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Winter Ohio War

WoW, the good kind, last Ohio war in '08

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#101 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 04:14 PM

Longshot Wielder, on Dec 10 2008, 03:44 PM, said:

Lynx you a boy scout? But yes it gets cold enough in KY. It must be ungodly cold in OHIO.

Not always, sometimes its warm like in the 40s and raining so you have something to look forward to.

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#102 Vistagecko



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Posted 10 December 2008 - 04:28 PM

You haven't experienced Ohio winter if you live in Columbus. If you want a feel of harsh winter in Ohio, you can shovel a path up to Cleveland.

Lake Effect snow, 10in minimum of snow at all times, negative temperatures, even more negative windchill, random hail, freezing rain, hell on Earth if hell froze over.

Only 2 groups of Nerfers expererience worse. Canadians, with even harsher winters, and Flordians with hurricanes and tropical storms. If anything Columbus will be about 10 degrees warmer.

But yeah 20ish-35ish. Just throwin this out there, I love my fuzzy ass mittens!

EDIT: Bpso I hope you get eaten by a shark.

Edited by Vistagecko, 10 December 2008 - 08:05 PM.

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QUOTE(The Kart Racing Nerf Man @ May 6 2009, 07:31 PM) View Post

I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
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#103 bpso86



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Posted 10 December 2008 - 07:21 PM

Just for good measure:

While you guys are out in the cold, freezing Ohio winter all day, I'll be chillin' down in Florida. Hmm... it should be mid 70's and sunny... might need a jacket...

*Wishes he were staying in Ohio for one two more days...*
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#104 Shrub



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Posted 11 December 2008 - 04:54 PM

There's a good and bad side to everything isn't there bpso.
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#105 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 06:15 PM

Longshot, quit posting useless shit. This thread is already 11 pages long, why the hell are you still here? You're not attending the war, unless you have something to (unfortunately) tell us that is a change on your state of attendance, just go elsewhere. Since this war is known about, we don't need you bumping it up to the top everyday when people are trying to advertise future wars.

EDIT: Sorry, totally forgot the real reason I came in here. Got distracted by all the stupid ass side conversations.

I WILL be in attendance, unless someone/my car dies.

I am extremely thrilled to be attending my first war. Could someone who has attended several wars PM me? I have just some simple questions, like load outs and such. Thanks!

Edited by CrazyIvan VI, 11 December 2008 - 06:21 PM.

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I get all giddy when I see VACC browsing a stupid topic. I just know someone is going to get banned.

#106 Lynx



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 02:58 PM

Um, yeah. 1 week.

Also, there is a SMALL chance that I could, maybe, just might not be going.

It's small though...
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#107 Vistagecko



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 10:23 PM

Lynx, on Dec 13 2008, 11:58 AM, said:

Um, yeah. 1 week.

Also, there is a SMALL chance that I could, maybe, just might not be going.

It's small though...

The host of this war might not be there. Great. Fantastic. This won't be a problem.

Lynx, as this forum as my witness, if I drive 2 1/2 hours and your not there... your left nut is mine.

Edited by Vistagecko, 13 December 2008 - 10:23 PM.

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QUOTE(The Kart Racing Nerf Man @ May 6 2009, 07:31 PM) View Post

I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
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#108 Jedijoe9



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Posted 13 December 2008 - 10:55 PM

1) You better be there

2) I'm considering myself sort of the co-host, so even if you aren't there, this war will run smoothly

3) You better be there

Edited by Jedijoe9, 13 December 2008 - 10:55 PM.

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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

#109 Peter



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Posted 14 December 2008 - 05:01 AM

Awe. I can't be there. Too bad : (

Oh my gosh, I just saw the pictures of the park, and I can attest, that that park rules and that playground owns. I played there many times as a kid!

Hope you guys have fun this year like we did last and maybe I'll be there for 09'.

Edited by Peter, 14 December 2008 - 05:04 AM.

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#110 Lynx



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Posted 14 December 2008 - 10:52 AM

Jedijoe9, on Dec 13 2008, 10:55 PM, said:

1) You better be there

2) I'm considering myself sort of the co-host, so even if you aren't there, this war will run smoothly

3) You better be there

I can make it. There is also a SMALL chance that I can't. When I say small I mean smaller than YOUR left nut Vistageico.
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#111 thaygor



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Posted 14 December 2008 - 03:19 PM

Well put me down as +1 now. One of my guys is scared if getting cold.
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#112 Darken



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Posted 15 December 2008 - 08:48 PM

Ugh, sorry guys, can't make it to the war. Money and time kinda got in the way.
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#113 nerf mafia

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Posted 15 December 2008 - 09:51 PM

Well I guess now is as good a time as any. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled Saturday and they decide to have me wait around this saturday because they found some spots in my mouth that could be oral cancer and they may need me to come in the day of the war for a check up/ results thing. Also the parents of the group that was coming with me are woried about the weather or else the would go minus me. So looks like life has gone to hell in a very short asmount of time. I realy hope to see you guys this spring. Also vista I'll be pming with what to do on the stuff I bought from you I may have someone pick it up for me.
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#114 thaygor



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Posted 15 December 2008 - 09:51 PM

Ok my guy is back in so its thaygor +2 now. Sorry longshotwealder :o
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#115 nerfkid3



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Posted 16 December 2008 - 09:51 PM

I wish i could be there but 2 things are wrong with it GAS and time and it is an 11/2 hour drive from kettering and my dad dosn't want to waste gas (he thinks nerf is stupid) so I cant go.
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#116 Lynx



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Posted 16 December 2008 - 10:06 PM

Offer to pay for gas and do some chores.
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#117 Jedijoe9



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Posted 17 December 2008 - 11:49 PM

I'm not 100% sure why, but people tend to start dropping like flies attendance-wise in the days before a war. Then you get some yahoo who posts the morning of the war and says he can't go, etc. If you plan on dropping out, you should do it soon

I said it earlier, but this park is a little ways back and it can be a little confusing to find. If you want my cell #, shoot me a PM and I'll give it to you. That way, you can let us know if you're lost or trapped or whatever.

