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Longstrike Cs-6 Revealed

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#26 soccerbeast003



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:03 PM

Yea, I figured.
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#27 cheesypiza001



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:47 PM

The patent number (the one just on the LK) led to the patent for the Scout.
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#28 xtremejumpy



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 07:28 PM

Not to beat a dead horse on the internals issue, but the back of the gun looks a bit large. You know, where the tube of the reverse plunger. I could see that even though we can't add springs, kinda, we still could get more air capacity out of this.
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#29 flamingeyes245



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 08:15 PM

The other patent number leads to what I believe to be an SM1500, although I've never seen one, so I'm not sure.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

What's up with nerf and improper patents?
Are they just reusing old numbers to save money? Is that even possible?
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#30 louiec3



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 08:55 PM

The patents aren't for the guns per say but rather specific parts.

The sm500 link is for the air restrictor.
The scout one is for the inverse plunger.

So there is a 99% chance this thing is a large reshelled recon.
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#31 death by cheez

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 09:01 PM

One of my friends would like a video if possible, because he won't believe it's capabilities until proven with a video.
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#32 father time

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 09:14 PM

I believe that the second patent is on the air restricters. And the first one is on a reverse plunger type "launcher " to use the terminology within the patent itself. So as bad as I wanted it to be like the LS if I'm reading those pats right it's a recon, hope I'm wrong.

Damn it Louie you beat me to it, and said it more concise too.lol

Edited by father time, 05 January 2010 - 09:16 PM.

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#33 Echnalaid



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 10:00 PM

With the LS Scope it looks like a Mosin Nagant.
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#34 LotusNerf



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 10:30 PM

Kevinericon also mentioned that "the pull is the same as a Recon, not as strong as a Longshot."

This blaster is shown to fire up to the same distance as the regular Longshot. In the picture, it really looked to be as if the Longstrike had rather large inverse plunger. This could mean that possibly the inverse plunger delivers a greater air capacity that the Longshot, in order to make up for the spring strength loss, (for smaller kids to use).

But what am I thinking? The spring strength is probably wouldn't affect the range too much of a difference. So just to throw ideas out for you guys.

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#35 kevinericon



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 11:36 PM


Edited by kevinericon, 18 March 2011 - 10:18 AM.

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#36 Blacksunshine



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Posted 06 January 2010 - 12:44 AM

Mr BadWrench, on Jan 5 2010, 09:26 AM, said:

As much as I want to see the internals I do not want to pester someone who does not want to disassemble his extremely new and currently very rare blaster.

but you need to take more pics if you wanna help us out... If you prime the blaster and angle your camera so it can see diagonally into the slot for the priming lever it should give us a hint of the insides... take a pic primed and unprimed from several angles.... probably would not hurt to take a pic or two from the bottom without the magazine in the way also.


He needs one of those little cameras they shove up yer ass when you go to the hospital for some fucked up shit.

(I umm... seen it on TV...)
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#37 Vinnie D

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 06:53 AM

I'm thinking it looks like a wider inverted plunger. Inverted isn't so bad, if it displaces enough air. You could probably use a length of PVC added to the back to add a nice big spring behind the tube. Lots of air displaced at high velocity could lead to some good ranges. Not as good as the longshot.

The thing about inverted plungers is they work best when the barrel is set inside the plunger its self. Thus all of the air in the plunger is acting directly on the dart. The eliminator did this well. The problem comes when you put the barrel out in front, so instead the air in the plunger is displaced into the inner plunger, and in turn displaces the air in the inner plunger plus the difference in inner diameter between the inverted plunger and the inner plunger and that acts on the dart.

If that were water instead of air, it would be pretty potent. But air compresses, so that inner plunger instead becomes dead space. Area over which the air can just compress and sit there rather than act on the dart. Of course the air will still try to decompress back to 1 atmosphere and then act on the dart, (the principal behind air powered guns), but at the pressures a springer creates that's not nearly as much force as just violently throwing a plunger full of air at the dart. Spring additions help a little by forcing the air through more quickly, and hopefully pushing the dart forward before the air can compress, and dead space removal can force the air into a tighter space creating more pressure, but at the same time reduces the efficiency of airflow.

Even still, bigger plunger tube means more air displaced, and that in its self is a good thing. I personally like the recon. not its plunger setup, but rather its ability to break down into a pistol. If you treat the recon as a pistol, rather than a light rifle, you understand its strength is being the smallest clip system gun, making it an ideal sidearm. That's the very reason I didn't pick up the Raider. No ability to break down into a pistol configuration.

