shot or called shotsthat dropped 5ft in front of the persn they wee aimng at
~Some people brought some darts that looked like they would kill someone
~People invading the area we were in, do they not see the 40 people rning around shooting each other
Brit and Popatachi TANK RUSH!
Prince Valor: That, Was a HIT!!
Posted 20 March 2011 - 09:19 AM
washerdarts I love it and hope it stays in effect!
Meeting some awesome new people.
Selling stuff
a lot of old stephans were left so they were shot but eh oh well
a lot of down time between games
Posted 20 March 2011 - 09:49 AM
This is not the first (or second) time this person has attempted to redistribute the load so more stuff would fit. I offered to get the keys to the ford explorer in the garage so someone could make items flatter.
Whats the count? 6 states, 2 countries??
Tanks for the vid Valor, lol...
We bailed on Twitch and hung out with Father Time after the war, Britney wanted to see his stash and I wanted to stare at his old bmx bikes (sorry Twitch,Jen,Chop and Dez).
Pink Foam
Shrub hunting
McNumbers's Police Interceptor Crown Vic and the hood sliding contest after the war.
Thrifting with father Time
Getting a 24in Dave Mirra bmx frame on Craigslist for $15
Terry's Turf Club
Shrub hunting
Watching a 10yr old named Noah sneak up behind Twitch with a magstrike (I have that magstrike now) I gave Noah a Tech Target as a reward.
Watching Brits face when he fired my .45ACP for the first time Thursday
Mobile Mobstacles
Pics of the group with Downtown Cinci in background.
TheAbused Showed up and showed everyone his balls.
No Camo
Douchebags that did not show
Had to bail on Twitch after the war
Skyline Chili
LSTD2 Broke
NERF MORE, TALK LESS. its hard to complain so many new people and things to talk about.
Prince Valor's friends showing up and taking over the picnic area.
Moving boundaries eliminated part of my hunting grounds.
Bathrooms locked
Wanted to Nerf at Bold Face Park
Did not get to shoot Twitch or Brit.
Great war Y'All!!
Posted 21 March 2011 - 08:27 AM
- Meeting a lot of new people
- Nerfing with a lot of new people
- Not having chili after the war
- I now have red and pink foam (to go along with my white and grey)!
- Red Roof Inn giving me a free night when my booking got messed up
- Rest stop, triple strength, one dollar coffee!
- Fuel efficient car (400 miles per tank)
- Brit needs to learn how to steer that tank on the right side of the road!
I've got some footage from the power ball round, though it's not very clear. I'll try to clean it up post later.
It was a great venue and people were all awesome! Thanks again!
Posted 21 March 2011 - 09:59 AM
Posted 21 March 2011 - 12:41 PM
- putting names to faces
- selling a bunch of my stock airtechs
- running around with a missle firing titan
- meeting brit
- down time between rounds
- skyline fail
- losing gay chicken to brit
Posted 21 March 2011 - 01:24 PM
# Nerfing with a hell of a lot of awesome people
# Great day trading with so many people -buy from Ryan and Kane. NOW
# Winning gay chicken with Chop
# Shooting Twitch
# Hunting Shrub
# Teaching Ryan McNumbers to slide across his hood like a professional
# PUCNHING the dent out of Ryan's hood after the hood-sliding lessons
# Bunny rockets
# Hunting Shrub
# Great use of young children with magstrikes

# Warring all day long. For a change
# Having fun no matter what we were playing
# Awesome weather
# Sword fight between myself and DemonLord.
# Proving that I am not some form of internet fairy, and putting faces to names. Although some faces weren't great to look at...
# Skyline Chilli - looks like shit in a bowl, tastes like it too
# A little too much down time, but hey, it's not major
# Blew out my elbow 2 rounds into the war, but struggled through
# The BritBow sucks, and it took me a while to fine a great primary
# Prince Valor shooting me in the face and in the arse
# Getting a shot to the nuts
# Not getting as much video footage as I would have preferred
# Shrub showing up
And finally...