It's been pretty icy here, so I'll try to have some salt on hand to spread around the castle. The good news is: it's supposed to be clear and in the 40's on Saturday, so we probably won't have to deal with ice.

Who's ready to nerf?
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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

#118 Grimlock



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 08:00 AM

Sorry guys, I've come down with something and unless I'm feeling much better by tomorrow I won't be coming. So for most of the day I'm going to rest and try to recover so I can come.
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#119 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 11:13 AM

Jedijoe9, on Dec 17 2008, 11:49 PM, said:

we probably won't have to deal with ice.

he was coming? WTF??

hey send me your cell, Im still coming as of now...

btw... I ended up with an extra vulcan, anyone want to buy one?

I can minimize it and paint it and everything if you contact me early enough. $40 otherwise my GFs boy is getting 2 instead of 1.

my AIM is ImBadWrench

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#120 Vistagecko



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 05:02 PM

Alright I'm right I'm running low on space. So before I take up half the trunk with foam, does anyone even want any? I have roughly 300 ft. left. PM me if anyone is interested,
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QUOTE(The Kart Racing Nerf Man @ May 6 2009, 07:31 PM) View Post

I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
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#121 Jedijoe9



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 05:36 PM


ice... he was coming? WTF??

That would be ice, as in frozen water, as opposed to ice, the youtube sensation. Also, I pm'ed you my phone number.

Vistagecko: You mentioned a broken/messed up SNAPbow in your trading thread. If you still have it, I'll buy it off of you tomorrow. But I don't need any foam.

In other news, the weather report:

Posted Image

It's ain't going to be beautiful, but it should still be a blast. Don't forget to bundle up and to bring water and a lunch. We'll stop for a bit for lunch, but since the park is kind of out there, it will definitely be smarter to bring one rather than to go buy food. I may bring a camp stove for hot chocolate, but it depends on whether or not I have fuel.

See you guys tomorrow!
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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

#122 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 05:51 PM

If anyone could bring me a couple handfuls of stefans... all I have are my oversized ones for my buzzbee glo rifle
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#123 Vistagecko



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:48 PM

Well since no one is even slightly interested in my foam, I will be going on a caffiene powered dart smithing oragy tonight.

You can refine the list to Vistagecko + Boisie + 1 guest. Grant, where did you get 6?

I will be bringing a NIB 1st gen nitefinder, and my beat up, yet functional SNAPbow to the war for sale. Come on kiddies bust open your piggy banks, allowences, college savings & xmas present funds, you know you want these.

Now lets see if I can play COD 4, make darts, & fine tune my guns at the same time.
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QUOTE(The Kart Racing Nerf Man @ May 6 2009, 07:31 PM) View Post

I lubed it again and again, I don't see what an extra 2 centimeters does. I don't think I will cut it off.
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#124 Lynx



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 07:50 PM

Since bobafan has dropped off the map and I was buying stefans from him.

I'd very much appreciate if I can borrow/use darts from anyone.

I have money's, so pm me please.

Edited by Lynx, 19 December 2008 - 08:08 PM.

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#125 Jedijoe9



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Posted 20 December 2008 - 05:27 PM

What a great time! I have the convenience of living only fifteen minutes away, so I'm going to go ahead and post my reactions now before I forget them all. Overall, I think this war really went well. Props to the Cincy kids-- They come out in force every war and they really are great to play with. Some of them were saying that they have been waiting to nerf for a while and I'm glad we could accommodate.

So my thoughts

+The turnout. 23 people in all. I'm pretty sure Ohio is moving up in the nerf world.
+ The venue. It's definitely different, but the castle park is fucking badass. That is really all to say about it.
+My +bow generally operating in an awesome fashion. Unfortunately for me, my breech came apart near the end of the day, but it should be in working order soon. This was my first war (besides HVZ) using the +bow and I have to say that I am extremely impressed.
+ Thaygor really pwning with his xbow. It seemed like every time we were on opposing teams, I found myself in shooting matches with him and once, while in the fort, I heard one of his darts whiz right by my ear. It must have missed by a millimeter.
+ Lynx's friend (don't remember his name) who had never nerfed before. I gave this guy a BBB to use and he really did an awesome job with it. He would prowl around the battlefield edges, picking off anyone that was by themselves. At some point he said “this nerf stuff is really great. I want to get some guns of my own.” Score one more for nerf!
+The enthusiasm of all of the cincy guys. They really bring their A-game and I love going up against them. It sucks that UC is no longer hosting giant wars.
+ Seeing all of Mr.Badwrench's creations. I was especially impressed with the big salvo hornet...if only it wasn't so leaky. It's nice to know that nerf is a sport for all ages too!
+Being able to try new game types. The castle made for an interesting place to play and I was pretty happy that we were able to try a few things, such as gunslinger heaven and humans/zombies. The CTF rounds were also a blast because they really force you to work together. Too bad my team never won. I'm a sucker for zombies, so even though the round was a bit experimental, I think it worked out great
+Co hosting a war that turned out to be pretty damn awesome is always a plus in my book. Honestly, I'd like to put together a larger scale war because I had a blast hosting it.

There are only two things that I would like to work on-- Making the transition between rounds smoother, and making the lunch break more clear/organized. Regardless, this war ruled.

I should have all of the pictures uploaded later, but here are a few for now:

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Great moment from HVZ

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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

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