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#676 death by cheez

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Posted 27 January 2010 - 09:45 PM

Oh yea...forgot about Mass Effect 2... the only thing I hated about the first (besides the aiming system) is all the sutscenes, since you have to pick what to say in them. The rocket launcher (pre-order bonus) for that game looks cool though, and the commercial was funny.If Dark Void's demo was crap, game is crap. This is one thing I've noticed about games, if demo=crap, game will more than likely be crap.

And if anyone wants to get a a new game, but don't want to pay the $60, find a used copy the week after it first comes out, then look for a coupon for X% off a used game.... If you're lucky you can get a new game, judt slightly used, for ~$35.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#677 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 26 February 2010 - 03:31 PM

Borderlands is kicking things up a notch! Level cap is now 61, new guns/enemies/what have you, and it's directly continuing the story.

It's too bad my live ran out, but I'll want to play through it solo first anyways. I didn't know this existed until I turned on my xbox today, so hopefully it's news to some of you as well. I don't usually like having to buy add-ons, but I think this one will be worth it.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#678 death by cheez

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 06:17 PM

I agree, I learned about it in study hall today from one of my friends.

MW2/Borderlands/L4D2 tomorrow anybody?
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#679 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 03 March 2010 - 03:16 PM

I'll be playing Borderlands in the Underdome most of the afternoon here if anybody wants to join in. GT is VelveetaAvenger. I'm a level 61 Commando right now (might switch out for something different later), but any level/character is fine to join. I've heard you can't find anybody playing higher then 50 in search yet, so tell me you're from Nerfhaven if you want to start a party or something.

Unfortunately something came up and it's going to be an hour or two until I actually get online. Oh well.

Edited by VelveetaAvenger, 03 March 2010 - 03:31 PM.

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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#680 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 21 March 2010 - 09:51 PM

Ignore last post by me. I just got my own live and xbox.

GT: luckycobalt13



Farcry 2


Halo 3

Rainbow Six Vegas

PM me if you guys wanna get a MW2 Game going, I just got it and its gonna be all I play for a while.
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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

#681 GreenyNerf96



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Posted 22 March 2010 - 01:08 AM

Gamertag: PoisonGreenyMan - Yes, i have a mic.

I play:

Halo 3


Halo 3: ODST

Forza 2
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#682 DFlem



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Posted 23 March 2010 - 10:17 AM

Gamertag: Boo Boo flem

Clan: BlackHand Assassins



Battlefield 2: Bad company 2
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#683 death by cheez

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 06:14 PM

Anybody have the Secret Armory of General Knoxx for Borderlands? I have it, and need some help with both getting to and killing Crawmeraxx the Invincible. I'm a level 47 berserker, and I could more than likely help whoever is willing to help me in return. I also have several Eridian weapons if you'd rather have those in return for the help.

I'll be online Friday night around 9 PM eastern, and I have a mic. Should you not have the secret Armory (or the Zombie island, I have that too) I'll help out in Borderlands, ODST, Halo 3, or L4d2. Remember, 9PM Eastern friday, March 26. Any of the games I listed up there I can help with.

GT: acer34p3r
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#684 princexbuster



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Posted 29 March 2010 - 04:16 PM

Anyone up for some nazi zombies? I'm on about every day just send me a friend request and message me whenever. Sometimes it is my brother playing but it is mostly me.
GT= princexbuster
EDIT: Playing xbox and posting is not a good idea if you are trying for quality.

Edited by princexbuster, 29 March 2010 - 08:53 PM.

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Sexy Dwarves.

#685 death by cheez

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Posted 29 March 2010 - 08:23 PM

Game updates: In case you haven't noticed, MW2's "Stimulus Package" map pack is on the 360, but is apparently $15, breaking the tradition of $10 map packs. Also, L4D2's "The Passing" is set to be out by Wednesday, if the podcasts from January ore correct on timing. Should be $10, and some info on it:

1. It has 3 stages, inwhich 2 of the stages have a "blast from the past" (Think L4D1).
2. The new Melee weapon is a golf club: the driver.
3. The new gun is the M60, basically a 150 round machine gun that will tear you UP.
4. There is a new Uncommon Common: The fallen survivor. Basically when you see him he starts running, but will drop anything from guns to health to explosives. Pretty sweet, eh?

About a month or so after the release of The Passing they will release the"blast from the past's" story of how it got all the way to Georgia.

And that's all I've heard so far. Most of the new stuff is common knowledge to you 360 players if you actually read what is in the dashboard.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#686 GreenyNerf96



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Posted 01 April 2010 - 05:06 AM

I propose a Halo 3 tournament. I am unsure of American times, but it will be 12:00am Melbourne, Australian time.

Interested? Add me: PoisonGreenyMan
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#687 death by cheez

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 02:51 PM

Connections would be total $#!+, every time I've gamed with a foreign person the game lags to the point that you shoot them in the head w/ a snipper rifle and they die 30 seconds later from a headshot to your kill count.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#688 flyingpie77



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Posted 01 April 2010 - 02:58 PM

Gamertag: XxpsyXvampxX

Games played:
Dante's inferno

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Why does this involve Goldfish? This unsettles me.