The only photos that really count from this war.
But I have these too:

I really want to do this again. But who knows when...
Posted 21 March 2011 - 06:08 PM
BritNerfMogul, on Mar 21 2011, 02:24 PM, said:
# Proving that I am not some form of internet fairy
Proving to who Nancy?
Posted 21 March 2011 - 06:26 PM
+Finally going to an Ohio war
+Meeting Ohio people, including bizarro-Ybrik
+Meeting Popatamalakafashi or whatever his name is. Hardcore driving dude. I hope I see you one day in Mass.
+Meeting a daft wanker called "James"
+Getting pwned on several occasions by children with magstrikes. Sneaky little bastards.
+Unpadded darts being banned
+Waffle house
+Brought, and sold, all of my pink blanks and felt. Admittedly, I wouldn't let them buy the foam without the felt. It's the first money I've made back on my investment, and I've now made 1.5% progress towards breakeven.
+Badwrench explaining his reasons for needing darts in the worst way, and telling him that we'd give him 100 darts for eventually getting a big blast. He disappeared for 15 minutes, and returned with a NIB big blast, complete with cobwebs from his dungeon.
+Ryan sold all of his wyes, so next time we'll probably be competing with a lot more hoppers.
+Bust out my latest HAMP, and holy shit it shoots far. It might have had the longest range on the field, although it's accuracy made sure it was mostly an artillery piece.
+Somehow convinced Brit that one of my Aabows was worth money. I hope you managed to fit the pieces in your luggage!
+Ohio has these strange piles of earth. I think they're called "hills". I've never seen any in illinois.
-A few people weren't wearing eye protection. Being 18+ doesn't stop them from suing me. I appreciate those who put on safety glasses after I spoke with them. My policy at any war is that I don't shoot at people who aren't wearing eye protection, and I won't take hits from them either. Whatever the hosts rules say, I just treat them as if they aren't playing. I'm sorry if this seems like a dick move to you guys, but I'm confident that it's justified.
-Lots of time between rounds. With an international guest of some notoriety, and a large war in general, this is to be expected, but in a few cases it seemed absurd. I'm not hating on Broken here, I've hosted enough wars to know that this is very hard to avoid.
-No flagging tape, or other team markers. Knowing who to shoot was mostly guesswork based on where they were moving, where they were looking, and how urgently they were doing these things.
-Boundaries might have helped. Most people stayed in the playing area, but a select few were meandering through suburbia in order to flank us.
-2 deathmatch rounds. For the second one, I played as cowardly as I could, but after about 10-20 minutes of standing at the threshold range and easily dodging the occasional potshot, I got bored, and I got dead. Then what seemed to be about an hour of waiting for the round to end. I didn't measure any of these time intervals, but both DM rounds seemed to last about the same time, which was horribly long since most people were not playing for most of the round.
-Almost no cover. We brought a few mobstacles, and there were a few trees, but for the most part the games were played in a stalemate where both sides stood around slightly outside of each others effective range, with no way to get any closer without being shot on the advance.
- My choppered PAC was pooping darts on occasion. Haven't figured out why yet.
-I didn't make nearly enough blanks to meet demand. Sorry to anyone who wanted pink foam but couldn't get it.
-Ryan and I went to the most fail Dairy Queen of all the lands. Not surprisingly, it's in Indiana.
Overall, I had a lot of fun. Don't mind the length of the -s, I just like to thoroughly explain myself whenever I'm hatin.
Edited by KaneTheMediocre, 21 March 2011 - 06:33 PM.
Posted 21 March 2011 - 08:07 PM
Posted 21 March 2011 - 11:13 PM
I tried to warn you.
@ Kane: Dude does that mean that all I had to do to keep you from shooting me
was take off my glasses, damn I could have lived a little longer.
Had a great time at the war, lots of great nerfers, and then there was Twitch.(Still love you Twitch, in a creepy old guy kind of way xoxo)
Lots of fun thrifting with Badwrench and Brit, even though we didn't find any real goodies.
