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Right or wrong?

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#1 Magic


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:14 AM

As requested by FA at my concern, a thread about if headshots should be allowed. I'd like to know everyone's opinion on if a headshot is a good thing to do. I asked him if he thinks headshots should be allowed, and he says yes. Does anyone agree with him? Personally I don't. Please post your opinion.

EDIT: If no one posts in this, just close it.

DOUBLE EDIT: I don't want anyone thinking I have anything against FA himself. Just wanted to mention that. I just don't agree with the statement he said in the other thread.

Edited by Magic, 12 March 2009 - 12:22 AM.

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#2 Split



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:19 AM

Forsaken_angel24, on Mar 12 2009, 01:10 AM, said:

Magic, on Mar 12 2009, 01:02 AM, said:

Forsaken_angel24, on Mar 11 2009, 08:59 PM, said:

Splitlip, on Mar 12 2009, 12:43 AM, said:

Forsaken_angel24, on Aug 10 2005, 02:55 AM, said:

25. Do not aim at a players face ( I DON’T want ANYONE getting hit in the eye)

I like that one.

That one only works with Assassin games though.
They don't wear eye protection.
Nerf wars are different.

How so? You don't agree that all Nerf related games should have the rule of not aiming for the face?

No I do not agree.
If you want to discuss it further publicly. Open another thread and not hijack this one.

Felt that whole thing should be here. The occasional headshot is unavoidable. We apologize, make sure they're alright, and continue. The game isn't about causing pain. It's also not about who has more skill, so if you aim for the face because those hit take more skill, then your priorities are wrong. That's all I'm going to say on that.
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#3 Salindin Naz

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:27 AM

My two cents would be that they are still a valid hit, but don't go pointing your gun at people's faces. Like Splitlip said, it's not about hurting someone, but sometimes it can't be avoided. Take this example for instance, someone is hiding behind something, and keeps popping their head out to look and squeeze out a shot or two, I say if you have a clear shot, take it.
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#4 Magic


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:33 AM

Split and Salind pretty much agree with what i'm saying. It really depends on the host of the war to decide if a headshot is a valid hit, but it shouldn't be something you want to get. For example: At Gankfest 2 weeks ago, I accidentally hit Langley in the head. I was very apologetic, and felt horrible. No one made a big deal about it, because it was not my fault that my 2K has horrible accuracy. I really think anyone who reads this thread should take some advice. No one likes getting hit in the head. You may feel that you're superior because you have greater accuracy then your foe, but it doesn't make you a better person. If you hit someone in the head you should be apologetic, and try not to do it again. Aiming for the face isn't what Nerfing is about, in my opinion. If anyone thinks headshots should be allowed please explain why, and give a valid answer.

EDIT: FA, please post in this thread explaining your reasoning. I mean, this thread was your idea..

Edited by Magic, 12 March 2009 - 12:45 AM.

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#5 Langley


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:34 AM

Head shots should be allowed, but not encouraged. If someone gets hit in the head it's generally a good idea to apologize and ask if the person is alright. Accident or not, I've seen some otherwise chill people loose themselves and get really angry over a head shot, and apologizing and asking 'are you okay?' is a good way to diffuse the situation so everyone can go on enjoying the war. Shooting someone in the head is fine if it's an accident, and the person who gets hit should take the hit, but intentionally aiming for the head is a dick move that should be punished. I wouldn't want anyone who intentionally aims for the head at one of my wars, and if someone is consistently hitting people in the head despite warnings I would probably have to ask them to leave.

There's really no valid reason to aim for the head anyway. Hitting the torso is much easier. If you're aiming for the head for bragging rights, you're just being a douche to the people you hit, the people who are there to have fun, even the people on your team who would rather win the round than hear how awesome your are.

But if you absolutely have to be a douchebag about it, aim for the foot. It's a challengingly small target, and it's frustrating to no end to get hit there. But if that's really what you're going for, you've totally missed the whole point of nerf.

Edit: In response to 'Magic' (I only just realized that was you dude, I've been wondering who magic is for days now) I think headshots should generally count at a war, if only because they're usually an honest mistake and they fall into the really simple rule I usually enforce at my wars: If you stop the dart in any way with anything attached to you, the hit counts. I'm also notoriously bad at judging how much arc is required to hit someone farther away with an underpowered gun, so I can understand how frustrating it would be if you didn't count headshots. But really, as with all hits, it's technically up to the person who gets hit to honor the hit or not.

