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Lanard Scatterblast Mod

Plug Pump, Peg Removal, Fix

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#1 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 03 January 2011 - 11:42 AM


I'll be showing you all how to open/mod your Scatterblast

-Exacto Knife
-Glue Remover (I used Oops)
-Hot Glue
-Needle Nosed Pliers

On To the Writeup...

First, cut along the space here with your exacto knife.
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Then cut along the line visable here.
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You only have to cut down to halfway through the orange piece, then after a minute or two of careful peeling, you should get this.

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There should be three pegs that look like they hold screws, and they should be glued in place, apply your favorite glue remover to them and it should come appart.

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Then you can Remove the Pegs with your pliers.
The reason I took mine appart is because the pump head fell off, so glue that on, and plug the pump.

Posted Image

If your head didn"t come appart, take it appart and fill it with glue anyways, mine fell off fast when I just plugged the pump.

Then you should glue everything that had glue on it before back together, Put on the foam and glue it together!

Once it's dry your finnished and ready to diddle everyone in indoor wars!

I find 15+ 1 or 2 pumps is best.

Questions? Commensts? Flames?
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#2 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 12:38 PM

Ranges with stock darts?
Ranges with Stefan darts?
Or better yet what is the kill radius?
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#3 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 03 January 2011 - 12:41 PM

I'm getting like a 20 foot raidus with 18 pumps and taggers. I'm currently using Ace foam so my stefans don't fit.
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#4 Buffdaddy


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Posted 03 January 2011 - 02:26 PM

Pump head fell off? That's a new one to me :-)

My old Scatterblast, before I accidentally destroyed it, had 3 inch CPVC barrels put into it. With stefans, you had ~30 ft. range, with 4-5 foot spread. If you plug one barrel on either chamber (each one feeds into 3 barrels, which is horrible for efficiency), you get 50 ft. range, with slightly less spread.

I really want to play around with my new one, I have a feeling you could turn it into a decent primary with a plugged/replaced pump, both chambers firing into a single hopper, and a homemade trigger lever to press the blast button down. Good deal for something I can buy for $10.
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#5 utahnerf



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Posted 03 January 2011 - 11:22 PM

Are you saying that your stefans are too wide to fit into the barrels? I always found that Ace foam fit well into stock barrels.
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#6 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:44 AM

My Ace foam is a airgun fit in cpvc, no it's not to big, it's too small.
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#7 cheyner



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:44 AM

So what your saying is, if you rebarrel this with CPVC your darts would be perfect for it?
Why dont you rebarrel it then?
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'Collective', on 27 Jun 2012 - 4:18 PM, said:

Beaver's post claiming Kane's post claiming Demon Lord's post is correct is correct is correct.

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#8 utahnerf



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 01:30 PM

Whoa, then your foam must be thin as hell.
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#9 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 04:36 PM

cheyner, on Jan 4 2011, 09:44 AM, said:

So what your saying is, if you rebarrel this with CPVC your darts would be perfect for it?
Why dont you rebarrel it then?

Because if I did, the darts would go strait up, and have like a 5 foot blast radius, which would be pointless.
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#10 shmmee



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Posted 04 January 2011 - 06:23 PM

I've never played with one of these before. With a proper barrel fit could you shotgun load a pair of 1.5" steffans in each tube and still maintain a functional blast radius?
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#11 Buffdaddy


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Posted 04 January 2011 - 07:49 PM

shmmee, on Jan 4 2011, 06:23 PM, said:

I've never played with one of these before. With a proper barrel fit could you shotgun load a pair of 1.5" steffans in each tube and still maintain a functional blast radius?

I never tried this, but I would imagine this is the best setup. The main issue of the stock grenade is that, sure you can have a good blast radius, but there's not enough foam flying to guarantee a kill. Sure the darts can go 20 ft. to the side, but that's a large radius for only 6 darts. Doing this would decrease the radius, but increase the effectiveness.

Also, you have to lob this to guarantee the decent radius.

PRO-HINT: If you're playing indoors, you can throw the grenade against a wall, behind the person you're targeting. Works wonders!
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