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Vos Pistol

"Very Over Sized"

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#1 Angry Monk

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 02:35 PM

here is my new VOS pistol. as the description states VOS stands for Very Over Sized because this pistol is a lot larger than i planned it to be.

in designing and building this gun i wanted something small (didn't quite meet this goal) that could complement and supplement a rifle. in order to do this i wanted it to have a removable magazine for higher round capacities and faster reloads. i also wanted to experiment with different bolt/breach designs. because of the magazine i selected a bolt setup similar to the LS, despite its inherent inefficiencies. i did this partially to evaluate this design on a gun and because it simplified the magazine design.

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the plunger setup is basically a hybrid of boltsniper's and captainslug's designs. everything is mounted inside 1" PVC with a half section of 1" acting as a cover to the trigger mechanism. for the trigger mechanism, instead of using a spring to hold a pin in place i just used a bent brass rod glued to wall of the gun housing. i'm just using the elastic properties of the material as a 'spring'. this opens up the material to fatigue and failure, especially because its brass, but the bending distance is small enough where this probably wont happen. the trigger itself simply pulls a small steel cable over a "pulley" to retract the pin.

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because of the size of this gun i was expecting better ranges, but i had to remember that the effective plunger assembly is only 7/8" ID and 3.5" long. anyway, i'm getting about 65ft with this gun level, and a little over 100ft angled. i tested the rate of fire and found that to be about 66 rpm, which i'm happy with. the magazine in the pictures can hold 20 rds, but its too big for this gun in most instances so i plan to make a smaller one soon that will hold about 10 rds.

the gun is basically done. just a couple minor things (have to mount the flash light for some cool factor points) and paint and it will be done.

here is a basic overview/demo of how this gun cycles a round, although its sort of intuitive since its based of the LS.

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comments are welcome.

Edited by Angry_Monk, 30 May 2009 - 02:36 PM.

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#2 Darken



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 02:46 PM

Very nicely done! I don't think it matters too much that it's not a pistol, because that 20 round clip could make it a pretty fine primary due to the size, power, and mag capacity. A quick question though, is the gun hard to prime, and does the metal priming handle bite into your hand after frequent use?

Also, just a little advice, capitalize your beginnings of sentences and your "I"s in you post. Don't mean to be a grammar Nazi or backseat mod, but it helps avoid people who are.

Edited by Darken, 30 May 2009 - 02:47 PM.

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#3 the stefan store

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 02:54 PM

The thing is A beast, but all I want to ask is what is the size comparason look like to say a snap pistol or something like that? Even if it is bigger than you wanted it to be, I think it looks great.
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#4 Nerfilla



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 02:57 PM

That is a fine gun you got there, and 66 rpm... amazing. Great mod.
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#5 Wes7143



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:05 PM

That's terrific! Looks very Boltsniperish! Do you think we could get a pic looking down into the magazine?
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#6 MercenaryXero



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:06 PM

I've always wanted to do a gun with a magazine, yours certainly has a good thing going. My advice would be to build a larger version as a primary - using a +bow spring or other powerful means, you could have one hell of a blaster.
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#7 k9turrent



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:08 PM

that looks amazing...but I have to ask, Ranges? (I think ranges are overrated, but it help to understand the power of a gun)

edit: I can't read....

Edited by k9turrent, 30 May 2009 - 03:11 PM.

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That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#8 Wes7143



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:10 PM

k9turrent, on May 30 2009, 04:08 PM, said:

that looks amazing...but I have to ask, Ranges? (I think ranges are overrated, but it help to understand the power of a gun)

65' flat and 100' angled. It's somewhere on that page.
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#9 durka durka

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 04:16 PM

That is one nice pistol. With the rpm and range taken into consideration, this could make a decent primary, or an excellent sidearm, if you came up with an easy way to holster the pistol.

Edited by durka durka, 30 May 2009 - 04:16 PM.

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#10 Galaxy613



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 04:42 PM

Did Boltsniper get a new account? :D Awesome job! I hope you continue contributing to the community.
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#11 Angry Monk

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 05:08 PM

Darken, on May 30 2009, 11:46 AM, said:

A quick question though, is the gun hard to prime, and does the metal priming handle bite into your hand after frequent use?

Also, just a little advice, capitalize your beginnings of sentences and your "I"s in you post. Don't mean to be a grammar Nazi or backseat mod, but it helps avoid people who are.

It actually is harder to prime than most guns. Definitely more so than my FAR. But after your get used to it its not that bad. I don't mind it at all. It makes it feel like the 50 cal equivalent of nerf pistols. And the handel is not a problem. I selected one large enough where it won't hurt your fingers, and I only prime it with 2 fingers.

