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An Open Letter To New Posters And Anyone On The Waiting List!

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#1 wisdom000



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 07:52 PM

I am relatvely new here myself, been posting for just under a month. I am not trying to backseat mod, or stick my nose in anyones business. I realize many of you newer posters may be young, or may be from a non-english speaking country. Some of you may in fact be truly mentally handicapped. I don't know, I am not here to pass judgement.

I am here to offer a wee bit of advice.

If you are stuck waiting for the mods to approve your account, use the time to look around, take notice of behavior that is getting people banned left and right. You may notice that in warnings, posters are told quite emphatically to read the Code Of Conduct. the link to the COC is right here and if you hadn't noticed you can reach it from anywhere on the board by the link right underneath the site logo at the top of the page.

I don't know about any of you, but I had to wait months to get in here. And in that time I did my best to familiarize myself with the rules, regulations, and customs of this forum. It postively amazes me, that even after all the waiting for approval, people still come here and just piss all over the COC. Age is not an excuse,, not speaking english is not an excuse, and mental handicap is not an excuse.

I am not saying this because I care about you new people in any way. In fact, you bastards are competition when someone is selling something groovy. What I do care about is that you piss off the mods and owners, people who I am sure are generally awesome guys. Instead of getting to participate in the fun and discussions, they have to spend all their time babysitting. This, makes them grumpy, and prone to an itchy ban-hammer trigger finger.

And the bitch of it is, it could all be avoided if you newer members, and those of you waiting for approval, would take 30 seconds of your time to read the damn COC, and pay attention to the way other people communicate here.

I came here after hearing about the iron fisted moderation that occurs here, slightly afraid. But in my brief time here I have come to respect the mods of this place, if I had to deal with half the redundant and ignorant nonsense they do, I would have just closed the place to new members altogether. So be grateful, show them your support.

One last thing. If you get a warning, consider yourself lucky. DO NOT argue with the mods, don't get in their face about it. Pay attention to what they are saying, and follow their directions.

I would personally like to see people like Talio and Slug in a good mood for a change, not burdened by the inanity of people who can't be bothered to follow the very simple rules laid out for them. This is their forum, and by god they should have fun here too.

Edited by wisdom000, 22 May 2009 - 10:05 PM.

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#2 StealthMan



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 07:56 PM

I think you're being a little harsh on the "doesn't matter if you're retarded" part, but otherwise, I really think we needed something like this, great job.
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<!--quoteo(post=212906:date=Feb 16 2009, 06:30 PM:name=TantumBull)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TantumBull @ Feb 16 2009, 06:30 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I'm not ashamed to admit that I have tried to eat my stefans. They just looked so yummy.

NERF<b>STRONG</b> #108

#3 Shrub



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 09:06 PM

Actually it doesn't becuase if you can sign up for this site then you CAN post coherently or correctly.
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Sorry to hear that man, it's like that one famous bumper sticker, "Shit Happens"
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#4 nerfkid3



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 09:29 PM

First you your self are still really new to the haven but if all the new members were like you we wouldn't say and I Quote"God damn the new members". I my self thank you for proving that you can be a new member and can still contribute the the NIC. I also, for the 6 months that I waited approval from the mods took note and admired the politeness and manners that I have and are being raised with. Thank you and for the new members reading this the Mods give their time, money, and effort to keep this site up, therefore the do not deserve the Bull**** you give them and to be honest if you disrespected me in person like you do them I would LAY YOU OUT kinda the way the ban you so when you wine about being suspended or banned your crying about getting your virtual a** kicked

Thank you to Talio, Omc,Vacc,Slug, Groove,Black Sun Shine, and all others for what you do for all US complete strangers.

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#5 diamondbacknf1626



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 09:39 PM

First of all, thank you, wisdom. I think there needed to be a kick in the ass around here. Honestly though, it's ashame, because after all the work you put into that little speech of yours, I can almost guarenty nothing will change. There will still be bans, new members pissing off the admins, and the admins doing their best to put up with it. I mean, that'd be awesome if it did change, but I honestly doubt it entirely.

Second, nerfkid, while sunshine's a great member and all, he's not an admin.

