Posted 07 February 2009 - 02:12 AM
I've been asked a couple questions about the war and I figure now is as good a time as any to lay it out. Before coming, I expect you to read through Badger's excellent (stickied) thread on war etiquette. We will be pretty much adhering to the West Coast standard rules (since those are the ones I'm most familiar with) but there's so much more to the topic than that. Please get a basic understanding and concept of what a "douche move" would be during a war. The rule of thumb I go by is, if it would frustrate me to have it done to me, I won't do it. Don't shoot someone when a tap will suffice.
As far as volume of armament to bring to the war, it depends on your personal play style. I've met people who have been perfectly happy to play the entire day with two guns (primary and secondary, usually a pistol as the secondary for use in other types of games), whereas others have a flexible style and switch it up every few rounds. I generally fall into the latter, taking up different combinations of my guns. Zorn, if his current methodology is employed, will probably stick to one or two main guns throughout the day. If I were bringing things (i.e., if the war weren't outside my dorm) I would err on the side of too much. The worst that happens is that you've spent extra effort to make sure you're set for the day. Plus, you'll have extra weapons in case someone else needs one/your primary breaks/something else happens. If you plan to bring stuff to sell or trade, feel free. It's a course of action I endorse. I may even have a thing or two to get rid of myself.
Feel free to bring any guests you like but make sure they are familiar with the rules before coming. If you do so, you should be prepared to supply all the darts and guns they will need. I will be unhappy (but probably forgiving) if I have to dole out my weapons because you decided to travel light. I plan on advertising the event to UChicago kids I am familiar with, and I'm prepared to spend an extra weekend or so preparing guns for them to use and making darts as well.
Finally, I will have printed copies of the rules from Badger's thread just to serve as a refresher at the war.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln