Posted 23 March 2010 - 01:20 PM
Where: Deal Test Site (aka Joe Palaia Park)
What: We're gonna try something new....which is actually nothing new. We like to keep these wars moving very quickly, and running very smoothly. Over the years we've found that we can do that, and run the rounds we want to run, most effectively with a medium number of attendees. As such, we're trying to cap attendance at 16 nerfers right now. That number might increase, but there are no guarantees.
Anyway, the point is this topic is not for the purpose of "i'm coming" or "i can't make it" comments. We'll be using it for the discussion of game types and other specifics for this war. If you've nerfed with me before and want to come, or if I just forgot about you for some reason, feel free to pm me with that info.
Moving on.
Captain Slug
Titan Kind
- No darts that are not Slug darts. Not only are they safer and generally remove the uber long distance aspect of the game, but they're cheaper, quicker, and easier to make than just about anything else. I really don't see any valid excuses for not having them. If you hate making them, there will be several people at this war who would be more than happy to make them for you (Ice9 comes to mind).
- No Titans
- No Shit canons (Jobars/Cobras)
- No Homeade Air guns / hpa tanks / anything that is not primed during a round.
- Any airguns designed to shoot amunition larger than a mega dart must have a stock oprv, or verifiable and non-disengageable homemade equivelant oprv.
- Hopper clips will likely be limited to 4-6 darts per clip. RSCB's are not restricted by this rule.
- I reserve the right to ask you not to use any gun I deem too powerful.
- Original manta rays with their oirignal shells are the only allowable shields.
- I'm not gonna allow melee, cause it's gay and the gay people who use it complain when they are shot by <GASP> Nerf Guns!
- You'll need at least 1 single shot spring pistol, and you know what we mean by pistol. We won't allow splats, homemades, or anything that has primary-esque range here. I know Ice9's splat is supposedly more reasonable, and I'll gladly look at that kind of thing for consideration on site.
- You will need a single barrel primary. I recomend bringing something with a coupler and a single barrel you can use for specific rounds.
- Water, plenty of it
- sunscreen, is highly recomended as this park has a lot of unshaded areas.
- Lunch; we won't be breaking for it. You'll need to eat between rounds or as we move from area to area. We may provide an extended downtime by some shade, but don't plan on running out for anything. Bagel Sandwiches are a good call here.
We like nerfing accross a large portion of this park, which anyone who's been to a deal war or apoc can tell you, is massive. As such, supplies for a tiring and highly mobile day of nerf are very important. Don't wear clunky boots or anything that might slow you down.
Game types:
2 team deathmatch
4 team deathmatch
Gunslinger Heaven
Defend the Core: ULTIMATUM!
Nerf Arena: The Arena!
There's more to say, but that's probably enough for now. I'll be glad to answer or discuss anything aside from attendance here. Just don't argue rules, because while I'll listen to reason, I won't negotiate them.
Posted 23 March 2010 - 01:27 PM
Edit: Thanks for clarifying. I won't be at this one. Can't show up to wars out side of New England until after mid-June.
If at first you don't succeed, add more epoxy.
Posted 23 March 2010 - 01:29 PM
I edited Wes's post to include his reply that I just deleted. Questions are fine, I just don't want posts with no purpose aside from whether or not you can come. PM me if you want to come, cause we are gonna cap this thing.
On a side note, check out the reaction comments and pics from last year's eddition. Fuck, 2 months is a long time to wait.
Posted 23 March 2010 - 03:08 PM
It's been iffy in the midwest with some runs of it being fast-paced and other runs ending up being pretty slow. It seems like a good idea in concept and we really just need to nail down some specifics (how far apart the goals are, what the goalie is allowed etc).
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 23 March 2010 - 05:42 PM
Always quick paced fun.
Edited by canuck, 23 March 2010 - 05:44 PM.
Posted 23 March 2010 - 05:56 PM
VACC, on Mar 23 2010, 01:20 PM, said:
Game types:
Gunslinger Heaven
canuck, on Mar 23 2010, 05:42 PM, said:
How about a pistol only round?
Always quick paced fun.
