Part Two
Transforming it into the "Long Dick of God"
Everything is necessary in the next part to get it working properly.
Start out by super gluing a clip in without the follower or spring.

Then add a spring. I used a super duper strong one I've had forever.
Not only does it look awesome it doubles as a handle.

Now take all the internals out of a RFSG, and cut the shell down to this. Make sure you take off the area marked by the green line.
Also cut off the area on the longshot where most people put the front gun.

Do the reinforcements you want to the plunger rod and trigger.

Add springs I used [k25] and a longshot (I don't know where my stock spring went).
Glue that spring on the priming bar.

Don't forget to add a coupler to the plunger rod, and put a bolt through it.
Now goop the RFSG on the longshot, and let it cure for a fortnight (2 weeks for all you less informed people). Then use industrial Hotglue, not that pussy low-temp shit, to finish securing the RFSG on the longshot.

Now you're probably thinking that hotglue won't hole I will say this is rock solid, and it will hold. If you used industrial strength.
Now make a 10" and 24" barrel for the RFSG, and the Longshot.

You are done. If you've done this right you will have an uncontrollable urge to to write "This gun
Is the Long Dick of God!" on it.
Now for someone that will say that was a waste of a RFSG I will say no it isn't. This is better than any doomsayer out there.
Ranges are 90ft for the RFSG, and too much for the Longshot.
*This gun is not affiliated with any of the unholy 3. Even though it has dicks mentioned in it.