this is my first post, but i have to get this out on paper and have some suggestions/comments/critisism about it. this just seemed like a good place to start.
the idea i came up with was to make a lever action rifle out of a Rapid Fire Trek Six (made by buzzbee toys) now parts that uses a n-strike clip (or simular function of just useing just darts instead of darts and shells). the idea would be to replace the plunger, tubve and barrel of the rifle as well as making a new part for the cocking mechanism. the part in particular is the one with the two O-rings, cutting back a little bit before the hole where the air gets pushed in and adding a modified shell to hold the dart. the shell used would have to be cut to make a slot, and would also have to start far enough back to have the dart enter properly. i'm thinking of useing the shells you get with the riffle with the peg drilled out. if i remember correctly i used a 5/32 drill bit or was it a 5/16... anyway i don't know what to use for replacements for the barrel, plunger, and plunger tube, though you'd probably have to either modify the orrigenal plunger or make a new one that is the same shape or as close to it as you can. i'll add more detail as i continue to think this out.

Has Anyone Considered Of Doing This:
jsut an idea so it doesn't belong in either homemades or mods
Started by Necrose, Sep 30 2010 11:42 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 30 September 2010 - 11:42 AM
...and so it begins.
Posted 30 September 2010 - 12:06 PM
People on this forum do not really like concept threads in my experiance. Try to actually do it before you post.
Edited by qwertyupp, 30 September 2010 - 12:07 PM.
Posted 30 September 2010 - 12:23 PM
yeah, i've seen that but, this might just give someone a better idea than mine for this, that and... i don't exaclty have the tools readily acessible for this project. >.> so i'm just posting this in hopes that some one else will get an idea for makeing this sort of thing. that and i need more ideas on how to go about this before trying to make it. afterall i only got 2 shots to make it, so i want to make them count.
Edited by Necrose, 30 September 2010 - 12:24 PM.
...and so it begins.
Posted 30 September 2010 - 12:35 PM
If you have an idea, try it yourself. The people who can fabricate their own nerf guns, interestingly enough, have their own ideas.
This is the very deffinition of a concept thread, and we do not allow them here.
This is the very deffinition of a concept thread, and we do not allow them here.
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