Apoc #7 Reaction Thread
Posted 03 August 2008 - 10:02 PM
Tops was winning the huge gunslinger round, downs was my primaries barrel off.
Thanks to hosts and organizers.
Posted 03 August 2008 - 10:35 PM
That would be me you hit.
Jumping, aiming over the bush in the grove, shooting, and hitting someone over it!
Overall, this was very good. I will agree that we did take a bit too much time between rounds, but it all worked out fine.
Anyway, Highlight time:
- Getting a bunch of taps with my TTG, and then firing the shot at anyone who was still alive.
- Hitting a TON of people with "The Shoop". Especially Groove, and the kid in yellow (who was hit in the hand); this could have been the best day I've had with it in its entire lifespan.
- Dodging throughout the day. The one dodge(s) that really sticks out in my mind would be when forsaken fired about 4 or 5 shots at me while I was reloading The Shoop.
- Teaming up with Rover while in the forest and keeping the white team alive in the multi-team round.
- Teaming up with Jackson when he began using his LBB. We fuckin' rocked long range.
- Hitting the kid with the Manta (Yazz?) while he was in the forest, and having the shot ricochet off his manta and into his shoulder for the kill.
- Being exceptionally quiet in the forest whenever I played there (especially with Rover) and waited for people to show up, and either tapping, killing, or stalemating (The Canadians during the multi-team).
- As soon as I got home, I found the PETG in my sharpshooter came out, talk about luck.
- Just seeing 50+ at a war; wow.
- Hoping to see some of the same faces in September for BFNY III!
A big thanks to TIS and Kuhlshrank for hosting; thanks guys!
Posted 03 August 2008 - 11:09 PM
Edited by AJZ, 13 July 2014 - 06:59 PM.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 01:05 AM
My favorite parts were:
- Sneaking through the woods with Texan and managing to stay alive till the end of the round
- Teaming up with Splitlip for Gunslinger's Heaven (even though Yazz ended up killing me pretty early on)
- Getting a better idea of what blasters i need in my arsenal to be effective at a war.
- Not running out of stephans
- Hitting some poor guy right in the middle of the forehead at nearly "loser" range, definitely more luck than skill (I think your name was Phil or something?)
- Meeting some pretty cool folks
Least favorite parts were:
- Having someone dryfire my crossbow and having a good portion of it's guts fly out (massive thanks to whoever loaned me the superglue, you saved my entire day of nerfing)
- Being called bucket-hat all the time only because it sounds pretty stupid
- All the ammo I kept picking up was either shitty (four inch long stephans with exposed washers?) or so old it crumbled in my hands
- The rain (thanks goes out to the guys who were smart enough to bring a giant waterproof tarp, saved my ass again)
All in all, it was so much fun that I'm
Edited by Rover, 04 August 2008 - 02:36 AM.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 08:48 AM
Split - I totally forgot about that. It was definitely something to be seen. There are darts wizzing past my head and I'm just looking at slugs gun that I borrowed in complete shock as to how cool it is and Foresaken (Forskin...lolz!!1) like smacks me on the back of the head and says, "Will you stop admiring and shoot something?" Classic.
Shinny - I actually think it's kind of funny that anyone mentioned how long it took to pick rounds. I mean did we accomplish all the rounds we wanted to play. I wasn't really paying attention most of the day, but it didn't really strike me that we were taking abnormally long. I don't think 10 minutes to split up 50 people is really all that bad. But maybe I've just developed this little thing called patients that a large group of teenagers might lack.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 09:09 AM
Showing up to say hi and imediately being assaulted by Tali-ho. Lesson learned? Vikings are no match for Nerf Gods.
Anyway, I was only there for a moment, but I echo Talio's sentiments purely out of experience.
Shinny, you had an enourmous group of nerfers on a venue that the horsemen originally chose for it's size and variety of terrain, both of which contribute to longer downtime. Next year, if your interested, we'll help out in any way we can. There are some basic things you can do, but for the most part it is just some tedious micromanaging bullshit (I have several diabolical machinations in the oven). Next year's Deal war will be back to the basics and, as such, a good example of the planning we do. If you're interested I'll cut you in on the planning for it just to give you an idea. It could be useful since it'll be more than a month before apoc.
Honestly, I was quite impressed by how flexible you guys were last year, and I'm sure it was much of the same this year. It should only get better. Arma-what-now?
Posted 04 August 2008 - 09:33 AM
In that regard one of my highlights for the day was walking over to the grove with groove, and watching everyone agonize over team selection. I just stopped everything and divided up everyone by birthday, and groove balanced it out by picking which of the evens should cross over to the odds team. We did the team picking in record time. Then the Canadians and half a dozen others crested the hill and we we were back to square one.
You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.
2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 11:03 AM

