Maverick frame and trigger
Sm3k pump
At3k air tank
Ls bi-pod
barrel materials:
18 inch 3/4 cpvc
brass breeched
1inch pvc "silencer"
other materials:
epoxy putty
hot glue
strong string (used string from double shot)
a really good dremel with sander and disc bits
I bring you.. my beauty

The pump is guided by the barrel, using a pvc T coupler (i think it was the 1inch size) and is lined by felt to make pumping smooth.

you can see that the base of the pump is securely fastened to the middle of the maverick, as opposed to the bottom which runs the slight risk of the pump breaking off the gun from pushing to hard. Also, the breech is visible. Its nothing fancy, just cut a hole in some 17/32 brass and put a short piece of 9/16 brass over that, as a cover. Epoxy a Short nail to that and there you are.

Here, we have 6 ammo holders made of 1/2 cpvc. These are attached to the stock, which is a combination of 3/4 cpvc and couplers that are glued in, using a variety of adhesives.

A shot of the Ls bi-pod folded up. It works amazing well for this gun and serves a much greater purpose then what it did on the longshot its self.

You can see where the At3k tank's valve comes out of the maverick here, its the little orange piece that the hose attaches to.

A quick shot to show the pump extended. This was by accident, but the "silencer" stops the pump from coming all the way out, yet still get a full pump of air in.

The reason I used 3/4 cpvc to house my brass barrel is because of how perfectly the cpvc fits into that orange barrel piece on the maverick, which does an excellent job of keeping my barrel straight and secure.

Yes, I opened it back up just for you all! the trigger system was inspired by my dad actually, because he was talking about pulley systems, and that sounded a lot more simple then some other ideas i had going through my head.
I carved a divot for the string to sit in on the trigger and knotted it outside of a small hole i drilled in the bottom of the trigger. The string then goes around 2 pegs that are already in the maverick and ties onto the air tank pin. You have to make sure that the string you use DOES NOT STRETCH at all or it won't work because of the air pressure. It is also important to make string very taught and put in a strong combination of knots on the pin. I slipped a small spring between the knot and plastic piece on the pin, and then hot glued it to make it stiff, which helps (kind of like the pic pen mod). To make sure the pin returns to its original position after firing, I threw a rubber band on there to push it back, the picture says enough for that part.

just a closer look at the internals for ya.
Alright and there you have it. I started this project at the beginning of summer and literally finished it yesterday. It was completed earlier but I had used the Sm3k air tank and that eventually exploded and set me back, until I bough a At3k off of badger.
No official ranges yet but I can easily say I can hit 100 flat by shooting it down my dorm hallway, but I will try to get those to you soon.
Compliments? Flames? Comments at all really. I hope you all enjoy!!
OH and if you play Goucher CTF, you better watch out. You have been warned mwahahhaa
Edited by Knud-Hansen, 05 September 2008 - 12:18 PM.