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Mega Missile Decrapification

Pump replacement, coupler and more.

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#26 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 01:12 AM

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Some thoughts on this mod:

Building on ace of nerf's mod, I used a nitefinder shell as a grip, which I find very comfey. This also reinforces the blaster, since the bottom half of the tank is also attached. I used a keyring trigger, which is proving to be unreliable. The MM tank isn't the best for keyring triggers: since the pin spring is weak, the tank will sometimes fail to reset after firing. Using the MM shell and trigger alleviates this problem.

I find this balster very uncomfortable to pump. The pump offers a lot of resistance, and the position of the grip doesn't help. I would agree with rork that there isn't much danger in overpumping it, since I can only get it up to 1.5 pumps at most (and it still undershoots a 4B).

The MM tank is great. It worked well with a hopper clip, and should work good with RSCB clips as well. I would love to see a pump relocation sometime: if the top potion of the tank could be cut off, flipped around, and slung under the blaster, the user of the blaster would have a lot more mechanical advantage, and would not have to move his hands at all.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 03 September 2009 - 03:24 PM.

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#27 Collective



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Posted 03 September 2009 - 11:30 AM

*ahem* Sorry to be that guy, but it was Actually my idea. (You have to scroll down, it's the 8th post.)

On the subject of the trigger, I had the same problem when I had the whole thing in the original Mega Missile shell. I'd removed the little wall of plastic on the trigger that stops it at the back of its stroke so it would pull back farther, and that's when it started fouling up every time. Maybe the nitefinder trigger stroke is too long? My lsfg trigger doesn't travel very far at all and it hasn't not reset properly yet.

Edited by Collective, 03 September 2009 - 11:54 AM.

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#28 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 03:23 PM

Eh, its hard to keep track of who did what. I've seen a lot of ideas created independently, without knowledge of a prior source. The best thing to do is just give credit where credit is due.
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#29 Collective



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Posted 03 September 2009 - 03:53 PM

Yeah it's no big deal, I was mostly joking around. I was really proud of myself for figuring it out, but then I remembered that using the lsfg handle for an air gun is hardly a new idea. I let Ace of Nerf use it at a war last week and he said he was going to make one of his own, which he obviously did. I like how yours uses the nf shell to cover up the trigger pin. I was trying to figure out a way to do that with the shotgun pump from the lsfg I used for the handle, but it would have turned out really ugly.
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