Thursday and Friday, my school was out due to this recent Swine Flu scare (a few local kids got it), so I was at home, bored off my ass.
I decided to fix the secondary trigger on my Longshot/DTG combo, one of the Brothers Grimm.
The Key-Ring trigger I had on it had become worn-out and unreliable, so it was time to replace it with something a little more solid.
Here's the old trigger:
It's just a key-ring connected to some wire, connected to the DTG trigger. In that picture you can also see how I attached the shells - a few screws and a sheet metal hook I made that holds the shells together securely when the shells are screwed together.
Here's the new trigger:
I replaced the key-ring with a trigger I made from pieces of an LSFG trigger, and replaced the flimsy wire with a bent piece of coat hanger. The new trigger makes it neccessary to remove most of the useless internals of the Longshot, but it's much more solid and feels much better.
I ran the coat hanger wire through this piece:
I drilled straight through it here:
This design went through several frustrating iterations and failures, so I'm sorry I can't give you an in depth write-up. The whole thing was very trial and error.
While I had the gun open, I also reinforced the stock: (it kept collapsing on me)
I also added some felt to the bolt, because the shitty silver paint I used was rubbing weird:
The whole gun:
Now this gun is as functional as it should've been in the first place.
Questions / Comments / Flames?
Edited by AssassinNF, 26 June 2009 - 02:59 AM.