First and foremost, fuck putting foam in your gun. I fell for it when I first saw it in a write-up too, don't be discouraged. Even when you step up your game and use expanding foam and make it all nice and neat there are almost no benefits.
Step One: Get that foam out of your gun.

Step Two: Acquire some NON HARDENING modeling clay.

Step Three: Put the clay into every non essential nook and cranny of your gun. It is best to smush it down as much as you can with your thumbs in order to ensure no air pockets and that you have a solid rifle.

I find it easiest to work with when you cut the clay into sections and work a single piece into the gun at a time.

This is what my rifle looked like when finished.

I left space at the last two holes so that zip ties could be placed there due to the lack of screws near the top of a modded crossbow.
Step Four: Repeat to other shell.

And there you have it. This mod added over 2 and a half pounds of weight to my crossbow( 2 and 1/2 packages of clay). The gun feels amazing. Just a rock solid feel.
Edited by Renegade, 23 December 2009 - 11:17 PM.