#689 death by cheez

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 04:15 PM

Yo pie, I'll add you tonight for Borderlands. I've got a level 61 Berserker w/ modded guns, and I'm working on a 21 Soldier.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#690 Talio


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Posted 02 April 2010 - 08:25 AM

Anyone pick up Bad Company 2 yet? It looks pretty awesome. Wanted to get some real people reactions to it.
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New posts on my blog, check it out. - Click on the ad too, cause I get money per click. Give back to the Admin team for once!

#691 hawkshot



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Posted 02 April 2010 - 01:13 PM

Talio, on Apr 2 2010, 09:25 AM, said:

Anyone pick up Bad Company 2 yet? It looks pretty awesome. Wanted to get some real people reactions to it.

I had the original which doesn't look much different than the sequel, and it was very fun. Way more team oriented than a game such as MW2.

Oh yeah, aside from that I'm a MW2 fanatic.

gt: Hawksh0t

Edited by hawkshot, 02 April 2010 - 01:13 PM.

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Call me Hawk.

Hawkshot, one of the founding FL Nerfers.

#692 unTrained NERFER

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Posted 02 April 2010 - 01:35 PM

Talio, on Apr 2 2010, 08:25 AM, said:

Anyone pick up Bad Company 2 yet? It looks pretty awesome. Wanted to get some real people reactions to it.

As Hawk said, it is amazing. The game itself is more complex than mw2 so you don't get the never ending n00b parade found in most other fps. One thing I might add is that a mic and a party of guys you know is essential! Communication between your team will save your life. Otherwise you will be diddled and quite possibly have your corpse humped.

Hawk: It is much better than the first one, the creators did a nice job of cleaning up some mistakes. :)
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balls, in three different colors. I don't remember the exact number, but I'm sure Ryan or Zorn does.

#693 Robonerfer1



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Posted 06 April 2010 - 12:06 PM

BFBC2 is [/u]AMAZING. I have it for PS3 but its so much better than the first, mainly because they got rid of the annoying film grain visual filter. also, SMGs have ironsights now. (that may not seem like a big deal but it was annoying in the first game) The unlock system is also a LOT better. Instead of earning unlock credits for anything, you unlock new items for a kit by gaining points and exp with said kit. For example, to get the SCAR-H SMG for the engineer class, you would have to earn 2500 exp with the engineer class. (thats alot when 1 kill is 50) My PSN name is nlsongster and my XBL GT is XPwNaGexDuDex12 I play mw2 alot and also GoW2, Halo 3, and a bunch of other stuff.

(this is actually my first post for a long time, i just decided to stop lurking and post something useful, even if it doesn't apply to Nerf)
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XBL GT: XPwNaGexDuDex12 add me
QUOTE(OfAllTheNerf @ Mar 29 2008, 04:11 PM) View Post

Yeah, it also helps if your nuts are made of steel. Or atleast as hard as steel, to ensure that you can shoot far enough.

#694 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 01:17 PM

Just wanted to say that the blur multiplayer beta/demo is well worth downloading. I'm not a big fan of racing games in general but this one is a lot of fun.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#695 death by cheez

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:29 PM

Well, Valve has officially pissed a whole lot of people off. The Passing (1st DLC for L4D2) isn't out like it should be. And remember, for those of you that have ODST: The Reach Beta drops in on May 3rd!!

Edited by death by cheez, 14 April 2010 - 08:29 PM.

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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#696 AJZ



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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:36 PM


Edited by AJZ, 13 July 2014 - 06:09 PM.

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#697 death by cheez

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:43 PM

Wait, when'd they release that tidbit? When I checked on 4-6 it was still late March! And hey, people change games. I've gone between Halo, L4D2, and Borderlands in the past 4 months.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#698 Rabbit



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Posted 20 April 2010 - 07:04 PM

I could care less about The Passing (I sold L4D2, since versus was horrible), and more about the sister-DLC they said they'd be releasing for L4D. I'd also like to see them continue to update L4D, rather than simply release the occasional DLC and continuing to support it on their servers (infected bots in versus would be nice :) ).

Either way, the video output on my 360 is shot, so I'm off Live until I can get a replacement.
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#699 death by cheez

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 07:29 PM

Well in the passing there are now infected bots, revamps in the old systems for stuff such as survival and scavenger, a run-in with the original characters, hence the title "the passing," and there's a whole new multiplayer game type.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

#700 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 03 May 2010 - 08:02 PM

Just an fyi in case people forgot, The Halo Reach beta came out today. They've been having server problems off and on, but they get fixed quickly. Other then that it's a lot of fun and definitely worth trying if you have ODST.

The armor powers are all great, although I've been using stealth the most to sneak up on guys so I can get the cool knife attack.

As far as new weapons most of them don't feel that much different from their counterparts in earlier games. I haven't run across the human grenade launcher, but the plasma grenade launcher is pretty badass.

↓ If only, haha.

Edited by VelveetaAvenger, 04 May 2010 - 02:26 PM.

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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

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