I would leave this area blank for added effect but in any case part of the reason powerball is slower in the Midwest than in SoCal is that it's played with very different guns on the field. At the Christmastravaganza war in December the addition of me with the AT3K slowed gameplay down considerably. If we really want a fast-paced game, there would have to be range caps, which are annoying, or you could flat-out disallow anything not a pistol or an automatic.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 23 March 2010 - 06:19 PM
Ice Nine, on Mar 23 2010, 05:56 PM, said:
VACC, on Mar 23 2010, 01:20 PM, said:
Game types:
Gunslinger Heavencanuck, on Mar 23 2010, 05:42 PM, said:
How about a pistol only round?
Always quick paced fun.
I would leave this area blank for added effect but in any case part of the reason powerball is slower in the Midwest than in SoCal is that it's played with very different guns on the field. At the Christmastravaganza war in December the addition of me with the AT3K slowed gameplay down considerably. If we really want a fast-paced game, there would have to be range caps, which are annoying, or you could flat-out disallow anything not a pistol or an automatic.
Powerball ran pretty well the first time we tried it at the ex-SoF MN 2-day war despite most people having +bows or equivalent level blasters.
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 24 March 2010 - 07:32 AM
Posted 24 March 2010 - 09:14 AM
VACC, on Mar 24 2010, 07:32 AM, said:
Powerball seems like a lot of settup for a war that is going to be moving all over this park. What type of equipment is neccesary? 6 garbage can sized goals, and pvc markers for a goalie area?
Six buckets and some non-insignificant number of smallish toy balls, in three different colors. I don't remember the exact number, but I'm sure Ryan or Zorn does.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 24 March 2010 - 10:51 AM
First of all, I find traditional defend the core to be very...well kinda boreing. It's basically a deathmatch until the core is cleared and then a game of unload as fast as you can into a box. I'm trying to creat an alternative.
I call it Defend the TEP, and it uses an Ultimator....bitches. Possible alternate name: Ultimatum: The Ultimator Story. The basic idea is this.
- 1 core, and 2 or 3 secondary targets.
- 1 Ultimator modded to fire very large caliber stefans, and provided with a limited ammunition supply.
- Only the ultimator can score a hit to the Core, and the core must reset for 30 seconds before being scored upon again.
- The secondary targets will be spaced about 8 feet away from the core on oposite sides (a triangle formation if we use 3) with 10' radius circles spray painted on the grass around each secondary target.
- If a secondary target is struck, all nerfers, defending or attacking, within that circle take a hit.
- Defending team has infinite lives, but must respawn at a location away from the area of defense.
- Attacking team is 4:15 or 4:20
Posted 24 March 2010 - 11:34 AM
As for TPB, the Midwest rules are here. We still need to tweak the rules a bit to make this game more fun and fast paced. We should eliminate melee for the goalkeepers, and replace that with a blaster that shoots under 50'. Barrel tapping would be allowed for the goalkeeper as long as they had their blaster primed and there's a dart in the barrel. Also, the goalkeeper should only have invulnerability when they are inside the triangle of goals. If they venture outside the triangle, then they are fair game, with a five or ten second respawn after returning to the triangle.
Powerball needs 24 balls, 8 of three different colors, and 6 five gallon buckets, like the ones from Home Depot. Not too much equipment, but if someone's willing to bring the equipment, and we get the rules straight, this is definitely a fast paced game that can be hella fun.
At a few wars last year, we had some Effeminate Powerball rounds, so I think it's worth a shot.
EDIT: Also, we need to change the rules about dropping the balls after you're shot. If you're carrying a Powerball, you must drop it where you were shot. If you're carrying one of your team's designated balls, then you must return it to your base. The reason I'd like to change this, is because I noticed some people running as fast as they could to the other side to advance their team's balls, getting shot immediately, and running back to score since their ball is already on the other side. Since, goalkeepers could touch either team's balls, you could theoretically hoard all the other team's balls right next to the opposing goalkeeper. This made it impossible for the other team to score those balls protected by the goalkeeper, especially when the goalkeepers had melee.
It also should be noted that when speaking in context of TPB, it is inevitable to talk about another one's balls.
Edited by Ryan201821, 24 March 2010 - 11:58 AM.
Posted 24 March 2010 - 02:25 PM
Ryan201821, on Mar 24 2010, 12:34 PM, said:
Vacc, I like your DTC variant. I think that will work quite well. Mind if we test it out before Deal? It might make gameplay a little smoother when we actually play it here.