Sorry about the lack of caps, I usually take a casual approach to posting. But if there are grammar Nazis about then its best not provoke them. Thanks for the heads up.

the stefan store, on May 30 2009, 11:54 AM, said:

The thing is A beast, but all I want to ask is what is the size comparason look like to say a snap pistol or something like that?

I hope this helps you gauge the size. Since I don't have a snap pistol I took a shot of the VOS with my LS. For actual dimensions, its 18" long and 5.5" high.

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Wes7143, on May 30 2009, 12:05 PM, said:

That's terrific! Looks very Boltsniperish! Do you think we could get a pic looking down into the magazine?

Its a hard view to get a good picture of, and the most you would see is a hole where the darts go, but I took these:

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MercenaryXero, on May 30 2009, 12:06 PM, said:

My advice would be to build a larger version as a primary - using a +bow spring or other powerful means, you could have one hell of a blaster.

That is my next step. I wanted to experiment with building guns again since its been 2 years since I made my last one. Now I'm better set to make my rifle. I'll probably end up making one with a spring/plunger assembly but I am also thinking that I would like to try pneumatics. Best thing to do is both! If I do a spring setup it will be powerful and have a nice big magazine, probably a high capacity drum mag.
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#12 bobbybilly60



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 07:42 PM

This is very, very nice. Nerfhaven needs more of these type of homemades in my opinion. Great job.
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#13 Hi Yah

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 07:45 PM

It's nice to see a homemade that isn't a simple springer or air cannon. This lools very similar to Boltsniper's FAR.
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#14 lastmanstanding



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Posted 30 May 2009 - 08:33 PM

So in this gun does the plunger tube move? Also is that PETG tube the plunger tube? If it is how big is it? Very nice!
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#15 Angry Monk

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 09:33 PM

lastmanstanding, on May 30 2009, 05:33 PM, said:

So in this gun does the plunger tube move? Also is that PETG tube the plunger tube? If it is how big is it? Very nice!

Yes, it moves back to prime the plunger and also to allow one dart to move into position for entry into the barrel. Then it moves forward to create the air gap for the plunger and to ram the dart into the barrel. The material is clear polycarbonate, 7/8" ID, 1" OD, 4" long.
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#16 stuck by stefan

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 12:02 AM

The barrel looks a bit short, I think it shout have something more like 5 inch.
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#17 Doom


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Posted 31 May 2009 - 01:12 PM

Very nice. I'm looking forward to whatever else you make.

I'm considering stealing/adapting your dart advancement* system for a Nerf gun of my own. How reliable is it? I've made semi-reliable systems before and I think I can improve their reliability, but starting with an already reliable system is a lot easier. I assume it must be reasonably reliable if you can get 66 rpm.

*This said magazine here earlier but I'm not too interested in that part. I'm interested in the advancement mechanism.

Edited by Doom, 31 May 2009 - 07:24 PM.

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#18 lastmanstanding



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Posted 31 May 2009 - 04:48 PM

This looks like a good way to make a clipped weapon out of PVC. I might give this a go! Also I love you mag. How did you make that?
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#19 Angry Monk

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 07:00 PM

stuck by stefan, on May 30 2009, 09:02 PM, said:

The barrel looks a bit short, I think it shout have something more like 5 inch.

The barrel is 4" long already but I have thought of testing a longer one to see how it affects range. I think that another inch or so would actually help... Its more of just a gut feeling. So the fact that you mentioned it only goes towards confirming my thoughts.

Doom, on May 31 2009, 10:12 AM, said:

I'm considering stealing/adapting your magazine system for a Nerf gun of my own. How reliable is it? I've made semi-reliable systems before and I think I can improve their reliability, but starting with an already reliable system is a lot easier. I assume it must be reasonably reliable if you can get 66 rpm.

The mag works very well, I have had no problems with. Its a very simple design, its basically a box with a spring in it. The spring is a nice constant force spring from master carr ( 9293K42 ) which is basically the key to the design. This is mounted on a little base that slides up and down the mag, I posted a picture of this in my last post. And as long as the bolt clears the dart restraint piece and not catch on the lower dart everything should work well.

lastmanstanding, on May 31 2009, 01:48 PM, said:

This looks like a good way to make a clipped weapon out of PVC. I might give this a go! Also I love you mag. How did you make that?

Its just a wooden box, real simple. It the best way I could think of. The mag itself is also held in by a wooden receiver and secured by a pin. The rest I covered above.
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#20 boisie



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Posted 31 May 2009 - 08:29 PM

Increase barrel length definitely.I would love to see one of these with a barrel somewhere around seven inches.

