Note: This will not cover the modifications to the guns themselves, just the integration.
N-strike eliminator
Disk shot pistol
Arizona iced tea
Pigs in a blanket
Cut your eliminator like so:
Cut your Disk shot like so:
Test the fit to make sure they will go together now, and make sure the primed eliminator will not interfere with your disk shot. You may need to cut down the disk shot trigger. I can't stress enough how important this is!
Now, we'll be gluing these together.
Start with hot glue to hold it while the other glues dry.
Schlop on some mighty/epoxy putty. If you use mighty putty, Billy Mays's ghost will make your gun shoot 10 feet further.
Toss a ton of very strong glue on it now. Use a ton of it. Like, go join the boy scouts, and get the goddamn merit badge for it.
Actually, I forgot to take a pic of the gooping.
Let it dry. To increase stability while it's drying, Follow This mod's guidelines and enjoy some pigs in a blanket with some nice iced tea. After much testing, I find it increases the stability of the glue by up to 35%.
Finished pic:
Yeah, I don't have disk shot internals yet.
Expect a PJ soon.
Edited by 1337, 11 August 2009 - 12:43 PM.