Also, I hope this topic isn't deleted, even if it is closed. This message must be heard. Again though, it's ashame that people don't know this before they get validated, because they should. The Code of Conduct is easy to access, and I think through all the admins' posts banning people, closing topics, etc., people should kind of get the hint without needing this...but if this helps, I am by all means for it.

Edited by diamondbacknf1626, 22 May 2009 - 09:41 PM.

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QUOTE(TxNerfer @ Nov 13 2010, 12:42 PM) View Post

Hey...I got a crazy idea: how about you stop all that sigging stuff? It's not even my thread and it annoys me.

#6 SchizophrenicMC



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 09:55 PM

Now, if only the grammar and spelling in that post were proper, then we would have a good bit of advice.

Again, your and you're.

But this is totally correct. If you're waiting 3 months to get validated, fucking read the CoC. Look at how people post. Compare that to how people get banned. Learn, dammit. I know you can SPEAK English, so go ahead and TYPE English.
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QUOTE(NerfUK @ May 8 2009, 11:54 AM) View Post

(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)

QUOTE(analogkid @ May 20 2009, 10:04 PM) View Post

Every size rod you could ever want.

#7 wisdom000



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:09 PM

SchizophrenicMC, on May 22 2009, 09:55 PM, said:

Now, if only the grammar and spelling in that post were proper, then we would have a good bit of advice.

Again, your and you're.

I mispelled "relatively", but nowhere in my post did I confuse "your" for "you're."
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#8 PointBlank



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:13 PM

I agree entirely with you on this one, and I am glad that someone finally said it. I've actually been poking around the other nerf forums, people there rant about how all the mods here are too strict. To the contrary, I think the mods here are actually very patient. I truly appreciate all that the mods do here, I highly doubt that I would have the patience to do their job.
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You can agree with me.... or you can be wrong.

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#9 k9turrent



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:21 PM

Ok one, this should be pinned and/or be a pop when a new member joins... Two, for those waiting to be validated, keep coming to the site and get reading, the more you are active, the more hope the mods have for you. Three, use english, use some puncuation. but you don't need to have perfect grammar, but it needs to be proper.
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#10 WDoE



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:35 PM

I wholeheartedly agree.

I know am I very new, but I have spent the last 2-3 months constantly checking new posts, as well as plundering the archives, like any new user should be doing with the validation period. I don't see how old information is any less relevant, and searching is certainly quicker than waiting for a response to a specific question. I simply do not understand what is going through many of the new users' heads as they make their first few posts. It takes a month or two to even get validated. What are they doing in that time? Someone could read one topic a week and still learn what NOT to do before even being able to post.

Reading back, it is almost painful to see how the admins have changed due to the increasing influx of horrid posts. Lately, I don't even see Talio or Slug's posts besides the warnings or bans. I truly feel sorry for those that have to deal with those sort of users. I even feel guilty for being remotely associated just because of my post count.

* For any new user that might happen to read this post: *

Searching is quicker than making a thread.

When you buy a new blaster, or find a gem at Goodwill, just take a second to look up whatever you might need to know before you even have questions. The modification directory is a great start to finding out your modification options, and possible problems you might encounter. Read every writeup and integration listed that is related to your new blaster, it really doesn't take that long. Then, realize that if you have a problem with said blaster, it is probably a problem someone else has had as well. Search for the name or abbreviation of the blaster and have a whack at the list of topics. Generally, you will find the answer faster than someone could post it. Recently, I found a Hornet AS-6, and skimmed through all 18 pages of the "Hornet" search. You know what? It was fun. Archives are an amazing thing. For such intimidating internals, I had no problem removing some dead pneumatic volume, plugging the pump, and preparing to re-barrel. For the small time spent researching, I probably saved hours of frustration, a very large dent in the wall shaped like a Hornet, and hours spent picking up plastic bits off the floor.

If you're unwilling to spend a few minutes searching for a previously discussed question, and just want to wait longer for the answer to be handed to you, then Nerf modification is probably not the hobby for you. It is definitely a battle of patience and perseverance.

And for god's sake, if you're not able to write coherently, power tools and glue are probably the last thing you should be using.
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#11 TantumBull



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:39 PM


Edited by TantumBull, 22 May 2009 - 10:43 PM.

