chop, on Feb 21 2011, 04:25 PM, said:
Hey i need a little clarity on a issue regarding melee attacks. I realize that we are amassing people from all over with different standards of melee. I was just seeking some uniformity amongst the rules for some who tend to be a little more melee heavy. The way we have been playing at a majority of the wars down here have been that the melee with a gun was considered as pistol whipping someone and didn't require the blaster to be primed or loaded, which i can understand the other way. Then the sword/axe rule about melee blocks needs to be addressed as well.
IMO If you sneak up close enough to someone to touch them with your blaster I feel it should be a kill.. Every time I have seen a situation like this outside of the Cinci group it has played out like this.
Players all piss and moan while a 4th or 5th player enter and shoot sneaky player. Sneaky player loses life because of a confusing rule.
When I am with the Cinci Group the situation goes like this.
Sneaky player walks casually up to players #1,2 & 3 Sneaky player taps players #1,2 & 3 and says "Dead,Dead,dead" Players 1,2 & 3 all say HEY WTF? Sneaky player shoots player 4 or 5 and runs back into cover.
No arguments about weather a weapon is loaded or not, no arguments about how many people can be killed in a row with a barrel tap and no chance for the lamest of lame cheap shots from players #5 or 5 taking advantage of confusion from stupid rule.
This is a TAG game why make it confusing? In war when soldiers ran out of ammo they attached knives to their guns and fought hand to hand.