that was kinda random, SF ------^ haha
Alright, people, we are now about one week from Fall SENO. VIVA LA SENO!
Some reminders:- Eye protection is MANDATORY. We don't want anyone to get hurt by the uber-awesome guns making their debut.
- Bring some money because we'll order pizza for lunch. If you don't want any, you may bring your own food.
- Bring FLUIDS! Gatorade, water, beer. You'll be running around for 6-7 hours....okay, maybe not the beer...
- Dress accordingly. It is getting a little nippy now. I'd advise everyone to check their darts for cold-shrinkage.
- Status of public facilities is still unknown. Be ready to use some bushes. Enough said.
- Park in the parking lot directly adjacent to the playground.
- Go out there and rain foamy death upon everyone (in other words, have fun

I need the maybes on the list to sound-off asap so I can get an accurate count of everyone attending. Refer to the first post for addition info. If anyone has questions and/or concerns, feel free to PM me.