Official Steam/pc Gaming Thread
Posted 05 February 2011 - 03:05 PM
THQ store is having a big sale on Dawn of War 2 and its expansion. One was $7.50 and the other just $5. Make sure you don't get their "extended download service" and just put the product keys into Steam so you don't have to worry about not being able to download it later.
I think they had some other sales as well, but this is the only computer game I've been wanting to play until Diablo 3 comes out.
Now I need to see about getting a nicer graphics card so I can run it on something other then low settings.
Posted 06 February 2011 - 09:54 PM
VindictivePancake~ "i've seen hot 10 year olds" - T2heavy
t2hevey~ "yupp"
(\ /)
(='.'=) <--Me
Posted 07 February 2011 - 01:17 PM
nerfnrg, on Feb 6 2011, 08:54 PM, said:
Probably going to get a gaming mouse soon. I really need some suggestions as I like too many of them. Also, will all those flashy mice with LEDs and crap work on laptops? Don't know whether my USB ports on this laptop are powered or not. Thanks.
I'm pretty sure that all usb ports are powered, shouldn't matter if they are laptop or desktop. I don't know much about specific gaming mice, but I did just buy a new mouse a couple of days ago. I'm all about not spending any money on things, so it's just this cheap thing. It's still a heck of a lot nicer then the last mouse I bought back in 2005.
Speaking of not spending a lot of money, I think I've finally finished building my new computer, I'd be interested to see what people think about it.

Case: Free from a $10 pentium I bought back in 2000
CPU: Phenom II x4 unlocked from an x2 I got for $99
Mobo: MSI 785GTM-E45 Free with the processor, thank you Microcenter!
RAM: 4gigs of DDR2 for $55
GPU: Superclocked Edition GT 240, $40 after I send in this rebate form. Obviously the weak link, but it plays Dawn of War 2 on high settings, and Diablo 3 probably could play off the integrated card, so why spend more?
I had the monitor, PSU, and harddrive from previous computers, and the dvd burner was a gift. I'll probably get a terabyte sized drive sometime this summer, but those have been getting super cheap lately as well.
It may not be the best, but I'm pretty sure it's the best value. I think those Microcenter deals are still going on and good from their online store too.
Posted 07 February 2011 - 03:45 PM
nerfnrg, on Feb 6 2011, 09:54 PM, said:
Probably going to get a gaming mouse soon. I really need some suggestions as I like too many of them. Also, will all those flashy mice with LEDs and crap work on laptops? Don't know whether my USB ports on this laptop are powered or not. Thanks.
USB ports since at least 2001 have been powered, no issue there.
If you need a "gaming" mouse, avoid most wireless mice, There is an inherent amount of lag.
My personal mouse:
Sidewinder X3
It's comfy and takes a beating, plus you can get them cheap
That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.
Posted 07 February 2011 - 07:04 PM
I was thinking either the Logitech MX518 or the Razer Deathadder. Even though they're quite a bit more, they're suited to what I need, however I don't know which one to get as they are both reasonably good mice. Any other suggestions?
VindictivePancake~ "i've seen hot 10 year olds" - T2heavy
t2hevey~ "yupp"
(\ /)
(='.'=) <--Me
Posted 08 February 2011 - 04:58 AM
Display name: Various X
If you want to add me as a friend, search for DemonLordDirge.
Don't worry so much about what other people will allow. Throw your own wars and kick your friends' asses until they all want one.
Posted 08 February 2011 - 12:54 PM
nerfnrg, on Feb 7 2011, 07:04 PM, said:
The only problem I see with the Sidewinder X3 is that the side buttons are quite inconvenient...
I was thinking either the Logitech MX518 or the Razer Deathadder. Even though they're quite a bit more, they're suited to what I need, however I don't know which one to get as they are both reasonably good mice. Any other suggestions?
Well I had added hot glue domes to the side buttons. Makes it easier to hit the buttons, but I still haven't really used them yet.
That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.
Posted 08 February 2011 - 10:47 PM
Posted 08 February 2011 - 11:19 PM
utahnerf, on Feb 8 2011, 09:47 PM, said:
I've played on Steam a few times on my friend's computer, but I'm not sure if my computer is powerful enough. It is a new-ish MacBook Pro, not sure on specs. I think I can run Steam on Bootcamp.
Steam is Mac friendly now too, you'll have to check it for which games have been ported over.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 12:20 AM
Infact, if anyone wants a computer case, and can come to my house to get it, they can have it. I'll take like... $10 for it.
Its a Raidmax Smilidon in green and black. Badass, I know.
Venom: Haven't we all?
Posted 09 February 2011 - 03:37 PM
VelveetaAvenger, on Feb 8 2011, 11:19 PM, said:
utahnerf, on Feb 8 2011, 09:47 PM, said:
I've played on Steam a few times on my friend's computer, but I'm not sure if my computer is powerful enough. It is a new-ish MacBook Pro, not sure on specs. I think I can run Steam on Bootcamp.
Steam is Mac friendly now too, you'll have to check it for which games have been ported over.
Oh, ok. Thankyous.
Posted 16 February 2011 - 04:49 PM
Posted 27 February 2011 - 10:27 PM
One of the 2 will work, I've got L4D2 and Serious Sam HD: TFE
Posted 02 March 2011 - 09:42 PM
Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:12 PM
Finally got a system capable of playing games (G53SX-XT1). I have every valve game (picked up the complete pack half off), the potato sack (killing floor notably), all of the humble bundles since 3, and Serious Sam HD first and second encounters. My account is the same as here (balisticjoe).
Posted 20 December 2011 - 08:58 PM
Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:10 PM
Games: Half-Life 1, Team Fortress Classic, Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike: Source, Left 4 Dead 1.
Edited by Noodleownz, 31 December 2011 - 09:23 PM.
Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:25 AM
Games:All of them, but I only play Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, Left 4 Dead 2
20:07 tiredKitty living in NYC, you could spend a lot of time in Chinatown and only speak the mother tongue
20:07 tiredKitty Not a good idea, btw.
'Daniel Beaver', on 09 Jun 2012 - 5:01 PM, said:
I have identified the problem: "maverick"
Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:17 PM
Games played: TF2 and Killing Floor mostly. Just send me a message on steam telling me you're from NH.
Posted 10 January 2012 - 10:46 PM
Deal affectionado and photo nazi.
"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it" -Albert Einstein
Posted 05 February 2012 - 10:39 PM
Posted 05 April 2012 - 09:43 PM
Games: Team Fortress 2. I've only been playing for a few days though so I kinda suck.
Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:55 PM
Posted 15 May 2012 - 05:23 AM
I Play mainly the Total War franchise: Med1/2, Rome1/2, Empire, Napoleon, Shogun 2
Also now downloading Diabolo 3 - WITCH DOCTOR HERE I COME
Any Blaster mod or homemade that I post I can commission. Send me a PM on NerfHaven or BritNerf or email me by sam@lusher.org.uk
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