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Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

and I would like some of you to help

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#26 Black Wrath

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Posted 14 April 2004 - 09:35 PM

ompa, on Apr 14 2004, 09:20 PM, said:

whoa well if it's like 400 friggen zerglings... idk what could stop it except air attacks... maybe... but if you use the defiliers right you should be fine I suppose, plague and some devourers would take down any air... dang, ok, anyone up against that many is screwed unless the zerglings are in some sort of bottleneck with at least 30 seige tanks sitting behind a row of bunkers... and if you used dark swarm when the zerglings are attacking the bunkers, am I not right to say that units under the dark swarm can actually hit eachother? And to use dark swarm to cover that many zerglings would take inordinate amounts of defilers. Or am I mistaken? And Seige tanks have a minimum range, so they could blow eachother up, but not themselves ^_^ . But if you manage to make 400 zerglings... unless you have really really really good defenses, you're screwed. Then again, if you manage to make 400 of pretty much any unit, your opponent is screwed. think 400 marines with stimpacks attacking a base... Ouch. Or (god forbid) 400 DT's (I don't think it's possible, but DANG would it be fun.


The seige tanks would splash themselves to hell, they wouldn't be able to attack because they are ranged, and the lings would diddle the entire army in mere seconds. [blackspeak] Don't fack wit us yo mofo! [/blackspeak]

Me and Mike made a game on 'Blood Bath' to demonstrate this. We will send it to you, to show not only how good we are, but how even in a bottle neck, against two computers on Insane AI, lings own. We added some Ultralisks for a cherry ontop as it were... they owned aswell.

The reply is summarized as: When Cam is laid back, and Mike is one pissed off Overmind.

Mike will send it to you, it's a very good game replay.

To DT comment, not possible... but I've done 100 DTs before... many times. They each take 2 Psi if ya didn't know, making 100 the max number. Let's just say... 7 bases wiped off the map in a mere 2:31.

God I love the Dark Templars...
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
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#27 ompa



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Posted 14 April 2004 - 09:43 PM

Even against a bottleneck and 30 seige tanks ^_^ I thought the blast from the seige tank kills about 5 of them at once, and with bunkers protecting them.. it would take about 4 volleys for the lings to be toast... I thought the splash would kill even the lings under dark swarm... apparently I'm mistaken. I won't doubt your abilities, and I realize it is impossible to get that many DT's, but it would be funny as hell. I'm not that good personally, I just read alot of books on Starcraft about 3 months ago and was a walking SC dictionary, but recently I've begun forgetting things.


Edited by ompa, 14 April 2004 - 09:43 PM.

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#28 Black Wrath

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 06:43 AM

ompa, on Apr 14 2004, 09:43 PM, said:

Even against a bottleneck and 30 seige tanks ^_^ I thought the blast from the seige tank kills about 5 of them at once, and with bunkers protecting them.. it would take about 4 volleys for the lings to be toast... I thought the splash would kill even the lings under dark swarm... apparently I'm mistaken. I won't doubt your abilities, and I realize it is impossible to get that many DT's, but it would be funny as hell. I'm not that good personally, I just read alot of books on Starcraft about 3 months ago and was a walking SC dictionary, but recently I've begun forgetting things.


Ah yes.

Well, you see, there are some things in games which seem to not make the most sense. I would expect a tank to massacre the lings, but then again, the cool down time of 2.75 seconds allows for the lings to rip apart the bunkers and rush through. When the tanks try to attack so closely to themselves, they end up shooting eachother with splash, and sometimes missing the lings. If the tanks revert to the normal mode, they don't attack very effectively, and would get ripped apart that way too.

The tanks may find a way of desimating most of the force, but what me and Mike are trying to say is that at least 75 of the 400 will be full health, and will make it into the base. 75 is enough to start the base, while Mike, already building at least another 100, sends in a fresh force. It's all about sacraficing the army for a cause, and then finishing the job.

Okay, enough on that issue... all I can say is that if you want seige tanks to be good, in a bottle neck set up command centres right across. Nothing can get between them, unlike supply depots. Set up your U238 Marines in bunkers behind that, and your seige tanks ontop of the bunkers.

Wanna screen shot? I'll get you one by tomorrow... too lazy to fire up BW right now at 7:45 in the morning.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#29 Spectre2689



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Posted 15 April 2004 - 02:39 PM


Anyways, Dark Swarm protects units against ALL ranged attacks. If you put two or three Dark Swarms over top of the choke point and the bunkers/tanks, the zerglings would not even be touched by any marines or tanks. Unless you had firebats in the bunkers, it would be a complete massacre.

Anyways, yeah. Fun times. When are we gonna get a game set up for that other map, leftnut? And how's the new one coming?
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Spectre of the CFM




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Posted 15 April 2004 - 03:13 PM


The anti-zergling.


The anti-starcraft player, player
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#31 ompa



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Posted 15 April 2004 - 03:17 PM

True, but who masses firebats? ^_^ They are only used for very specific situations, and unless you know that's what they are going to do, you have no other reason to mass them. And if they come on with 400 zerglings, you're pretty much screwed unless you have a crapload of firebats.

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 03:21 PM

No one mases firebas, but if your playign rush game, get them, they are awsome against zealots and zerglings.

I dont like terran anyways. I mass zeals and goons.

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#33 ompa



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Posted 15 April 2004 - 03:26 PM

Guess you have a point... but if you're playing against a guy who decides to mass 400 zerglings, I doubt they are playing on a rush-is-allowed scenario. People still rush, I realize, but then everyone is pissed at them.

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 04:01 PM

When kill them, they lose thier priveldge to speak.

I just started playing again, and I think im slowly getting my skill back...

Trust me, Ive played against many zergling massers, and zealots+dragoons make zergling meat in a hurry. Especially if I rush.

Zerglings are only good used in conjunction with hydralisks.


Edited by THIRST, 15 April 2004 - 04:01 PM.

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#35 leftnut



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Posted 15 April 2004 - 04:04 PM

ompa, on Apr 15 2004, 04:17 PM, said:

True, but who masses firebats? ^_^ They are only used for very specific situations, and unless you know that's what they are going to do, you have no other reason to mass them. And if they come on with 400 zerglings, you're pretty much screwed unless you have a crapload of firebats.


Aparently my brother is the only one that does. I played him in a LAN game and I was zerg and he was terran, ouch. I massed hydra and lings and he massed firbats and ghosts, I ended up getting massacred but while he killed that I massed on guardians and muta and took out his base. My brother plays different depending on what race the other player is.
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