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A New Singled Longshot.

It would make Rogue proud...

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#26 CA13


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Posted 04 April 2010 - 12:08 PM

Norther_of_Heaven, on Apr 4 2010, 10:41 AM, said:

Why you be hatin'?

Norther, we's all jealous of yo' TIM an' yo' mods.

Louie, it surprises me that you still buy longshits if you know it takes insane measures to make them legit.

Great mod, if a little unoriginal. Captain Slug's original replication of Crossbow internals really has opened doors for blasters viewed as unreliable or flawed. Not that range should be a factor. but as Ice9 proved with the Tornado-bow and you proved with your actually accurately-named Long Shot, these modular homemade internals can put reliability and function in flawed blasters. The bottom part is screaming RF20 integration.
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Doing this as I speak. I have no idea when I got it...my DAD got it some 15 years ago, but that doesn't matter. Anyways, it keeps jerking around all over the place. I try to hold it with a rag...It doesn't look like...much.

#27 CA13


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Posted 04 April 2010 - 12:10 PM

Norther_of_Heaven, on Apr 4 2010, 10:41 AM, said:

Why you be hatin'?

Norther, we's all jealous of yo' TIM an' yo' mods.

Louie, it surprises me that you still buy longshits if you know it takes insane measures to make them legit.

Great mod, if a little unoriginal. Captain Slug's original replication of Crossbow internals really has opened doors for blasters viewed as unreliable or flawed. Not that range should be a factor. but as Ice9 proved with the Tornado-bow and you proved with your actually accurately-named Long Shot, these modular homemade internals can put reliability and function in flawed blasters. The bottom part is screaming RF20 integration.
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Doing this as I speak. I have no idea when I got it...my DAD got it some 15 years ago, but that doesn't matter. Anyways, it keeps jerking around all over the place. I try to hold it with a rag...It doesn't look like...much.

#28 louiec3



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 02:52 PM

Wow you guys are making this sound like the north side of Milwaukee...

CA13- It doesn't take insane measures to make them legit; you just need to give them some TLC. I really fail to see how this is un-original. It is similar to other homemade internals, but this is one of a kind. It isn't worth it to put a RF20 on it just because I will rarely use it, and I don't have a RF20.

To whom it may concern I will probably be able to make a video tomorrow.

Edited by louiec3, 04 April 2010 - 02:52 PM.

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#29 oodalumps



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 03:06 PM

CA13, on Apr 4 2010, 01:08 PM, said:

these modular homemade internals can put reliability and function in flawed blasters.

So we're all just buying blasters for the shells? When a blaster's potential is defined by how easily a homemade can be built inside of it, Nerf modding is dead.
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#30 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 03:50 PM

oodalumps, on Apr 4 2010, 03:06 PM, said:

So we're all just buying blasters for the shells? When a blaster's potential is defined by how easily a homemade can be built inside of it, Nerf modding is dead.

That seems like a very backwards way of looking at it. The ingenuity of modders is no longer constrained by the stock internals of blasters. This adds to the diversity of modifications, it doesn't kill it.

Louie: Neato, but sort of an object lesson in overkill. Ball shooter, maybe?
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#31 nate the great

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 04:07 PM

Daniel Beaver, on Apr 4 2010, 12:50 PM, said:

Ball shooter, maybe?

Yes! You have to make it shoot balls!
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PRI you are a fucking idiot.

2 slingshot weights is basically a steel bullet with a foam sabot
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#32 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 04:44 PM

Daniel Beaver, on Apr 4 2010, 05:50 PM, said:

The ingenuity of modders is no longer constrained by the stock internals of blasters. This adds to the diversity of modifications, it doesn't kill it.

Well spoken Beaver.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 04 April 2010 - 04:45 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#33 oodalumps



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 08:51 PM

Daniel Beaver, on Apr 4 2010, 04:50 PM, said:

That seems like a very backwards way of looking at it. The ingenuity of modders is no longer constrained by the stock internals of blasters. This adds to the diversity of modifications, it doesn't kill it.

I said modding, not homemades. I could tape a NF shell over a paintball gun, but it would still be a paintball gun. Potato cannons are potato cannons no matter what you cover them in.

On "ingenuity", knowing that bigger internals gives better ranges is brainless. Anybody could make a NF shoot 100'+ if they put a +bow inside of it. It takes brains to make an actual NF shoot that far.

I don't mind homemades as long as they aren't being called Nerf guns. And as long as they don't show up at wars.
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#34 death by cheez

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 09:00 PM

You don't even have to put a +bow in the NF shell, a 13 inch X 1 inch plunger tube does just fine, with the proper spring and seal.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#35 zaphodB



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:23 PM

oodalumps, on Apr 4 2010, 09:51 PM, said:

Anybody could make a NF shoot 100'+ if they put a +bow inside of it. It takes brains to make an actual NF shoot that far.

You mean the NF rifles? Yeah, those have been around for maybe a year now. Where were you when that happened? It sounds to me like you're just looking for an opportunity to get all indignant on the internet. This modification is, essentially, a plunger tube replacement for a singled longshot. The trigger system is stock. When Slug did essentially this to a crossbow for Groove, nobody talked shit. Maybe you have some deep rooted psychological aversion to PVC?
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#36 oodalumps



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:37 PM

zaphodB, on Apr 5 2010, 12:23 AM, said:

oodalumps, on Apr 4 2010, 09:51 PM, said:

Anybody could make a NF shoot 100'+ if they put a +bow inside of it. It takes brains to make an actual NF shoot that far.

You mean the NF rifles? Yeah, those have been around for maybe a year now. Where were you when that happened? It sounds to me like you're just looking for an opportunity to get all indignant on the internet. This modification is, essentially, a plunger tube replacement for a singled longshot. The trigger system is stock. When Slug did essentially this to a crossbow for Groove, nobody talked shit. Maybe you have some deep rooted psychological aversion to PVC?