The Longstrike compared to those might be either a heavy pistol. Stronger than the recon, but still in pistol territory, or it could be a light rifle. Note, while it's as long as the longshot it does look lighter, and it's definitely less bulky. For top ranges it won't beat out the longshot, but it might have its own place an intermediary between the pure range, longshot, and the lighter, recon.
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#38 durka durka

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 06:23 PM

I hate to be a pessimist about these new guns, but it seems all hasbro is going to do is repackage the recon as seen with the two new guns. This is probably because the design is successful for their purposes. Why not buy an actual longshot instead of a recon that looks like a longshot. These new guns don't do much more that what the recon already does and it is simply a waste of time to wait for these guns to come out.
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#39 Ner Commando

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 07:53 PM

I'm pretty sure this is inverted plunger. Just look near the back of the blaster you will see a cylindrical part of the shell. Proof? I think so.
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#40 2iko



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Posted 08 January 2010 - 01:05 PM

Okay, okay, we all know we want regular plungers inside our new guns. Some people don't care much as long as they can get 40ft. (non-war)

But me, I'm interested in the guns because I know if I don't like the internals I'll just buy internals I like and put them inside. It's more fun this way too! I'd rather not just buy a new gun and open it two times in a day and it's going to shoot 100+ ft. and I never need to touch it again except reinforcement... This is why I haven't really modded my LS much yet, although my Recon has been redone at least 2 times and I still have 3 more ideas for it, but the LS? I might have 1 thing I want to do when I get the supplies to reinforce it...

I dunno, I guess I'd be disappointed that it's not a LS in a better shell, though I would like to make it one.
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#41 toa1995



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Posted 08 January 2010 - 03:52 PM

i dont really care if it is a reshelled recon i still am going to get it as soon as i can it looks amazing and i hope the stock is removable
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#42 Captain



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Posted 09 January 2010 - 12:43 PM

It's not terribly informative, but I found this video from a kid who has the Longstrike.

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#43 Gun Dog

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 01:43 PM

It's sounds a bit more powerful than most of the other guns in the n-stike arsenal. Does you know if it's modded or not?

Edited by Gun Dog, 09 January 2010 - 01:43 PM.

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 02:28 PM

Hmmm, It has a digital camo, just like the raider. CoD has left its mark on hasbro :P.
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#45 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 10:23 PM

I just opened up mine.
Sorry to tell you guys. It is a reverse plunger.
Lots of room to work with if you wanted to gut everything and fill the shell with awesome.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 09 January 2010 - 10:37 PM.

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#46 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 10:35 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Jan 9 2010, 10:23 PM, said:

I just opened up mine.
Sorry to tell you guys. It is a reverse plunger.
Lots of room to work with if you wanted to gut everything and fill the shell with awesome.

Pics or GTFO


Edit: thanks.... WOW that thing sucks balls.... that is just screwed up..

Edited by Mr BadWrench, 09 January 2010 - 10:41 PM.

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#47 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 10:57 PM

I noticed that too. Parts of it were black.
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Posted 09 January 2010 - 11:36 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Jan 9 2010, 10:23 PM, said:

I just opened up mine.
Sorry to tell you guys. It is a reverse plunger.
Lots of room to work with if you wanted to gut everything and fill the shell with awesome.

*Hurtful Imges*

I think I just died a little on the inside.
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I remember when some girl in my English 101 class in college tried to cite The Onion as a source for her paper. The teacher lol'd.
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Posted 09 January 2010 - 11:52 PM

Just Some Bob, on Jan 9 2010, 11:43 PM, said:

JATDO, on Jan 9 2010, 08:36 PM, said:

I think I just died a little on the inside.

You set yourself up for that then. Nobody else to blame. Plenty of us had been telling you right from the start that it was going to be another Recon.

I didn't say it was anyone else's fault, I am just a tad disappointed. I gave Hasbro the benefit of the doubt, but I guess I shouldn't have.
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I remember when some girl in my English 101 class in college tried to cite The Onion as a source for her paper. The teacher lol'd.
The only time I got hit was when my spotter got hit and the enemy team realized there was a marksman in the bushes

#50 Blacksunshine



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Posted 10 January 2010 - 01:38 AM

Is it just me or does that spring look a little beefer then the recon/raider?
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

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