Your Worst Nerf Related Injury
Posted 27 March 2009 - 10:14 PM
I find it kind of amusing how many of these are related to falling during wars. I frequently throw myself in the direction I'm running when I'm hit. Even at full sprint on concrete. Not one injury to date.
As for all the modding injuries, sssk. Ouch. Reminds me why I don't use a dremel when I cut or use high-temp glue. Or X-acto knives. You were kinda begging for that one, Cheez. Use sandpaper next time. Works wonders, man.
All of this reminds me of the time I was doing a "drive-by" on my bike... Next to a chainlink fence... I was going 10 miles per hour, easy... Handlebar snagged, I got slammed to the sidewalk underneath my bike. I still can't bend my knee all the way.
Ahem... Some things are stupid kids. For everything else, there's health insurance.
(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)
Every size rod you could ever want.
Posted 27 March 2009 - 10:15 PM
Edited by Myster E, 27 March 2009 - 10:17 PM.
- rawray7
Thanks for that wonderful mental image. I'm going to kill you now.
- Spoon Nerf God -
Posted 27 March 2009 - 11:57 PM
(Unofficial) Wii thread
Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.
Posted 28 March 2009 - 12:15 AM
Modding would had to be when I left the glue gun on for half an hour. I then proceeded to glue something, it was so hot, it dripped off the gun and landed on my barefoot. I ended up having to run upstairs and shove my foot into the shower. Another 5 minutes later I had to pull off about 1 Square inch of glue bound with my skin.

Posted 28 March 2009 - 08:28 AM
stuck by stefan, on Mar 26 2009, 05:37 PM, said:
War: shot in the back of the head from 2 feet away with a singled at2k
modding: getting cut with just about the sharpest kitchen knife in the world. had to get stitches and the scar is still puffy. (but it's not infected).
The pump wasn't plugged and that was from 20+ feet. Nice sense of direction Mr.Sm1500 Snap.
Ps. Check out my new sig.
My worst injury was either when I was hit in the neck by a 2k at a war, or when I was dremeling and cut my fingernail in half with a diamond cutting disk.
Posted 28 March 2009 - 08:29 AM
Posted 28 March 2009 - 09:41 AM
The worst Nerf War injury was at Bagsfest 1 when we were playing a certain game and I got shot in the shoulder from about ~30' away, it only left a welt compared to what you people have.
As for modding, probably the one that was the most painful was when I was hot gluing a piece of PVC pipe and I dropped the pipe, my finger got inserted into the pipe where all the hot glue was (kinda like CPVC in PVC) and I recieved no aid for about an hour because someone was too lazy to get up and get a first aid kit which was in the other room. Another modding injury was when I was trying to put a homemade in a Titan shell, forgot about the gaping hole in the back, used about 2 long sticks of hot glue and then I felt the pain.
Posted 28 March 2009 - 11:41 AM
Posted 28 March 2009 - 09:08 PM
I'm hiding, waiting for him to round a corner. I jump out and yell, trying to startle him. The little s#!t had grabbed my NF-PPK and shot me right in the open mouth. I almost choked on the freakin dart.
Posted 29 March 2009 - 03:53 PM

Ok, this isn't about my injury, but rather someone else's. My friend was running across the middle (dumbass) and he was running backwards shooting at people above the railing and he fell backwards over the table sitting on its side in the middle. It was hilarious but it took him like 5 minutes to get up.
At the same war, I was hiding inside a hockey net (brilliant, right?). The top of the net was held on with lots of zip ties. I wasn't ready and someone ran up the stairs (I was at the top) with a fully pumped magstrike and I stood up and got the zip ties all down my back and they bled.
Posted 30 March 2009 - 01:11 AM
skrue_luse, on Mar 28 2009, 08:08 PM, said:
Playing around with my six year old son, shooting stock mavs. More or less hide and seek with guns.
I'm hiding, waiting for him to round a corner. I jump out and yell, trying to startle him. The little s#!t had grabbed my NF-PPK and shot me right in the open mouth. I almost choked on the freakin dart.
Haha, I was messing around with a maverick I had just bought a while back, and I somehow managed to shoot a tagger down my throat. I coughed up the damned thing before I turned blue, but my little bro was laughing his ass off. Not a physical injury, but it sure injured my pride.
Probably dead by now, or something.
Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:20 AM
Everyone else: 0
Posted 31 March 2009 - 11:21 PM
VACC, on Mar 30 2009, 08:20 AM, said:
So, what was that about it being hard to get hurt nerfing?Torn right menial meniscus. Knee might never be compeltely right again. Gave the rest of Nerf the opportunity to close the gap. Results conclusive:
Everyone else: 0
That said, VACC, I've messed my birth-injured left arm from bad to worse, landing on it after a fall...