But we also didn't have to pry some prized blaster from each other cold dead hands. LOL
Oh, and Hooters was soooo much better than Skyline
Edited by father time, 21 March 2011 - 11:17 PM.
And when she looks stunned show her a picture of the blaster.
But if she gets excited. You're in.
-Miguel Ramos
Time is the one thing you can never escape.-Father Time
Posted 22 March 2011 - 01:32 AM
Posted 22 March 2011 - 03:05 AM
+ Biggest war I've been to yet, and possibly the biggest in the Midwest so far.
+ BritNerf is actually a real person, and a cool one at that
+ Sword fight, nuff said. Valor I want to see that video posted
+ SorrowX's turret works and held up during the war. My darts were a different story
+ Getting both names and faces
+ Firestorm with 6 rings, booyah
+ One of the longest CTF games I've ever played
+ Did I mention cool people?
+ Scatterblast, thanks for trading the beef jerky for the discount Wicket
I'll be sure to attend more wars in Ohio, it was worth the trip. Just next time I'll arrive not having been up for 26 hours straight.
Don't worry so much about what other people will allow. Throw your own wars and kick your friends' asses until they all want one.
Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:21 AM
'Daniel Beaver', on 07 Oct 2012 - 2:07 PM, said:
I'm the only respectable person here. The rest of the NIC are pretty much just child molesters.
AKA: ObiWonTwo on Nerfrevolution, and most of the rest of the internet for that matter.....
Posted 22 March 2011 - 11:36 AM
+First war of the year!
+Good turnout, lots of new faces, a new place to nerf
-Foam In the Fort II, was definitely bigger, but this was close. I know for a fact the Cincy group has had much larger non-NIC wars, so I'm not sure if that counts+ Biggest war I've been to yet, and possibly the biggest in the Midwest so far.
+Meeting Brit and doing some Effeminate slides across my bonnet.
+All the old dudes were awesome, Popatachi, Badwrench, father time, Twitch, Broken, you guys are awesome.
+KFC is better when you get closer to KY
+Hills! No such thing in Illinois
+Selling and running out of blanks and wyes. We really needed a bunch more.
+Using my RainbowPump for the first time in a war and confirming it's the most diddle-tastic blaster ever
+All of my blasters staying in one piece
+Waffle House is tits.
+Beautiful weather
+Realizing all the people in Ohio are cool, they just need some guidance for their wars.
-No cover at all, and no one else brought mobstacles. We were basically nerfing in an open field with only our mobstacles. Considering how Effeminate the geography of Cincy is, I feel like we could have done waaay better. I heard a lot of people say, "I thought we switched to slugs to reduce the amount of long range standoffs." While this is partly true, you still need cover to advance closer on your opponent without having to run through an open field. Whoever had most range, won that battle every time. This isn't a Snake war. We had 30+ people and six mobstacles, fail.
-Rounds were meh, Deathmatch really sucks. Both DM rounds I got out pretty quickly because I really didn't feel like hiding around until I was the last one left. If hiding is the best and most effective strategy of the game, than the game is really really flawed. Then we had to wait, what seemed like for days for everyone else to get out. On top of that, there was a lot of downtime between rounds. I also felt like the playing area was way too long for the rounds we did. We did have a lot of people, but not enough to warrant how far you had to walk to respawn. This made the games work at a much slower pace than they should have. Boundaries would also help immensely.
-Flagging tape is necessary
-Again, down time between rounds was too long, especially considering we only picked teams a few times. Shooting the shit with people was rather enjoying, though.
-Indiana is the worst state to exist and everyone I encountered was borderline retarded. (Excluding Wicket, lol)
-Not going to Twitch's after Skyline because we had to evacuate our bowels and we were dead tired.
All in all, I'm totes down for another Ohio war. Hope to see you guys soon!
Edited by Ryan201821, 22 March 2011 - 11:46 AM.
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