I can't wait for the Fall DCNO, I'll finally be able to bring to bear my Super Salvo 1.5k, my CPVC'd Longshot, and hopefully my SNAP.
Edited by Galaxy613, 04 August 2008 - 11:04 AM.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 11:42 AM
Edited by CaptainSlug, 04 August 2008 - 11:43 AM.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 09:56 PM
I guess I shouldn't expect to much maturity from grown men who play with Nerf guns.
But I won't resort to name calling. I will just have to aim for faces again.
Highlights of the war.
-My first shot at Apoc was hitting Talio in the face with the Doomsayer.
-Shooting Talio again in the face that same round then yelling at him "Put on some eye protection"
-Shooting Shindig in the nose as he was faced sideways from 60 feet.
-Seeing the amazing dodging skills of Evil. It is true. I had put about 8-9 rounds toward him and he dodged them all. It was the 9th or 10th shot he could not avoid.
- Causing fear in most people at the mere sight of seeing a Doomsayer aimed at them.
- Misfiring at some kid (Keef?) who thought I was out of ammo, only to fire again and hit him in the teeth as he was smiling.
- Whenever Cardiac-Kid and I were on the same team ruining the oppositions day.
- Random people approaching me asking me "What the hell is that thing?" about the Doomsayer.
I got that reaction last year with PAS level 2. I hope to keep this pattern going annually.
- Getting 5 kills in a row. (Doesn't break my record at Hell, but damn does it feel good)
- Getting all focused on one target and just unleashing hell until he is hit.
- Randomly asking people who the next target should be and then getting them out.
- Seeing the chimeras in action.
- Meeting that one nerfers father who I shared a cigarette with and had a very brief but serious conversation. The same father who I lent a Mega pistol, only to double kill each other at the end of the round. (Hope you can come out next year)
- Meeting Nerfonfier, the owner of the Lancer. You lucky duck.
- Meeting Split lip and receiving a Vulcan.... (Thats right)
- Captain slugs quirky antics.
- Tank-rat advancing on me, I told him "I don't want to shoot you." His response "Your going to have to."
I then shot him in the chest and later found out that all the other Canadians had a $10 bet to see who could hit me first as I was on the other team. None succeeded, traitors.

