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Your Worst Nerf Related Injury

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#51 Echnalaid



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Posted 26 March 2009 - 11:21 PM

I NEVER leave my guns primed in storage. Not realizing my brother left his mav primed, I looked down the barrel. Pressed the trigger to see it rotate, and POP! I get a dart to the eye from 5 inches away. It got sore and hurt to see light. It's fully recovered now.

Or getting a Big Blast to the stomach at 3 ft. It bled.

Modding, I dropped my hot glue gun on my leg, and it burned a hole.

Edited by Echnalaid, 26 March 2009 - 11:22 PM.

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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#52 thedarksideofnerf



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Posted 26 March 2009 - 11:26 PM

Singled titan in the chest, from about 3 ft. it took a good half dollar size of skin away and bled, A LOT
Every tiime i breathed for about three days, it hurt like a mother fucker.

Modding cut my finger open with my dremal from hell.

Edited by thedarksideofnerf, 26 March 2009 - 11:30 PM.

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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah.i sent them to her dad

#53 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 03:17 AM

I was scraping hot glue out of my old xbow with an exacto-knife. One of the blades broke off, and the knife slipped and slashed my wrist. Well, more like punctured it. I lost a shitload of blood, but only needed 1 stitch.
Other than that, being shot in the hand at 20ft by applefury with a PAS. It swellled up huge, and I couldn't write for 2 days. It wasn't all that painful though.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#54 ferret



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:12 AM

about 50 pumps
my nuts
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#55 k9turrent



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 07:16 AM

Wow, nerfing is actually somewhat dangerous, or we are all idiots. Especially those look down the barrels of loaded guns
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#56 Equilox



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 08:02 AM

Running flat out, I collided into a plaster pylon. It was dark. Never saw it coming until my face made contact.

Modding, I constantly cut myself with a hacksaw, burn myself with a glue gun and slit my hand on sharp plastic. However, the worst was stabbing myself with a screwdriver, that was bad.
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"In my Zombie plan I use my arsenal of foam to fend of the hoards of the undead as I make my way to Canada....... good luck to you Simmons."

#57 Pearson2



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 08:52 AM

Last massacre, very first game I did a horrible fail slide into one of the barricades. Nice amount of skin off my knee. Nothing bad though.
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.

#58 Glint



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 08:58 AM

War-related for me isn't that bad. My worst is practically melting/scapring all the skin off my left kneww from sliding around so much at Massacre 3.

As for modding it would either be when I was holding my Recon still with my left and and using a flathead screwdriver to pry of hot glue when the hotglue came loose, flew up and the screwdriver kept going and left a massive, long gash in me left thumb.
Or it would be attempting to compress a DTB spring and having it pop out at me and slice open a huge cut on my right thumb.

My poor thumbs they take such a beating :P

Edited by Glint, 27 March 2009 - 08:58 AM.

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This has spiraled beyond uselessness into utterly stupidy.
Read it again until you figure it out.

#59 Groove


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Posted 27 March 2009 - 09:23 AM

Do diseases count? Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick after playing at the Summer DCNO last year. Left me out of commission for about a month and I couldn't go outside for extended periods of time. Got a scar on my right hand from a slip and a fall on pavement at Armageddon 2006.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#60 Spartan 117

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Posted 27 March 2009 - 09:33 AM

I modded my Longshot with a basic spring replacement and my stock dart mod, right after that I did some firing tests and it jammed, so I took a look down the barrel, not knowing it was still primed and WHAM, there was a flash of light and I was partially blinded for most of the day in one eye.
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#61 Vincent



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 10:10 AM

I'm fairly cautious, so my worst modding wound was when I cut my thumb open because the edge of the shell of my gun was sharp. I haven't really had any bad war injury, I've been hit in the eye a few times, but from long range. No bleeding from wars yet......
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 14 2009, 07:50 PM) View Post

Heresy. Nothing beats pink flamingos.

#62 PointBlank



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 12:13 PM

Wow who knew that nerfing would be such a dangerous sport..
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You can agree with me.... or you can be wrong.

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#63 BlackFox



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 12:22 PM

Nerf War: At the very first round of one of our Washington wars, I misjudged the height of a stone wall and jumped off it. I twisted my ankle and was out for three more rounds. Not too serious, but it sucked because of how early in the war it was.

Modding: I often use paperclips and needles as "rebar" when I reinforce my guns. I was forcing two pieces of plastic together when the needle went straight through the plastic and stuck about a quarter inch into my thumb.
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!

#64 firstblood



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 12:38 PM

Nerf War- My friend shot me in the face with a singled AT3K from 10 feet away. I guess I "scared him".

Modding- I was sawing some pvc one day and the hacksaw slipped and nearly cut my finger off. I should have gotten stitches but i threw some hydrogen peroxide on it and slapped a band aid and was at it again.
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So I recently got a Razor Fin from Poo, and decided to dig right in.

#65 Knud-Hansen



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 12:49 PM

For shits and giggles, my friend put a breach on his paintball gun, and during a game of CTF he shot me from about 35 feet away. Not only did he break the skin on my arm, but I have had a scar ever since. Kinda badass though.
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#66 Pearson2



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 01:22 PM

well now I have my modding injury. Today after trying to open the knots on the string for a buzz bee's double shot I stuck the knife right into my finger. Turns out the stupid gun still won't fire so I'm throwing it across the room after I type this.