I do not approve of plunger tube replaced NFs. Those are the +bow NFs I'm talking about. I would have talked shit about groove's potato cannon, but guess what would happen?

EDIT: Stock trigger system? Look harder.

Edited by oodalumps, 04 April 2010 - 11:40 PM.

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#37 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:44 PM

zaphodB, on Apr 4 2010, 11:23 PM, said:

oodalumps, on Apr 4 2010, 09:51 PM, said:

Anybody could make a NF shoot 100'+ if they put a +bow inside of it. It takes brains to make an actual NF shoot that far.

You mean the NF rifles? Yeah, those have been around for maybe a year now. Where were you when that happened? It sounds to me like you're just looking for an opportunity to get all indignant on the internet. This modification is, essentially, a plunger tube replacement for a singled longshot. The trigger system is stock. When Slug did essentially this to a crossbow for Groove, nobody talked shit. Maybe you have some deep rooted psychological aversion to PVC?

I could cut up a longshot for just the rear half of the shell and make a longshot rifle using 2" Nylon tube. Even if all my cuts were made while high and showed no skill whatsoever, it would probably be banned at wars. Is that ingenuity or skill?

My first PAS shot 120-130 consistently without breaking using the stock internals. It took around 8 hours to get everything done and a lot of careful measuring and precise cuts went into it (at least internally, for the cosmetics I got lazy...). My second one is just a housing for a +bow, took about 2 hours to do, and required no thought whatsoever. This dichotomy is what oodalumps is pointing out.

As to the Guru, Slug completely redid the internals rather than just harvesting them and also built a mounting system for the splitfire underneath. That requires tons more thinking than a NF rifle or +PAS or even Tornadobow.

Edited by Zorn's Lemma, 04 April 2010 - 11:45 PM.

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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#38 zaphodB



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 12:10 AM

The worth of the modification should not be based on its difficulty, but on its results.

Also, I'm not comparing the process or the results of slug's Guru mod and this gun. I'm Just saying the philosophy is the same; homemade internals in a nerf shell.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#39 louiec3



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 07:02 AM

I think all of you are thinking too hard on this. You acting like this is some great philosophical debate. Well it isn't; I put a gigantic plungertube in there as a JOKE. This thing is 100% un-necessary. Anyone could have thought of this idea, I actually made it.

oodalumps- News Flash! You can buy a blaster for anything you want, whether it is to mod the hell out of it, or build homemade internals.

That is an awful thing to say about homemades. When homemades are dangerous, and can be safety risks yes then a person should leave it at home.

Daniel Beaver- Well put; this does add to modifications, and yes I have tried it with a PAS barrel, but the balls all come out at once or two at once. This thing does shoot arrows about 60-70ft until they go horribly out of control.

zaphodB- Hitchiker's Guide to the galaxy is an awesome book. Anyway the worth of a modification should be judged by the creator. Results make other people happy, but the one who made it knows whether or not his/her time was well spent.

I finally made the video. Hope you enjoy.

Posted Image

Edited by louiec3, 05 April 2010 - 11:41 AM.

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#40 kwaneazy



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 12:03 AM

This thing shoots everything under the sun!

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#41 jerm78



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Posted 10 April 2010 - 02:23 PM

Nice! That thing is awesome!
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#42 moosa



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 08:56 AM


Who needs a 20 inch barrel...

when you have a four and a half foot long one!?

Bahahaha! I told you 16" wasn't enough. I LOLed.
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#43 louiec3



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Posted 18 April 2010 - 09:42 AM

Part Two

Transforming it into the "Long Dick of God"

Everything is necessary in the next part to get it working properly.

Start out by super gluing a clip in without the follower or spring.

Posted Image

Then add a spring. I used a super duper strong one I've had forever.
Not only does it look awesome it doubles as a handle.

Posted Image

Now take all the internals out of a RFSG, and cut the shell down to this. Make sure you take off the area marked by the green line.
Also cut off the area on the longshot where most people put the front gun.

Posted Image

Do the reinforcements you want to the plunger rod and trigger.

Posted Image

Add springs I used [k25] and a longshot (I don't know where my stock spring went).

Glue that spring on the priming bar.
Posted Image

Don't forget to add a coupler to the plunger rod, and put a bolt through it.

Now goop the RFSG on the longshot, and let it cure for a fortnight (2 weeks for all you less informed people). Then use industrial Hotglue, not that pussy low-temp shit, to finish securing the RFSG on the longshot.

Posted Image

Now you're probably thinking that hotglue won't hole I will say this is rock solid, and it will hold. If you used industrial strength.

Now make a 10" and 24" barrel for the RFSG, and the Longshot.

Posted Image
Posted Image

You are done. If you've done this right you will have an uncontrollable urge to to write "This gun Is the Long Dick of God!" on it.
Now for someone that will say that was a waste of a RFSG I will say no it isn't. This is better than any doomsayer out there.
Ranges are 90ft for the RFSG, and too much for the Longshot.

*This gun is not affiliated with any of the unholy 3. Even though it has dicks mentioned in it.
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#44 meatballica



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Posted 19 April 2010 - 11:34 AM

freakin A even though I would swear you were high when you made this. I guess with 420 coming up I can understand. But your barrels seem a little off. But that does not matter when you have the long dick of the lord.

Edited by meatballica, 21 April 2010 - 10:51 AM.

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#45 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 03:52 AM

It'd be better with a HAMP in it.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#46 moosa



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Posted 20 April 2010 - 08:55 AM

Haha what the hell? Glue a giant spring to the side of it. This is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY if you want the mod to work. :)
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