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Assassin Rules Help

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#1 Oni Kadaki

Oni Kadaki


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 07:57 PM

Hey guys, i'm restarting my assassin game this year (we took a break last semester) and I just rewrote the rules. As i'm expecting a much larger group this time around, i'd like to ensure that the rules are comprehensive, as well as identify any possible loopholes in the restrictions section that would allow someone to do something stupid or dangerous. The rules are posted below, i'd appreciate your help in identifying any oversights or problematic elements. Comments and criticisms are always welcome as well.

Nerf Assassin Rules: Fall 2008
I. Objective:
1. To eliminate as many players as possible each day without being eliminated.
II. Scoring and elimination:
1. Each player earns a point by whenever they or a confederate recruited by them eliminates another player or a confederate recruited by another player (see below).
2. An elimination is defined as a dart fired from one player’s nerf (or comparable off-brand blaster) blaster making contact with another player or confederate. Clothing also counts, gun hits do not.
3. Shields may be used, but there is no armor in nerf assassin. As a rule of thumb, if you’re wearing it, with the exception of a shield strapped to your arm, it counts as an elimination if it gets hit.
4. An eliminated player may not eliminate any other players or confederates until they “respawn” at midnight that night.
5. Once eliminated, a player or confederate may not interfere with combat between active players. Players may not lie, either explicitly or implicitly, about their status.
6. Any elimination questions or disagreements should be brought to Tom.
III. Confederates:
1. Players may temporarily recruit people not currently signed up for assassin to aid them. These people will be referred to as confederates. Confederates must be assigned a target or group of targets, they may not seek out players they have not been recruited to eliminate. Confederate status is lost upon elimination or at midnight of the day they were recruited, though they may be recruited again the next day. Before attempting to eliminate a player, a confederate must give a verbal indication of their status, such as “(Recruiter’s name here) says hello.”
IV. Restrictions:
1. Under no circumstances are laws or institutional rules to be broken for the purposes of this game. Any relevant authority figures must be obeyed with regards to where play takes place and in what manner it does so (this includes the owners of any property you may be on, including your target).
2. Eliminations may not take places in a class.
3. Know your target’s boundaries: Some players will not mind you showing up at their doorstep or dorm to eliminate them, others (or their families) will. Time of day is also a factor here. Try to use your best judgment, and if you’re unsure, ask.
4. If one player is in a situation where they cannot eliminate another player, they may not be eliminated in that same situation.
5. Blasters may not be modified to improve internal performance. Ergonomic changes (such as padding a grip) or adding accessories (such as a flashlight or custom ammo holders) are fine. Some examples of banned modifications include, but are not limited to:
• AR removal
• Changing/replacing barrels
• Spring replacements
• Plugging pumps
6. Under no circumstances are blasters to be made to look more realistic.
7. Darts must be in stock condition save for normal wear and tear damage. Deliberately modified and/or custom darts (such as stefans) may not be used.
8. Eliminations may not take place in potentially hazardous situations. Such situations include, but are not limited to:
• While driving
• Handling heavy objects
9. Eliminations may not take place in a situation where they would be severely disruptive or disrespectful. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
• Extracurricular activities, such as sports games or concerts
• In a house of worship
V. Misc:
1. Tom reserves the right to make revisions to these rules, including emergency revisions when play becomes severely disruptive or dangerous.

Edited by Oni Kadaki, 26 July 2008 - 09:50 PM.

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#2 shoeshine5



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Posted 26 July 2008 - 08:26 PM

Might want to include a "not at school rule." The place I taught at last year went haywire with swat and whatnot when a 3rd grader brought in an airsoft pistol. I know a nerf gun wouldn't draw that kind of attention, but still should be considered off limits. A "Not at work" rule might be good too.

I'm not a big fan of the confederate rule. If I'm reading it correctly, it just means that anyone with a lot of friends can send people in his place to a target. The rule of them being finished at midnight means nothing, since they can be easily added again the next day.

Edited by shoeshine5, 26 July 2008 - 08:30 PM.

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#3 BustaNinja



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Posted 26 July 2008 - 09:05 PM

Central (in Minnesota) envokes a rule about stripping making you invisible. Have a rule against that, as it will draw unwanted attention.
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#4 Oni Kadaki

Oni Kadaki


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 09:48 PM

@ shoeshine: As all of our players will be in college, and our school is absolutely fine with it (we have a university police department, and several representatives from it have given me the go ahead to have nerf fights on campus) it should not be a problem.

I do, however, see where you're coming from with the confederate issue. That actually reminds me, I always have a clause about being able to make revisions to the rules as well as emergency ammendments, I should add that. Though confederates have not proven to be an issue in the past, if they do, i'll add more limitations to nerf them, pun intended.

@ bustaninja: I sincerely don't think that'll be an issue. Not only is it not mentioned in the rules, it's against the law, which is clearly in the rules.

Thanks for the help, both of you. Keep it coming guys.

Edited by Oni Kadaki, 26 July 2008 - 09:49 PM.

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#5 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 12:59 AM

Personally I just think the confederates thing is a little gay.

I think it is only fair that all the assassins in the game know who all the other assassins are.
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I know its bad,
After what we had,
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#6 shoeshine5



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Posted 27 July 2008 - 01:17 AM

What is to stop a person from assembling a team and sending them out every day while they sit back, protected in their dorm. This would be an even bigger problem if you played with elimination instead of points. There at least should be a limit to their use.

The confederate system really takes away from the whole idea of playing assassins. To me, assassins has always been about going after targets, and trying to not expose yourself to other assassins in the process. There shouldn't be a middleman.

Edit: Since you asked for loophole help, another possible one would be a player getting shot at 23:59 and then immediately again after midnight.

Edited by shoeshine5, 27 July 2008 - 01:34 AM.

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#7 Oni Kadaki

Oni Kadaki


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 10:06 AM

Hmmmm, with such opposition to the confederate rule, perhaps i'll remove it. It's only been used a few times and I doubt most of the veterans will remember it exists.

Also, the ability to be shot immediately at midnight only really is a problem for couples, at least in my experience. In which case someobody's gonna be sleeping on the couch :D .

Also, i'll be doing my best to make a photo roster and have informal introductions in order to make sure as many people know as many people as possible.
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#8 Lion



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Posted 27 July 2008 - 10:19 AM

There is a store near me that has the rule books for sell(or they did int he past) check gamming stores. The books tend to have lots of diffrent game version rules.
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