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My Bbbb Integrated Mav

Sooo far...

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#1 OnyxZenith



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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:45 AM

Okay so I'm in the process of making the Maverick the most Trustworthy Sceondary

NO this isn't your average BBBB with a Mav attached

This is a Maverick with a 4B tank

Here is my progress so far, I've been working on it for 3 days now and I was reading this thread and this member added a 3k into a mav, and used a pulley system with the trigger, eventually the posts would break off so I'm looking for a trigger design for my mav. I have a few but I don't have any BONDO or epoxy putty.

And I was here to ask if PLUMBERS PUTTY can work as a substitute

Here are my leads so far :P
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The Extended tanks will be hooked up to the Recon Stock I added into the Mav (You just gotta have stock.)
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I found that the Back part of the 4B tank is just an extension so I cut the front off (and because the tank broke on be I salvaged the front end) and I'm planning to attach 2 tanks extensions to the tank, one on each side of the 4B tank, and with both extensions they will be connected with Vinyl tubing, ALONG with a ball valve, to allow a somewhat semi auto ability (hopefully 3 for each tanks = 6 shots with a maybe 2k range because the back part of the 4B tank is gone)

The handle is still a natural feel when you grip it even with the stock in the way.
The again we all have different Tastes
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AND yes the Shell has to be cut a bit more flush for the Tank to hold it
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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#2 bigred1rifleman



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Posted 30 December 2009 - 11:55 PM

Where's the rest of the air tank? I've found that the front part only gets about 15 feet max.
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#3 OnyxZenith



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 12:00 AM

Where's the rest of the air tank? I've found that the front part only gets about 15 feet max.

LAWLZ0rz! fer srsly? Haha, Just kidding...

I said that the back of the tank will be replaced with Varieties of PVC which I'm tinkering with. (One that fits between the bars of the Recon Stock. and then 2 other smaller tanks on each side) I'll try to post pics that would simulate my design.

In short, I will ad an extension to each opening on the tank Pics will be up in about 2 hours... Kinda busy doing chores and taking down Christmas Decors at the moment >n>..
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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#4 bigred1rifleman



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 12:17 AM

Where's the rest of the air tank? I've found that the front part only gets about 15 feet max.

LAWLZ0rz! fer srsly? Haha, Just kidding...

I said that the back of the tank will be replaced with Varieties of PVC which I'm tinkering with. (One that fits between the bars of the Recon Stock. and then 2 other smaller tanks on each side) I'll try to post pics that would simulate my design.

In short, I will ad an extension to each opening on the tank Pics will be up in about 2 hours... Kinda busy doing chores and taking down Christmas Decors at the moment >n>..

Oh, sorry about that, I managed to miss that middle section :blush: . Looks like it will be a great blaster once it's finished.
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#5 Fome



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 12:39 AM

I love where this is going.
I really like the upside-down recon stock. In fact I'm strongly considering doing that to my mav-titan in the next day or two.

Could I maybe get an internal closeup shot of that particular area?

#6 jubjub517



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 12:54 AM

Hmm... Interesting little project.

I'd suggest removeing the auto rotation mech, and concentrate on the "tank to turret" seal.

Interested to see how this will end.
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#7 OnyxZenith



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:26 AM

Thanks you guys, and I'm really nearing to finishing this, I just need a trip to the damn hardware store.

And Fome: Thanks for agreeing on the stock... I think it looks hella sexy! plus it allows you to look ontop on the mav to aim, without having the stock bars all up in yo face!

I got the inspiration from RE4 (Resident Evil 4) with the pistols Black hawk I think, and the Devilish 'Red 9' Stock pistol :blush:
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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#8 xbox180



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 04:38 PM

Props, if you were to attach a tank of somthing of that you might be able to have one kick bass gun..
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#9 OnyxZenith



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 04:41 PM

Props, if you were to attach a tank of somthing of that you might be able to have one kick bass gun..

All ready ahead of you ;P haha! I'm Using every single piece of the salvaged maverick... Not one part is going to waste. (Other than the scrap plastic.) So prepare for some hardcore pics later today. I'm off to Main Event with my Pops, and then I'll hve some time before the New Year's Eve Party to take pics.
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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#10 Zack the Mack

Zack the Mack


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Posted 31 December 2009 - 04:58 PM

Since pulling the trigger rotates the turret by a half-turn, won't air start to flow before the cylinder is properly aligned?
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#11 OnyxZenith



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Posted 31 December 2009 - 10:14 PM

Since pulling the trigger rotates the turret by a half-turn, won't air start to flow before the cylinder is properly aligned?

I Found a way Around that... everything is going great haha, I've marked the hex and the trigger where if turned the turret is in proper place, the remaining pull of the trigger pulls the tank's trigger which isn't a very long pull so you can still have the optimum trigger pull and have 6 shots.
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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#12 OnyxZenith



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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:27 PM

Since pulling the trigger rotates the turret by a half-turn, won't air start to flow before the cylinder is properly aligned?

I Found a way Around that... everything is going great haha, I've marked the hex and the trigger where if turned the turret is in proper place, the remaining pull of the trigger pulls the tank's trigger which isn't a very long pull so you can still have the optimum trigger pull and have 6 shots.

Okay so I'm off to go buy some piping, and some vinyl tubing and vinyl ball valves (if they have any in stock at my lowe's) and finish this beast tonight probably, since I have my homework done haha!
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"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"

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