Yes, do my Beta Testing for me!! So long as it is clear that I am accepting all credit for this variant should it be successfull. Should it be an utter disaster, you clearly did it wrong.
Are you gonna go with a Titan? I was considering missiles, but I want something that shoots straight and hold's it's course. For that reason heavily weighted 1.5 - 2" stefans would be awesome. Also, since I don't think I'll allow any shields for this round, I want the missiles not to be painfull so much as capable of knocking the wind out of someone. If you want to stop a missile, sacrifice your body damn-it!
Posted 24 March 2010 - 02:34 PM
Although if you want something that's actually going to fly straight, Titan missile or Ultimator missiles are most likely not going to fly straight at all. Maybe I'll experiment with some huge stefans specifically for this gametype. I don't want to do everything for you though..
Posted 24 March 2010 - 02:38 PM
Ryan201821, on Mar 24 2010, 02:34 PM, said:
Most likely. I'm not sure if anyway around here actually has an Ultimator w/ the original ammunition.
Although if you want something that's actually going to fly straight, Titan missile or Ultimator missiles are most likely not going to fly straight at all. Maybe I'll experiment with some huge stefans specifically for this gametype. I don't want to do everything for you though..
You could try a Titan with some of the superdarts we made out of that 1" foam. Remember, with like four hundred slingshot weights?
I really like the DTC variant.
Getting rid of TPB goalie melee is what I have been endorsing for like six months. I'm glad it was suggested by someone who was not me. The adjusted rules are better.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 24 March 2010 - 03:07 PM
Posted 24 March 2010 - 04:17 PM
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 24 March 2010 - 07:05 PM
Posted 24 March 2010 - 07:26 PM
Posted 24 March 2010 - 07:45 PM
VACC, on Mar 23 2010, 01:20 PM, said:
- No Shit canons
As such, supplies for a tiring and highly mobile day of nerf are very important. Don't wear clunky boots or anything that might slow you down.
There was discussion about this in chat and we were curious: This means the Jobar/Cobra business, right? Any opinion on those Lanard shotguns with auto-rotating four-shot turrets? The ones Zorn and I use are rear-loading and shoot pretty far, but with slug darts it evens out a bit and hopper clips are probably more efficient choices anyways.
Also, I plan to wear my tight jeans as per usual. Nothing you can say will change this!
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 24 March 2010 - 08:54 PM
faddle, on Mar 24 2010, 08:26 PM, said:
I am a mabye.
You are not invited and potentially iliterate.
Ice Nine, on Mar 24 2010, 08:45 PM, said:
This means the Jobar/Cobra business, right? Any opinion on those Lanard shotguns with auto-rotating four-shot turrets? The ones Zorn and I use are rear-loading and shoot pretty far, but with slug darts it evens out a bit and hopper clips are probably more efficient choices anyways.
I was refering the jobar/cobra or any toilet clearing device. The lanard quad shots are fine. Hoppers are ok as of now, but we may add restrictions as I encounter more. I doubt I'll allow bigger than 6 dart hoppers. If ANYthing fires too hard, despite slugs, you'll have to put it down. Plusbows are the norm here, so most things should be fine.
Anyone trying to gain an advantage through rule loopholes will be berated and put into various compromising pro wrestling holds.
Posted 25 March 2010 - 08:59 AM
Bottom line is this: If you don't know if you can make it, don't pm me. For those of you who already have, please don't post here or pm me saying "sorry". It's not neccessary.
Posted 30 March 2010 - 07:34 AM
Hopper clips on these Hamps, however, will fall under the same restrictions as every other gun.
You may also have noticed (though not likely) that I removed Doomsayers from the restricted list. This may seem like a coincidence given TED's previous comment....it's not. TED is a big FA fanboy, and i just couldn't bring myself to stop him from paying homage.
Also, I'm simply not that concerned about them, given the nerfers we're inviting, and I'd rather not restrict anything out right if excessive range is not the issue. That said, if someone shows up with one his intentions to be gay will be obvious and Talio may bed him vigerously.
Again, I reserve the right to tell anyone to put any blaster down without discussion or debate.
Posted 30 March 2010 - 08:37 PM
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