ompa, on Apr 14 2004, 09:20 PM, said:
The seige tanks would splash themselves to hell, they wouldn't be able to attack because they are ranged, and the lings would diddle the entire army in mere seconds. [blackspeak] Don't fack wit us yo mofo! [/blackspeak]whoa well if it's like 400 friggen zerglings... idk what could stop it except air attacks... maybe... but if you use the defiliers right you should be fine I suppose, plague and some devourers would take down any air... dang, ok, anyone up against that many is screwed unless the zerglings are in some sort of bottleneck with at least 30 seige tanks sitting behind a row of bunkers... and if you used dark swarm when the zerglings are attacking the bunkers, am I not right to say that units under the dark swarm can actually hit eachother? And to use dark swarm to cover that many zerglings would take inordinate amounts of defilers. Or am I mistaken? And Seige tanks have a minimum range, so they could blow eachother up, but not themselves
. But if you manage to make 400 zerglings... unless you have really really really good defenses, you're screwed. Then again, if you manage to make 400 of pretty much any unit, your opponent is screwed. think 400 marines with stimpacks attacking a base... Ouch. Or (god forbid) 400 DT's (I don't think it's possible, but DANG would it be fun.
Me and Mike made a game on 'Blood Bath' to demonstrate this. We will send it to you, to show not only how good we are, but how even in a bottle neck, against two computers on Insane AI, lings own. We added some Ultralisks for a cherry ontop as it were... they owned aswell.
The reply is summarized as: When Cam is laid back, and Mike is one pissed off Overmind.
Mike will send it to you, it's a very good game replay.
To DT comment, not possible... but I've done 100 DTs before... many times. They each take 2 Psi if ya didn't know, making 100 the max number. Let's just say... 7 bases wiped off the map in a mere 2:31.
God I love the Dark Templars...