- A patch of younglings gasping when the realized there were two Doomsayers.
- Some of the youngling patch thinking that Cardiac kids Doomsayer also shot a Titan missile out the front. Too funny.
- Constantly being targeted by the kid with the plusbow only to shoot him every time.
- Finally getting to hold a +bow.
- Seeing the one guy from Massachusetts get shot in the hand.
- Badgers giant selling of Nerf guns at the end.
- Nerfing with the likes of Talio, OMC, Groove, Captain Slug, Dark Shrimp, Shindig, Evil and more I am probably forgetting.
- Getting an honest opinion on the Doomsayer from OMC, Shindig, Talio and Dark shrimp. Thanks guys it really means alot.
- Going out for drinks after with most of the vets, you guys are awesome.
- Shindig hitting me in the neck.
- Dumpster somehow always having three lives left when everyone else was down to 1 or 2. Take point ya little fucker!!!
- Seeing Crooked do very well. Good job buddy, you are the rookie of the war in my books!
-Meeting Jlego, just a cool guy who I actually tried to avoid because he was that damn good from a distance.
- Feeling a dart whiz past my ear while I was leaning against a tree.
- Shooting some kid in the nuts with a Doomsayer by accident.
- Lots of respect to all those who waited out the short rain fall to Nerf later on.
- All of the help I got from fellow nerfers returning my darts to me. Thank you so much guys!
Lowlights of the war.
- Rain, unavoidable.
- Lazy Nerfers who could not go on for another round at the end possibly even including some vets.
- The few timid Nerfers who left early because it was getting wet out.
- Not war related but getting stuck at the border as they emptied most of our shit out of the trunk.
- Also not war related but the 20+ hours we spent in the car to be there.
As you can see the Highlights definitely outweigh the lowlights at this war.
I am very happy more Canadians came this year. There will be more of us next year.
We will have to rent a mini bus for sure.
As far as photos and videos go, Who else has photos? I must have like 163 photos/videos of the entire trip and at least 60 items from the war.
I must give a ton of thanks and appreciation to Rambo.
If it were not for him we would not have been able to go to this war.
Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 04 August 2008 - 09:58 PM.
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.
Posted 04 August 2008 - 10:15 PM
My Chimera working properly and the other two working within exceptable norms.
Being on the same team as Forsaken in most of the games.
Not getting shot by any of the Doomsayers.
Seeing some of the folks that I haven't seen since last apoc.
Walking out likr 15 feet infront of the fire line and shooting and then getting shot at by 4 differant people and haveing all of them miss.
Performing some nice dodges and surviveing some close calls.
Hitting the asian kid with the 3k in the head while aiming at the guy behind him.
Not so Highlights:
My legs still hate me...
The rain.
We are missing a longshot carbine with Puls3vo writen on the bottom side of the stock.
Haveing like a 3rd of my deaths be from shots hitting my boots.
Fucking up my left hand on the chimera pump.
One of the chimeras is now in a semi operation state because of damage.
We can't wait to come next year and we are waiting on the videos we took and the pictures from our friend. Also I can't wait to see the stuff that other people have taken aswell.
Posted 05 August 2008 - 12:30 AM
I guess I shouldn't expect to much maturity from grown men who play with Nerf guns.
But I won't resort to name calling. I will just have to aim for faces again.
Come on, just call me Tali-whacker. It'll make you feel better.
Edit - Tali-hoe is totally an option as well.
Double edit - But only becasue your bigger then me.
Triple edit - Seriously, that gun is fucking terrifying.
Posted 05 August 2008 - 08:32 AM
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 05 August 2008 - 08:51 AM
- Having ice, who was strafing towards one of my teammates, unwittingly walk right up to me to get tapped.
- FA does a very god job with those pump-action shotguns. The gun doesn't necessarily make the Nerfer, but it definitely helps.
- Awesome round in the 1st Gunslinger Heaven round. Partnered with DS and ending with a fun showdown between us and OMC/Evil
- 4-team Multi-team battle in the forest (Once we got the teams picked) was fun and was one of the first ones that I've seen where one team didn't hide in the corner until the end.
Shindig and I definitely have some room for streamlining the war, but from what I saw, this year was still pretty good. I can't wait for Apoc VII.
Thanks to all of you for coming; especially those who flew or crossed international borders.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 08:35 AM
Hell yeah.[*]Leading an awesome team into the fray in the 4-team DM in Resurrection Forest and totally dominating.
Orange tape: you all know who you are. You all rocked.
Chem Goggles plans to make an account here, as none other than "Chem Goggles." So I think that ones probably gonna stick. Of course, I still have to get my goggles back from him now so that I'm not getting pelted with shit in the face when I use my dremel to mod the BBB I bought from badger.Nickname that I hope sticks: Chem Goggles
That was biofreak2's dad I believe. We'll be back.- Meeting that one nerfers father who I shared a cigarette with and had a very brief but serious conversation. The same father who I lent a Mega pistol, only to double kill each other at the end of the round. (Hope you can come out next year)
I forgot a few things before when I posted, I didn't have much time. Other highlights:
- Being on a team with Groove, Rover, and/or Team Slaya every round
- Angling a shot through a bush in the forest and hitting one of the chimera wielders in the temple
- Not having equipment failure all day, even though I made replacement plunger heads and plunger rod
- Getting 3 clean hits on F_A24
- Getting in the car to leave for lunch right before the rain started, and getting back right after it ended.
- Hearing someone on the other team yell something like "He can't hit me, that's just a NF." then someone yelling back "Yeah he can"
Edited by analogkid, 06 August 2008 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 09:26 AM
Running off with Rambo after being surrounded was a lot of fun too. Getting chased through the woods by a brassed 3k and then finished off by groove from like 20 ft away through the trees (from the path well into the woods).
Posted 06 August 2008 - 09:44 AM

Image shack is being weird right now. I still have more photos to upload later.
Are we doing a compilation of videos that everyone has taken or just each persons on their own?
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 10:39 AM
3rd to last of foresaken's pics- In the distance you can see me standing (black shit, black shorts, blond hair) and another kid named Dave? sitting in a blue shirt. Anyway, it ended up with my shotgun misfiring and shooting him pointblank either right before or right after this picture was taken. I offered to let him shoot me back as payback, but he was pretty cool about it and said nah.
All around a great day and I wouldn't miss it for anything next year. I look forward to seeing everyone that was there this year, next year, and then a few more on top of that.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 11:55 AM
3rd to last of foresaken's pics- In the distance you can see me standing (black shit, black shorts, blond hair) and another kid named Dave? sitting in a blue shirt. Anyway, it ended up with my shotgun misfiring and shooting him pointblank either right before or right after this picture was taken. I offered to let him shoot me back as payback, but he was pretty cool about it and said nah.
All around a great day and I wouldn't miss it for anything next year. I look forward to seeing everyone that was there this year, next year, and then a few more on top of that.
HA. not really a misfire. That's me right next to you in the white shirt with the black bird on the left side. Weren't you like showing it off and your finger slipped and hit the trigger as you turned around. That must have sucked for him.
Ice, by the way, despite how much everyone but your prepubescent fan club hates you, I did like your LS. A bit ugly though.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 12:32 PM
The picture of Orange tape walking with Groove in front is awesome. At that point we were just cleaning up, and it looks like they're not gonna be stopped.
Great pictures.
EDIT- Wait, I lied, I'm in the 11th picture TRYING to protect Ted from one of the Dommsayers...
Edited by Yazz, 06 August 2008 - 12:35 PM.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 12:43 PM