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#12 Echnalaid



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 10:40 PM

Damn, this is good. But we need something telling the extreme goobers to lay off. Again, I know one, and have Scrubs fantasy moments. (Anyone get the reference?) Something to let em know that posting "Will this work" and "What if" threads never get anywhere. If those are annoying once in a while, when you have to go to school with someone who does just that, it's like NerfHaven hell. By the by, a little word of guidance to newer members, to NOT be a goober, don't link nerf and school work together. It just doesn't work out. Don't be obsessed with Nerf to the point it is life.

(If that listed off topic at some point during my post, I'm venting out some anger in a friendly message to others)
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#13 SchizophrenicMC



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 11:29 PM

wisdom000, on May 22 2009, 07:52 PM, said:

I am relatvely new here myself, been posting for just under a month. I am not trying to backseat mod, or stick my nose in anyone's business. I realize many of you newer posters may be young, or may be from a non-English-speaking country. Some of you may in fact be truly mentally handicapped. I don't know, I am not here to pass judgement.

I am here to offer a wee bit of advice.

If you are stuck waiting for the mods to approve your account, use the time to look around, take notice of behavior that is getting people banned left and right. You may notice that in warnings, posters are told quite emphatically to read the Code Of Conduct. the link to the COC is right here and if you hadn't noticed you can reach it from anywhere on the board by the link right underneath the site logo at the top of the page.

I don't know about any of you, but I had to wait months to get in here. And in that time I did my best to familiarize myself with the rules, regulations, and customs of this forum. It postively amazes me, that even after all the waiting for approval, people still come here and just piss all over the COC. Age is not an excuse,, not speaking english is not an excuse, and mental handicap is not an excuse.

I am not saying this because I care about you new people in any way. In fact, you bastards are competition when someone is selling something groovy. What I do care about is that you piss off the mods and owners, people who I am sure are generally awesome guys. Instead of getting to participate in the fun and discussions, they have to spend all their time babysitting. This, makes them grumpy, and prone to an itchy ban-hammer trigger finger.

And the bitch of it is, it could all be avoided if you newer members, and those of you waiting for approval, would take 30 seconds of your time to read the damn COC, and pay attention to the way other people communicate here.

I came here after hearing about the iron fisted moderation that occurs here, slightly afraid. But in my brief time here I have come to respect the mods of this place, if I had to deal with half the redundant and ignorant nonsense they do, I would have just closed the place to new members altogether. So be grateful, show them your support.

One last thing. If you get a warning, consider yourself lucky. DO NOT argue with the mods, don't get in their face about it. Pay attention to what they are saying, and follow their directions.

I would personally like to see people like Talio and Slug in a good mood for a change, not burdened by the inanity of people who can't be bothered to follow the very simple rules laid out for them. This is their forum, and by god they should have fun here too.

wisdom000, on May 22 2009, 10:09 PM, said:

SchizophrenicMC, on May 22 2009, 09:55 PM, said:

Now, if only the grammar and spelling in that post were proper, then we would have a good bit of advice.

Again, your and you're.

I mispelled "relatively", but nowhere in my post did I confuse "your" for "you're."

Right. Sorry, I was thinking of Ice when I posted that. However, you got all the red stuff wrong.

I'm also very tired and likely missed a few "English"

Edited by SchizophrenicMC, 22 May 2009 - 11:29 PM.

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QUOTE(NerfUK @ May 8 2009, 11:54 AM) View Post

(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)

QUOTE(analogkid @ May 20 2009, 10:04 PM) View Post

Every size rod you could ever want.

#14 zaphodB



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 11:39 PM

And this has officially gotten off track. You want to know how to survive in the haven?

Act like an adult.

That's it. There's no secret. There's no formula. Just don't be an ass. That includes nit-picking grammar. Who gives a shit if an appostrophes missing. Was it difficult to read? No? Then shut the fuck up. This is not a high school english class, and even if it WAS, that shit would STILL be inappropriate.

That being said, if your post is illegibly misspelled and mispunctuated, then shame on you. This is the internet, and it is serious business.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#15 TED


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Posted 22 May 2009 - 11:41 PM

This whole thread is retarded and useless. You're targeting the wrong audience no new member is going to take the time to read your wall of text. If they don't take the time to read the Code of Conduct they certainly will not read this. You even said it in your post "it could all be avoided if you newer members, and those of you waiting for approval, would take 30 seconds of your time to read the damn COC". So basically you just made a thread that no one will benefit from.
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#16 nerfnut23



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Posted 22 May 2009 - 11:59 PM


Again, I know one, and have Scrubs fantasy moments. (Anyone get the reference?)