I was watching the episode of the Simpsons where Mr Burns hires major league baseball players to play on the company softball team, and saw this in the opening credits.
Posted Image

Edited by Langley, 12 March 2009 - 01:51 AM.

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#6 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 03:27 AM

I think they should count as valid hits, but if someone is constantly getting them, and it is obvious they are aiming for the head unpurpose, then they should be asked to stop. Uncle Fester and I have a little history of headshots, and believe me, they hurt like hell from 70ft away with a BBBB (HbH2). Im sure he didn't mean to hti me in the head, but neither did I when I hit him in the head with K9's AT2K at massacre 2. It was a bad dart, and it spiraled up. They are sometimes unavioidable. He then proceeded to get a 150ft+ headshot on me, but I can't believe he actually aimed for my head at that a distance. Hitting me at all would have been an achievement. They should count as valid hits, but at the war I plan to host this summer, if anyone gets headshot, they should tell me who did it, and the person gets 3 strikes. After the third headshot, they sit out a round. It can be very dangerous, expecially if the person in question is over 18 and not using eye protection, as many wars allow.

EDIT: I think a good rule of thumb is to aim for the upper stomach/lower chest. You won't get any dangerous shots doing that. I do that, and that gives a good amount of clearance for dart deformities/barrel crookedness to likely avoid the face and genital region. Sure, I have hit people in the head and nuts by accident, but I have only ever got 1 headshot, and 2 nutshots. Most hit the stomach/chest, and no harm done. Or I miss the person completely, that happens a lot too.

Edited by mystefansdontflystraight, 12 March 2009 - 07:21 AM.

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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#7 Magic


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 06:10 AM

Okay, so far everyone that posted in this thread is giving something around the same idea. I'm going to school now, and when I get back I hope someone that disagrees posts in this thread. I can give a crap about the popularity, but I'd really like the opinion of FA and many others. I don't see a valid reason to allow headshots as a normal shot.
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#8 ice



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 06:18 AM

I occasionally get a head shot at wars. Not on purpose, but I seem to ruin things every time I do, like splitlip breaking the +pistol. Not a fun thing to do.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#9 slowguitarman



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 06:42 AM

Magic, on Mar 12 2009, 07:10 AM, said:

I don't see a valid reason to allow headshots as a normal shot.

Maybe I am not interpreting that correctly, but are you saying that headshots shouldn't count at all? Headshots should count, and as everyone has said, if you get one, just say you're sorry and keep on playing. There's no reason to punish headshots unless someone does it so much that it's obviously on purpose. Nerf isn't about insane pinpoint accuracy. I could easily aim for someone's mid section and hit them in the head.
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#10 Applefury



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 06:47 AM

To be honest, anyone purposefully aiming for the head throughout a nerf war is an idiot. For me, I aim for the largest visible part of the body. If it so happens that the most visible part of the body is the head I will only shoot if I think it's safe. ( As in I'm not holding a Big Blast 20ft away. )
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QUOTE(Gamefreak @ Sep 29 2008, 07:03 PM) View Post

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms.
Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy.

#11 rokor



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 07:22 AM

I think headshots are fine, even though it seems I always get the most painful ones. You can't control where your dart is going to be, you can only assist it. It all comes down to who is hosting the war though, if the host doesn't want headshots to count, then whatever.
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#12 k9turrent



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:22 AM

heh heh heh, Right Rokor? Well at WCNO 2, Rokor poked his head over a brick wall and aiming at me with NF, with me in the open, only 10ft away, so feeling threaten, I pulled the trigger first, on my BBBB, at his forehead.

Ironically enough his NF wasn't even loaded.

But It's a douche move by aiming at the head always, plus just think, "do I want a welt on the side of my head?" before pulling the trigger
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#13 Equilox



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:24 AM

When some other guys and myself got together to nerf for a while, we didn't know about any other rules, so we made up our own. We still adhere to them in INDOOR wars. We allow for headshots because the guns tend to be dumbed down, (Meaning they are unmodded, or banned one of the two) in fact it is to your own benefit to aim for the head in our INDOOR wars. In OUTDOOR wars I agree, most the the headshots made are unavoidable (Accept for the occasional person who takes pleasure in causing others pain. <_< ). So in short, there should be no repercussions for a headshot (in and outdoor war) in my opinion, but it should also not be encouraged because of the power of the weapons being used.

