'Groove' said
So, this has been a project in the works for some time now. It seems that some of you took it upon yourself to snoop around Slug's image directory in his site and share it with others...
'CaptainSlug' said
Way to ruin a surprise, faggots. Anyways, on with the juicy tidbits I'm sure you're eager to devour:Serves me right for leaving the directory of that folder public.
All better now.
A plan was formulated under the requested premise.This project has been a slow process of methodical theorizing, planning, and absurd levels of craftsmanship on my part. Many parts have been made to tolerances of thousandths of an inch. Since I don't expect anyone within reason to be able to duplicate the work, I decided to be a bit less literal with the specifics of what is being done.
And no, I won't make you one.

The weapon of legend can only be crafted from the finest materials. Its framework is carved from crystallized dragon tears, which are then affixed together using unrefined mithril shards.
The ram rods were hewn from orc bones, then ground and polished by elvish craftsmen over a fortnight.

With the seance to commune with the spirits of the finest swordsmiths of the Third Age successful, they have bestowed upon me through an arcane buff the abilities of their heraldry.

I have test-assembled the crafted pieces just as they had appeared in the vision that followed that bestowal.

They will later be adhered using a mixture mostly comprised of a modicum of minotaurs blood, and copious amounts of silk from the spider queen.

I searched the wilderness for the supplies needed to imbue the crossbow shell with the essence of an elder god. I then performed the ritual with great efficacy.

Likewise the shell of the splitfire was bound to the spirit of a most powerful and amicable familiar.

With the guidance of the elder god, I crafted the plunger handle from the front talon of a griffon.

I also set forth to to secure the plunger tube to the crossbow shell through abutments of crystallized dragon tears.

The trigger too is made of the same material, but only the smokiest and saltiest portions of the crystallized tears were used. The curvature of said trigger is eventually smoothed out using the finest elven tools.

To guard from the most powerful of dark magic, the breech was forged from black meteoric ore using a dwarven furnace. It provides a poignant mystical contrast next to the brutality of the orc bone.

Edited by Groove, 28 March 2009 - 11:49 PM.