And I'd also love to see a primary edition with a +bow spring and a larger plunger. This is just about my favorite PVC homemade ever.
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#21 AssassinNF



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Posted 01 June 2009 - 12:54 AM

Angry_Monk, on May 30 2009, 05:08 PM, said:

That is my next step. I wanted to experiment with building guns again since its been 2 years since I made my last one. Now I'm better set to make my rifle. I'll probably end up making one with a spring/plunger assembly but I am also thinking that I would like to try pneumatics. Best thing to do is both! If I do a spring setup it will be powerful and have a nice big magazine, probably a high capacity drum mag.

If you want an interesting project that would be extremely practical, try making your own version of Boltsniper's pump action SCAR-N. Pump action weapons seem to have a ROF advantage due to the ergonomics of them. The best way you could improve upon his design would be making it shell-less, possibly even using LongShot clips. It would be compatible with the upcoming Raider's 35-round Drum that way.

An accurate, pump action springer with a high capacity drum and decent range would be absolute murder at a nerf war.
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#22 Basilisk



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Posted 01 June 2009 - 06:35 AM

That is one of the most sophisticated and well built homemades I have ever seen. I like the way you desgned the advancement system, though the tube the darts feed into looks like the edges got shredded (you did that on purpose right?). One thing, this is definitely not a sidearm, its more like a very compact primary, comsidering the clip's capacity. Good job and props.
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#23 Galaxy613



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Posted 01 June 2009 - 08:02 AM

AssassinNF, on Jun 1 2009, 01:54 AM, said:

... possibly even using LongShot clips. It would be compatible with the upcoming Raider's 35-round Drum that way.

We don't know how well that drum works or if it will even fit stefans. Longshot magazines already are oversized for stefan uses.
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#24 Angry Monk

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 12:24 PM

Its cool to see that the general "kick ass" opinion I have about this gun is shared by everyone here. I'll try not to disappoint with my next gun.

AssassinNF, on May 31 2009, 09:54 PM, said:

If you want an interesting project that would be extremely practical, try making your own version of Boltsniper's pump action SCAR-N. Pump action weapons seem to have a ROF advantage due to the ergonomics of them. The best way you could improve upon his design would be making it shell-less, possibly even using LongShot clips. It would be compatible with the upcoming Raider's 35-round Drum that way.

An accurate, pump action springer with a high capacity drum and decent range would be absolute murder at a nerf war.

That is actually the general design I am going for. Pump action is definitely the way to go, no question. I already have a good amount of the design on paper. So far I know that it will use the same plunger system as the +bow because everything fits in 1-1/2" PVC really well. The spring will probably be something equivalent to the +bow but longer. I am looking for a 10-12" draw. Barrel will probably be something like 18-20". It will be a beast... I'm looking to use a tandem breach because it would improve air seals, increase the air flow rate, and take less force to operate. Now I need to figure out a compatible magazine system... I don't want to use the LS or raider mags because they are just too big for stefans, and I want to try my hand at making my own drum mags.

Anyway, its on the drawing board. Just need to put the final touches on this pistol before I start work on it.

Basilisk, on Jun 1 2009, 03:35 AM, said:

That is one of the most sophisticated and well built homemades I have ever seen. I like the way you desgned the advancement system, though the tube the darts feed into looks like the edges got shredded (you did that on purpose right?). One thing, this is definitely not a sidearm, its more like a very compact primary, comsidering the clip's capacity. Good job and props.

Thanks, and yes, I cut and bent the edges to make it easier for the dart to "find" the barrel. It also allows the o-ring seal to enter the barrel and compress to form a good seal as opposed to just getting stuck or pushed off the bolt.
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#25 Angry Monk

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 03:34 PM

I built a new barrel last night. This one is about 5" long as opposed to old one which was 3.5". There is a 1" section of brass in the barrel that is a good friction fit on the dart to hold it for a sec while the pressure builds, then the rest of the barrel is a better fit to the dart providing a good seal with minimal friction.

I definitely see a noticeable range increase as well as a slight accuracy increase so I'm happy with the change. Now the gun has a "pistol w/ silencer" look to it. I like it.

I'll try to get some new ranges at some point and post them.

Btw, I think this is worth mentioning: If I put my finger over the end of the barrel and dry fire the gun, the plunger stops about an 1-1.5" from the end of the plunger tube because the air it compressed cannot escape the gun. Then it ever so slowly moves until all the air leaks out. Now that's a good air seal.

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