Edited by Equilox, 12 March 2009 - 11:51 AM.

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#14 Talio


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 10:51 AM

It's a straight up dick move and completely inconsiderate of the people you play with.

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#15 nerkum



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:16 PM

I would hate to be playing a bunker game, or say Massacre and not have anyone taking headshots. Since the head is the most often exposed part of the body and people peek around corners and pop off a shot.

In general I'm not against headshots at all. Its part of the game and if I was going to get pissed about it, maybe I shouldn't be playing the game? Always wear eye protection, welts go away and you can have a good laugh about it with your friends afterwords.
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#16 Draconis


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:52 PM

I'll just throw my hat in and agree. Should be allowed, but not encouraged. As Talio states, nobody should ever be aiming for the face. Eyes are precious (like rings), and should be protected as well as possible.
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[15:51] <+Noodle> titties
[15:51] <+Rhadamanthys> titties
[15:51] <+jakejagan> titties
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[15:51] <+Gears> titties
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#17 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:55 PM

Thank you Split for forwarding that here it helps makes things easier to understand how this got started.
Perhaps someone should put a link in that thread to here. So no dullards de-rail that thread.

Glad you said that Talio. That descriptive piece as to why its a dick move.
Head shots are a dick move if they are done on purpose. Whenever I do aim for the head I am doing it because I feel the person has done many dick moves. I have only ever aimed for the head once at a Nerf war and I succeeded.

The question here is should head shots be allowed.
I say yes.

Not to cause pain because if I wanted to cause pain I would just smash everyone that offends/disgusts me in life. Luckily I have patience and a peaceful attitude normally.

Head shots are a valid part of the body.
Some people have larger heads and those hits are unavoidable.

I have been to quite a few wars and have only gotten maybe 3-4 head shots each.
That's about 1 head shot per hour or less. Nothing wrong with that considering the amount of kills I get per hour. Even with my level 2 PAS and not your dreaded Hell cannon.
Now I do mainly aim for the body. But if there is nothing else to aim for except a head then I am still taking the shot. The only reason I wouldn't is if the Nerf gun I am using shoots crossbow ranges and the individual is close by.

Head shots are also the most entertaining hits.
When ever I have been shot in the head, I have always been like "Nice shot buddy!"
Some people use them to make comedic death scenes. Like Tank at Hell #2. I am still laughing at that one.
I remembered I arced this one far shot at APOC 07 and hit this kid in the side of the head when he was running top speed horizontally. His hair flew up in the air when it hit him. Everyone around was like "Nice shot"
At Massacre #2 MSDFS took a shot from Fester across the gym. It was amazing. I do not think he was aiming for his head though. It just happened that way.

It's funny to think of hosting a zombie game and not allowing head shots.

Majority of my head shots are a result of a dart spiraling, misjudging an arc, a person ducking when they should have dodged, etc.

If I am hosting a war and I find that a player is constantly aiming for the head from 60ish feet or more
then I am not going to stop him because 95% of the time he will be missing anyway.
Now if that same player is doing that from shorter ranges and playing to cause other people pain then I have a problem with it. Like I said there are better ways to cause others pain.

The next thing I have found pretty funny is this whole apologetic attitude towards getting a head shot.
This "If you shoot someone in the head, go over and make sure they are okay, apologize then continue" attitude.

Ha, Give me a fucking break.

I can only see this being an issue if:
The person you hit is visibly in a lot of pain.
The person you hit doesn't count down from 15 and just goes to sit out the round.
The person is cut because of a badly made stefan where the washer was hanging out the side. *tsk tsk*

If I hit someone in the head from a good distance.
I am not going to hold up my hands and walk over.
"Hey buddy are you okay?" Player 1
"My face feels numb where I got shot" Player 2
"Can you walk?" Player 1
" I think so." Player 2
"I am really sorry and I promise to never do it again" Player 1
"Sounds good lets be best friends for life" Player 2.
That's how I viewed this whole Grade 3 Hall monitor attitude since I read it.

