Posted 16 January 2010 - 05:09 PM
Hawkshot, one of the founding FL Nerfers.
Posted 16 January 2010 - 08:01 PM
Rogue's HighLights:
+ Good turnout....9 able-bodied Nerfers
+ For the most part, some great sportsmanship
+ Several good trades between members....people getting Guns/material for new projects
+ Medic and VIP rounds were made of Awesome
+ Intense Portable's action
+ Supportive parents showing up....and buying lunch!
+ My Stef drum worked very well......a little too well?
+ My AT10K LS worked VERY well
+ Fixed several guns right there at the staging area...whew!
+ Got some great shots in----also took a few......thanks guys?
+ Meetting Bruce(the shark)----One crazy dude with a NF!
+ HawkShot held his own with Optimus Primary---that gun is beast, and Hawk is becoming a very good Nerfer!
+ Hobo hang'n tuff with his ryan Mc #'s AT3K.....way to go, much improved Hobo!
+ UN320.....getting some solid hits in.....there may be hope for you yet.
+ Pinz reaking havok with a PAS......a fine blaster from the first FL mod party
+ My guest making it through the day, despite being the new guy..lol.
I am not gonna rattle off any Negitives---as they are far less important to me then all the great things that went down at this very fun 2nd CFNF. I was generally pleased with the way everyone conducted themselfs, and can't wait to do this again! Now we just need some of our more northern Nerf buddies to come to the next one.....
Edited by NerfRogue83, 16 January 2010 - 08:09 PM.
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!
Posted 16 January 2010 - 08:40 PM
+LS/AT10k pwns
+Stormfinders pwn, especially the original
+Optimus Primary is for sure my new primary.
-Hobo's younger brother stepping on my NEW 3k contract, and now the shell's cracked... Ryan, expect a PM soon.
+Good turnout....9 able-bodied Nerfers
+For the most part, some great sportsmanship
+Several good trades between members....people getting Guns/material for new projects
+Medic and VIP rounds were made of Awesome
+Intense Portable's action
+Pinz's parents bought Gatorade, cups and subs for us.
~I'm jealous of Rogue's stef drum.
+Okay, I know you guys were scared of Optimus, but now just think what you'll be feeling like when there's a AT10k under it. Dun dun dun!
-Lot's of Rogue's guns broke, including the RogueShot. Thank god it was nothing serious, and the RogueShot lives to see another day. But his Recon/3k thing is now in the hands of UF320...I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
+Optimus shoots laser straight, got some crazy kills, and took some.
+Bruce the shark is great with a NF. He had 7 speedloaders with him.
+Rogue says I'm becoming a very good Nerfer!
+Hobo, also with a Overhauled 3k, holding his own. You just need to focus on your ROF and aiming and I'll be really scared
+The PAS Pinz and I worked on at the Mod Party actually did quite well, for the times it was catching. Imagine if you were the PAS, with 3 springs and you, the trigger, had no reinforcement or springs.
+Rogue's guest was very cool.
+Soggy did pretty well
+Dang, no pizza this war. The subs were great though.
+First time I've ever drank Monster
And many more.
I'll be editing this as I remember things.
Edited by hawkshot, 16 January 2010 - 08:42 PM.
Hawkshot, one of the founding FL Nerfers.
Posted 17 January 2010 - 11:47 AM
Edit: Now with descriptions underneath them.

Meat Shield!

Run Hobo!

"Let's go find out what Rogue is doing."



Edited by Bruce(theshark), 17 January 2010 - 08:15 PM.
Posted 17 January 2010 - 11:55 AM

*squeaky voice* "Ouch."

Rogue see's his prey...

Hobo n Hawk

Wrong way?


Soggy got hit.

After the hunt...

A hard fall.

That's all of them! If you want to view the pictures in much better quality (all of 14 mega pixels) on photobucket, here is the link CFNF2
P.S. Sorry for a couple double picture posts, it's hard to keep track.
Edited by Bruce(theshark), 17 January 2010 - 08:34 PM.
Posted 17 January 2010 - 02:57 PM
Here are 23 of the better 131 pics... if you want a pic of you I may have left out, PM me, I'll see if I have one.
CFNF2 (titles are the words below the pics...):

Uh Oh!

Ultimate Fail camping

The Green Meanie

Edited by Dæthshot, 17 January 2010 - 03:02 PM.
Why are you looking at my sig... Stop looking at my sig! Don't you have better things to do with your time? No, no I guess hou don't...
Posted 17 January 2010 - 02:59 PM

We three pwners... this deserves a clan....

Hawk holds his own...

Shark v Butcher

Butcher steals souls with a Rogue LS


Bruce, the NF wielding Shark

Me versus Rogue... I dodged almost half the stef drum before I was hit...

Ultimate shall die...

The shark lays in wait...


This is before I run...

The love traingle

LS w/ 10k
Why are you looking at my sig... Stop looking at my sig! Don't you have better things to do with your time? No, no I guess hou don't...
Posted 17 January 2010 - 03:01 PM

Uh huh

It's okay guys, everybody makes mistakes

Ummm.... there was a bird under the car...

Butcher & Shark

Why are you looking at my sig... Stop looking at my sig! Don't you have better things to do with your time? No, no I guess hou don't...
Posted 17 January 2010 - 10:36 PM
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!
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