The worst part was, not only did my arm get fucked-up (Not like I wasn't lacking 80% mobility to start with), but my LS shattered when I fell on it. T_T
*By shattered, I mean the shell broke into numerous pieces, busted up the barrel, shattered the bolt, and a bunch of other stupid crap that makes a new Longshot more economical than repairs.
So, I think it's:
Schizo: .5
Everyone else: 0
Considering my arm WILL never be the same again.
If you want photographic proof, PMs are more appropriate for this. That means the lot of ya!
(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)
Every size rod you could ever want.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:10 AM
SchizophrenicMC, on Apr 1 2009, 12:21 AM, said:
So, I think it's:
Schizo: .5
Everyone else: 0
Considering my arm WILL never be the same again.
My point was meant to be indicitive of my continued ass kicking after the injury. Your score seems to be the result of simply sustaining an injury. That's not really a game I want to win.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 09:48 AM
VACC, on Apr 1 2009, 05:10 AM, said:
As always, thats completely siggable. Stop being either intentionally or unintentionally funny.SchizophrenicMC, on Apr 1 2009, 12:21 AM, said:
So, I think it's:
Schizo: .5
Everyone else: 0
Considering my arm WILL never be the same again.
My point was meant to be indicitive of my continued ass kicking after the injury. Your score seems to be the result of simply sustaining an injury. That's not really a game I want to win.
@ MC: And I think we've all gotten hurt doing stupid things, so saying you are the winner of stupid injuries seems like a bittersweet victory to me. I'd rather be in slight amounts of pain then be dubbed "Captain Clutz", but I seem to be a visionary on that front.
And on the subject of kicking ass after an injury, on the day i threw my back out, I ket nerfing, and even attended an indoor war later that night.
Edited by BustaNinja, 01 April 2009 - 09:48 AM.
Venom: Haven't we all?
Posted 01 April 2009 - 02:11 PM
Posted 01 April 2009 - 04:05 PM
General Cole, on Jan. 22, 2008, said:
And I can't find my taps and I cut most of one finger off because I forgot how it felt to use a scroll saw. The finger might heal AFTER they reattach it, so its all on hold now...
Since he hasn't been active for over a year now, I thought it necessary to add one of the worst ever modding injury's to this thread.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 08:57 PM
From over the course of 2-3 years of carving, during which I chopped the tip of my thumb off, sliced my left trigger finger open, as well as my left thumb, I have learned to be careful. The two times I forgot to be careful during nerfing I sliced my left trigger finger open again, now I have two scars that make an X shape, and I sliced my right trigger finger open on the joint ~2 1/2 weeks ago and it's still numb and healing.
EDIT: Got rid of the extra crap, didn't relies how long that was getting.
What were you doing? Never seen a mod involving kitchen knives.modding: getting cut with just about the sharpest kitchen knife in the world. had to get stitches and the scar is still puffy. (but it's not infected).
Edited by wing'd man, 01 April 2009 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 09:20 PM
VACC, on Apr 1 2009, 07:10 AM, said:
Then, I agree.My point was meant to be indicitive of my continued ass kicking after the injury. Your score seems to be the result of simply sustaining an injury. That's not really a game I want to win.
Everyone Else: 0
But... What of OMC?
(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)
Every size rod you could ever want.
Posted 01 April 2009 - 09:30 PM
Nerf Bros, on Apr 1 2009, 05:05 PM, said:
Since both my nerf related injuries are lame, I'll relay a joyful quote from the +bow diy thread...
General Cole, on Jan. 22, 2008, said:
And I can't find my taps and I cut most of one finger off because I forgot how it felt to use a scroll saw. The finger might heal AFTER they reattach it, so its all on hold now...
Since he hasn't been active for over a year now, I thought it necessary to add one of the worst ever modding injury's to this thread.
Cole was banned a while ago; he's still active on other sites, though not necessarily popular there.
As for injuries, the worst was when I set my pants on fire with a hot glue gun while making the original FoamSlinger. After applying glue, I hastily put down my glue gun , so I could attach the parts. Unfrtunately, in my haste, I put it down on my leg. I began to feel the burning sensation about 20 seconds later.
Overall, nothing too bad, though.
Nerf Rocket Air Launcher
Posted 04 April 2009 - 10:47 PM
I also have burnt myself with hot glue, accidentally cut myself, and crushed my many appendages, but I've done it so many times I don't aven count it anymore.
Take on my brute.
Posted 05 April 2009 - 01:28 PM
Edited by Vulcanman101, 05 April 2009 - 01:29 PM.
Posted 05 April 2009 - 02:18 PM
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