stickfigure91x, on Oct 5 2008, 10:47 AM, said:
Part of the reason I think the Spartan is going to be released is that gear window in the stock. If it was just made for the game, why would the bother with the gears? Why not just make it a solid stock?
I REALLY want that long rifle to be made, it reminds me of the deer rifle from Call of Duty 4.
That would be the R700. And you're right it does look like it. Sort of.
TALKI: I'm thinkin that the long drawback may be used to go automatic, by using only a certain length of the drawback to shoot one dart. Which could allow it to do the whole 3-shot burst shpeal that people are talking about. I know that might be a little confusing. If you pull the priming handle back all the way and pull the trigger once, the handle would move X length down the side, pulling the trigger again will move it another X length. Holding down the trigger will shoot X darts at once. Whew, that was a mouthful. Seeing as I could barely put that into a coherent sentence, someone who might understand what I'm trying to get at do it for me.