Darts are flying everywhere with glue tips at the front.
Some are accurate and some are not.
Even if you do ban head shots you are still going to get hit in the head because some people haven't yet perfected their dartsmithing.

What I am saying is:
If you don't want to get hit in the eye, Wear eye protection.
If you don't want to get hit in the head, Wear a fucking helmet.

I would like to get more peoples honest opinions on this.
Especially the Vets who have not yet posted.


Nerkum I 100% agree.
Ice: How do you ruin things when you get a head shot?

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 12 March 2009 - 02:12 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#18 CaptainSlug


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:02 PM

Getting shot in the nipple hurts more.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#19 Blacksunshine



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:30 PM

Headshots are part of the body. If I have to take a dart that barely grazed my pant leg as a hit then for damn sure getting popped in the dome better count.

Just like basically everyone said. Don't do it intentionally for the sake of hurting someone. For the same reason we would barrel tap someone if they are within range rather then shoot them, were here to have fun not hurt each other.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#20 Langley


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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:46 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Mar 12 2009, 01:55 PM, said:

...Whenever I do aim for the head I am doing it because I have a feel the person has done many dick moves. I have only ever aimed for the head once at a Nerf war and I succeeded....

....The question here is should head shots be allowed.
I say yes....

....I would like to get more peoples honest opinions on this.
Especially the Vets who have not yet posted.

Shooting someone in the head isn't a normal way to deal with your anger. Neither is making it well known on the forums that you enjoy scoring headshots on people you don't get along with.

The question isn't weather or not headshots should be allowed. Most people have made it clear they think people should take the hit, as unintentional headshots are unavoidable. The topic of discussion is whether or not intentional headshots are acceptable behavior, and the consensus seems to be a resounding No.

Who are these 'vets' who haven't posted? Why are their alleged opinions any more valid than what's already been posted in the thread? This call for more 'honest' opinions seems to be a recurring theme with you. Instead of fishing for agreement, why don't you just come out and say, 'I don't respect the opinion of anyone who doesn't already agree with me'.

Edited by Langley, 12 March 2009 - 01:50 PM.

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
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#21 sputnik



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:51 PM


They count.
Don't hit people there on purpose.

[/end discussion]
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#22 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 02:04 PM

Langley, on Mar 12 2009, 02:46 PM, said:

Forsaken_angel24, on Mar 12 2009, 01:55 PM, said:

...Whenever I do aim for the head I am doing it because I have a feel the person has done many dick moves. I have only ever aimed for the head once at a Nerf war and I succeeded....

....The question here is should head shots be allowed.
I say yes....

....I would like to get more peoples honest opinions on this.
Especially the Vets who have not yet posted.

Shooting someone in the head isn't a normal way to deal with your anger. Neither is making it well known on the forums that you enjoy scoring headshots on people you don't get along with.

The question isn't weather or not headshots should be allowed. Most people have made it clear they think people should take the hit, as unintentional headshots are unavoidable. The topic of discussion is whether or not intentional headshots are acceptable behavior, and the consensus seems to be a resounding No.

Who are these 'vets' who haven't posted? Why are their alleged opinions any more valid than what's already been posted in the thread? This call for more 'honest' opinions seems to be a recurring theme with you. Instead of fishing for agreement, why don't you just come out and say, 'I don't respect the opinion of anyone who doesn't already agree with me'.

You are taking what I said the wrong way.
Everyone's opinion on this matter is important.
I would like to hear Vets opinions as they have been to the most wars and have been in the hobby the longest.
That is all.

I never said I don't respect the opinion of anyone who doesn't agree with me.

Do not pluralize what I have done once.

Langley if you go back to the beginning of the thread and read the first post you will see WE ARE talking about whether head shots should count or not.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#23 one shot one kill

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 02:07 PM

At my nerf wars head shots are prefectly ok. We enforce a rule were you have to wear glasses. We fight in bases where the only thing that gets picked off is the head. So if you ever play at my nerf wars be prepare to take a head shot.
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#24 Merzlin



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 02:28 PM

I shoot someone how I want to be shot. Personal preference is not the head.

Edited by Merzlin, 12 March 2009 - 02:42 PM.

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#25 oh1134



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 02:53 PM


...If you hypothesize that whatever reanimated them doesn't need a head.

But you're forgetting about headcrabs!
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