Now for the fun one. My dumbest injury: I bought a PAS off of FA24, after he brought it over I was playing around with it and loaded the barrel then cocked the gun and sucked the dart into the chamber. Figuring I could fish it out I took the barrel off and looked down the chamber of the gun completally forgetting that the gun has a hair trigger. The gun went off and I got a stefan dart right between the eyes from about a foot in range.
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Crooked: Did you see that guy who singled a doomsayer?

Pearson: Why would you single a doomsayer? Thats like taking a Ferarri and putting family seating in it.

#67 death by cheez

death by cheez


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Posted 27 March 2009 - 02:37 PM

I got a new one for wars, and for modding.

War: Threw out my back by stopping to fast mid run to avoid a guy in CTF. I have a hard time fully stretching out my right leg now, and I can't bend to get darts, I have to kneel.

Modding: I was scraping some really sticky (it was dry too) paint off the Beast with an X-acto knife, that will leave a nice scar in a place the sun doesn't see....
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#68 Boss18



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 02:51 PM

death by cheez, on Mar 27 2009, 01:37 PM, said:

I got a new one for wars, and for modding.

War: Threw out my back by stopping to fast mid run to avoid a guy in CTF. I have a hard time fully stretching out my right leg now, and I can't bend to get darts, I have to kneel.

Modding: I was scraping some really sticky (it was dry too) paint off the Beast with an X-acto knife, that will leave a nice scar in a place the sun doesn't see....

You stabbed your ding dong with an X-acto knife?

As far as other injurys i have go,
Once I was hacksawing somthing on my knee(Very stupid idea!) And I gave myself a long, this cut.Still have a decent sized scar.

Edited by Boss18, 27 March 2009 - 04:43 PM.

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#69 death by cheez

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Posted 27 March 2009 - 02:52 PM

Right next to it.... stupid gym shorts don't protect anything.... but in all essentil-ness I am that skilled.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#70 Rambo


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Posted 27 March 2009 - 03:25 PM

I guess it was March 2007 in Massachusetts. During one of the rounds towards the end of the day I had to take a piss, real bad. I was ( if memory serves ), the only member of my team remaining, facing two members of the other team. The other two guys agreed to pause the round, so I went off in search of an accommodating tree ( since the park had no facilities ). Quite a few pedestrians were wandering around and I was having trouble finding a tree. In an effort to get back to the round quicker, I started to run around, while trying to find one. I don't recall exactly why my footing got fucked up, but I tripped over a little hill or something and dislocated my kneecap. At this point I was pretty far away from the group and couldn't walk, so I sat there for about twenty minutes yelling until OMC finally found me. Eventually I found out that my kneecap had severed a piece of cartilage which had swollen and had to be surgically removed. I still have three small scars around my knee.
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#71 hopper055



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:02 PM

I was modifying a water gun to shoot darts and it had a end cap thing on it. I needed to take it off to put a barrel on it and the knife slipped here is a picture. If I need to remove the picture just tell me or pm me.
Posted Image
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#72 Vistagecko



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:24 PM

Jedijoe9, on Mar 26 2009, 06:29 PM, said:

I took a stefan in the ankle from a big blast at the Winter Ohio war in December. It hit at a weird angle and sliced off a big chunk o' ankle skin. I still have a good sized scar from it.

Yeah, sorry about that, Joe.

My worst injury: I was dremeling and my cutting wheel exploded. Took almost an hour to remove the shrapnel from my cheek.

Edited by Vistagecko, 27 March 2009 - 04:25 PM.

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QUOTE(The Kart Racing Nerf Man @ May 6 2009, 07:31 PM) View Post

I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
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#73 Salmon



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 04:48 PM

Haven't been to a war yet, but so far my worst modding injuries have been:
1. Getting extremely high-temperature hot glue ALL OVER my leg, arm, and hand whilst modding with a friend,
2. Burning the crap out of my finger on searing hot brass, and
3. Pinching my finger inside of a Powerclip and getting this big, nasty welt/blood blister.
That last one actually didn't hurt THAT bad, but eventually, the blood inside the blister dried up and congealed and I had to peel off a bit of the skin to get it out.
. . .
Well, after that previous statement, I don't think I'll be eating for a while. *ralphs*


Edited by Salmon, 27 March 2009 - 04:48 PM.

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Welcome to I-dont-care-isburg, population: me.
We're located in I-Don't-Give-a-Damn County, in scenic Shut-the-Hell-Up-achussets.
Maybe you're familiar with our annual charity drive where we ask for shit, and no one gives any.

#74 aamiller321



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Posted 27 March 2009 - 06:30 PM

Once I fell down some stairs in a standoff and got a nasty bruise on my head, and broke a few toes.
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QUOTE(sidamazo @ Nov 20 2008, 03:51 PM) View Post

y the hell r u here?
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Ice, is it your time of the month again?

#75 black slate

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Posted 27 March 2009 - 10:06 PM

[quote name='aamiller321' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:30 PM' post='220181']
Once I fell down some stairs in a standoff and got a nasty bruise on my head, and broke a few toes.
Nerf War: was trying to dodge a dart, slipped, had a nitefinder in my pocket, and impaled myself with the side of the gun. It took a nice chunk of skin off my hip.

Modding: I tried to get the cap off a supermax 5000 with a screwdriver, screwdriver slipped and i cut my hand. It bled for awhile, still have the scar.
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I just ran out of film when i was 3.

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