It should have a caption saying: "Yea... It is big isn't it."
Posted 06 August 2008 - 07:12 PM
+ Meeting the likes of Talio, Groove, OMC, The Infinite Shindig, VACC and many others. It was an honor to meet you all and I hope to see you next year!
+ Getting only about 50 kills the whole day, but all of which were well placed.
+ Depleting all 3 of Doubleshot's lives in one of the Primaries rounds
+ Keeping all three of my lives in the Multi-team round, yet sitting in the back angling my shots until Angel told me to take point.
+ Hitting Slug twice during the Multi-Team round.
+ Being one of the last people standing in the Multi-Team round, with the game ending abruptly. I had three (or was it two?) lives left and was tapped.
+ CrApsuperiores after the fact, then watching my father get denied booze and RAMBO surprising him with a coconut caramel smoothie (added salt and pepper).
+ White Castle at the lunch break (my life is complete).
+ Someone (I don't remember who) running up to tap me, but instead breaking the barrel off of their Signal Launcher when they hit me. I sat down, and looked at the severed barrel, which I noticed wasn't loaded (you cannot tap if your gun isn't loaded and primed). I was back in and laughing it off most of the round.
+ Angling shots at Shindig during one of the last rounds. The first missed entirely, the second hit him in the chest. Once he cleared, I fired at him again and missed his balls by mere inches.
+ Seeing Doomsayers in action for the second time. I still clearly remember using The Cardiac Kid's during a round at Hell Before Halloween.
+ Watching someone (again, I don't remember who) pull out a Recon in the midst of battle. I just broke out laughing.
+ Not taking any headshots the whole day, but handing out a few.
+ Buying a Commlink II and a Light Storm LS3 for $10 each off of Badger.
+ Helping break an attendance record.
- Getting hit in the first round, then clearing, only to get hit by Talio near point-blank with an AT2K.
- Mysteriously getting hit in the shoe for most of the day, only a few times in the chest and the like.
- Rain took away a lot of playing time.
- The Pump Shotgun's Vacuum loading really became a nuisance, so did the hair trigger. I really have to reconsider a new primary.
- Picking teams becoming VERY time consuming.
Trip highlights:
> Angel making the drive very entertaining.
> Buying a Vulcan on Sunday while we were out shopping.
> Crooked sleeping for 99% of the trip, we took a pic every time, each time he was sleeping on his penguin.
> RAMBO being an awesome host. I wish I lived there now.
> The Subway bathrooms, I'll let Angel fill you guys in, it's just too fucking hilarious.
> Surviving mostly on fast food for the drive (mozzarella sticks FTW!).
> "Who's breathing... SHUT UP!"
> Watching Predator and Shaun Of The Dead over Angel's shoulder.
? Being stuck riding bitch for the entire time in the car.
? Getting over the border fine into the US, but being searched getting into Canada.
? Getting lost often. GPS betrayed us!
The pros greatly outweigh the cons and the trip was awesome. I will most certainly be out next year.
Special thanks to-
Kuhlschrank and The Infinite Shindig for organizing and hosting this year's APOC.
RAMBO for being an incredible host and putting up with us for the weekend. You are awesome.
Everyone who came out to this, I could not believe the attendance we had. We need to try and beat it next year though.
Angel for both picking us up and putting us up in the hotel. Not to mention briniging APOC up in the first place.
The Cardiac Kid for making the drive there and back without killing anyone. You are one crazy fucker.
Edited by deaddumpster, 06 August 2008 - 09:16 PM.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A good nerf gun is like a good woman. It shouldn't require extra lubrication.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 09:20 PM

My very first shot in my very first round left that shiner under Talios left eye.
Those are all the photos I have. I still have some video to piece together. A lot of it is shaky however.
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 11:40 PM
Posted 07 August 2008 - 09:20 AM
These are the shirts that Groove inspired me to make.
These were taken in the morning before the war.

You can tell how painfully tired I am in the above photo.

I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.
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