Well, it would seem I've started a flame war. Before I "to each his own" this, may I say the following:I just so happen to have my ipod on when I do the 3.5 drive to Cleveland twice every week. I'd call that even more of a life than you. I'm still making time for my friends in Cleveland.
Beat this one: I don't have the game, have heard "Still Alive" all of 3 times, wrote the right lyrics, and I actually have enough of a life not to memorize an entire song from a video game.Must go down there and pay double to get in on one night.
And by the way, Schiz, you wrote it wrong.
[consolidated. I had complete lyrics]![]()
Moving on, everyone misspells Aperture Science. (I am now contradicting what I said about having a life now, aren't I? Crap...)
Anyway, this thread isn't here to bitch about a song from a video game, it's to bitch about how much we wish we were at that Effeminate war...
I wish I was at that Effeminate war...
And I'm so sorry I don't notice when spell check modifies every word of mine.
Spell Check sucks.
Is spending a whole day every week, aside from the weekdays (Where I spend partial days with them) with your friends, just jacking around, no life?
Now, to end this, I must say to each his own. There can be no peaceful end to a full-blown flame war. Let us end this. I'll let you have the last post in it.
Moving on, I only wish I had a place that would allow that, Twitch. I only wish.