I did, and so do I.

On topic, WDoe, truer words are rarely spoken in the land of mortals.

zaphodB, true, but you kinda shattered the "don't be a dick" rule and pissed on the remains in the process.

Dark Shrimp, Vacc couldn't have put it better. Does he want to prove me wrong? Let's see.

Schitzo, true, diamondback was talking to you, I think.
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#17 Foamfoot



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 12:35 PM

Seeing as the problem lies mainly in bad topics, what if we only give the ability to post topics to people who have been here for six months or so?
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(Unofficial) Wii thread
QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#18 Hi Yah

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 01:15 PM

This is a great thread. This is exactly what I did. I lurched around the site for 1 year, and then I created an account. Is it really that hard to make proper posts and read the COC?
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#19 Pearson2



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 01:22 PM

Foamfoot, on May 23 2009, 09:35 AM, said:

Seeing as the problem lies mainly in bad topics, what if we only give the ability to post topics to people who have been here for six months or so?

No offense, but I think that is a horrible idea. My first post on Nerfhaven was a mod that no one had ever done before to their PAS. If I had to wait an additional 6 months after being validated to be able to post it I probably would have told myself to forget about it and would have moved on. I've seen a lot of quality first topics from newer people. There are just a few that are downright horrible.
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

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#20 CaptainSlug


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Posted 23 May 2009 - 01:27 PM

The forum staff don't really need any pointers or input thanks.
I'm currently handling validation of new members and the average wait time has gone down from 3 months to 1 month.
It's still a great deal of work because some assholes are so impatient that they end up registering multiple times.

If people can't wait a month before they can post, then we don't really want them here.

And the bulk of the problem is that the new members don't read anything. So they definitely won't be reading any of this.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 23 May 2009 - 01:27 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#21 Captain



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 05:33 PM

If noobs joining nerfhaven don't want to read the COC or some additional guidelines (like those posted in this thread), perhaps a an instructional video on how to behave on nerfhaven would be more effective. I don't know who would make it, but they would probably at least watch that. Just an idea.
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#22 Wes7143



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Posted 23 May 2009 - 05:52 PM

Captain, on May 23 2009, 06:33 PM, said:

If noobs joining nerfhaven don't want to read the COC or some additional guidelines (like those posted in this thread), perhaps a an instructional video on how to behave on nerfhaven would be more effective. I don't know who would make it, but they would probably at least watch that. Just an idea.

Yeah, that would be great if we could have it like some websites do, with an ad that you are forced to watch to continue on to the next page (it would be good to have it only on the page where you submit your membership).
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#23 biotnerf



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Posted 25 May 2009 - 06:51 AM

zaphodB, on May 23 2009, 02:39 PM, said:

Act like an adult.

couldnt agree more ..... at the end of the day, i was glad my wait was over :(

being a 'senior' person, i must admit i felt like i was being treated like a child waiting for so long but you just remind yourself that the admins have no way of telling your true age so you have to grin and bear it and abide by the rules and get use to the way the forum flows.
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#24 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 May 2009 - 07:42 AM

Pearson2, on May 23 2009, 11:22 AM, said:

Foamfoot, on May 23 2009, 09:35 AM, said:

Seeing as the problem lies mainly in bad topics, what if we only give the ability to post topics to people who have been here for six months or so?

No offense, but I think that is a horrible idea. My first post on Nerfhaven was a mod that no one had ever done before to their PAS. If I had to wait an additional 6 months after being validated to be able to post it I probably would have told myself to forget about it and would have moved on. I've seen a lot of quality first topics from newer people. There are just a few that are downright horrible.

No, the majority of topics by new members are stupid shit. A huge majority.
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(Unofficial) Wii thread
QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#25 Alexiumz



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Posted 25 May 2009 - 07:50 AM

At the end of the day, if a new member wants to survive on a forum like this then it's their own responsibility; if they feel the need to spend their month (or more) validation time reading through everyones topics to see how to post and how not to, then they can. Personally I didn't - I already know that to at least be taken seriously, spelling and grammar are necessary.

ZaphodB summed it up really - act (and type) like an adult and you'll be fine.
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