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#26 kossaxx



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 03:39 PM

Hey, im the asshole who made the gun. They just validated my account so now i can finally address everyone's concerns. First off, I USED FORSAKENANGELS LANCER WRITE UP IN ORDER TO MOUNT THE CHAINSAW, I DON'T TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. There, now thats settled and theres no more confusion. Anyway. I would like to thank FA24 for inviting me to join the NerfHaven community and for posting the gun up here and also for doing an excellent write up without which the Heavy Bolter would never have happened. I would like to clairify that this gun is not in any way shape or form supposed to be a replica of FA24's lancer, nor is it supposed to be a lancer at all. When i say "lancer mod" that is purely in reference to the chainsaw mounting he did as that is the highlight of the mod (in my opinion). It was never intended to have the LEDs, stock, sights, or any of the other components of the lancer as it is not a lancer.

chalywong, on May 23 2008, 08:19 AM, said:

The guy actually didn't try to make a lancer. A Space Marine Heavy Bolter is from Warhammer 40k. I just don't know why he didn't give FA24 any credit when he mounted the chainsaw pretty much exactly like he did.

Thank you for acknowledging this. But i do give credit to him in the very first line of the auction. I realize now that i dont give it any mention in the video, which i guess was a big mistake. I figured that all the people that would see the video would have been directed there from the auction and that they would have seen the previous mention. I didnt take into account that other people would just go directly to the video without reading the auction and i honestly just didn't even think about it

Omega, on May 23 2008, 08:34 AM, said:

In pic 8, it looks like I can see a barrel post!


mystefansdontflystraight, on May 23 2008, 11:50 AM, said:

Hah. I agree. This guy in the video is acting like it was all his idea, and that it is awesome. He clearly has no modding skill, because I got my longshot to shoot 80ft and that was my first mod ever! I think someone should email him and tell him that 60ft out of a longshot is nothing. He is selling it, just so everyone knows. Im not going to post the link, but it's on ebay.

Again, the chainsaw is not my idea, the rest of the gun however was completed on my own creative steam. I personally think it is an awesome gun and i cant say what other people will think about it because everyone has their own opinions. If being able to graft a working chainsaw onto a nerf gun means, "He clearly has no modding skill," then i dont know whats going to make you happy. On that same note, if a longshot is the firt gun you've modded, then you are only a baby to the nerf world. 60 feet is nothing compared to 80 or 100 feet, i absolutely agree. My group however personally never plays outside, as well as we dont live in mansions that have open areas of 100 feet, as such theres no need to have the guns shoot that far, so why complicate the mod further than it needs to be? I took out the air restrictors and added a BBB spring to the original, thats enough for us. But hey, if you play outside, then yeah, definitely go further with it.

Also, the auction is

Bomberman, on May 23 2008, 03:26 PM, said:

BustaNinja, on May 23 2008, 04:12 PM, said:

Although, how FA24's mod is infamous, Im not sure.

It's infamous because it was talked about on over two hundred websites, including Gizmodo. And a LOT of people browse nerfhaven, that aren't members. For every member browsing, it seems there are about 5 guests.

thank you

I also want to thank all the peole who actually had supportive things to say and those who actually had constructive criticisms (i admit the skull looks cartoony). Its that kind of thing that makes me want to keep doing this and continue to strive to get better and better. And to all the people who cant get over comparing it to the Lancer and say its a piece a shit simply because its not the same gun, fuck you, you're all dumb assholes. That being said im really sorry i had to intruduce myself like this, and come off like a prick. It's just that i have in fact been doing this stuff for a while and i put alot of work into the gun, and all the people who don't know me or know any better critisizing me over the internet gets me fuckin riled up.

whew, i appoligise for my outbursts
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#27 Blacksunshine



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 04:48 PM

Right on dude. Nice way to kick down the door and say hello. I do have a couple questions about the mod. Did you do anything to reinforce the plunger since you added the BBB spring. seems that is disaster waiting to happen. Mine with just the BBB added spring tore thru the plunger tube. Also why did you leave the bolt cover of?
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#28 Split



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 05:49 PM

Bomberman, on May 23 2008, 09:04 AM, said:

Omeaga, how can you see a barrel post? It's all black on the inside? I can't see anything.

kossaxx, on May 27 2008, 12:39 PM, said:

Omega, on May 23 2008, 08:34 AM, said:

In pic 8, it looks like I can see a barrel post!


kossaxx, the barrel post (99% sure, correct me if I'm wrong guys, I'm not completely used to the terminology yet) is the little tooth that goes into the back of a stock dart (I know it as a peg).

I think Bomberman is right on this one, You can't see anything since the black clip is there and the breech is closed. I'm pretty sure you're just looking at the bolt tooth.
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#29 kossaxx



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 10:55 PM

Blacksunshine, on May 27 2008, 01:48 PM, said:

Right on dude. Nice way to kick down the door and say hello. I do have a couple questions about the mod. Did you do anything to reinforce the plunger since you added the BBB spring. seems that is disaster waiting to happen. Mine with just the BBB added spring tore thru the plunger tube. Also why did you leave the bolt cover of?

Ha! thanks man. ok, well i left the bolt cover off just because i think its kind of an unecessary pain in the ass when reasembling the gun as i think it looks better w/out it (i hate how it flops around when cocking too.) As for the plunger i didn't find the need to reinforce it. I actually had the problem you're talking about with my first longshot (this being the second) and wound up taking some springage out. The thing is though that this new longshot is apparently a different generation from the first one, and just the tube is constructed slightly differently, and easier to mod too if i recall... So i didnt find myself having those problems again.

Splitlip, on May 27 2008, 02:49 PM, said:

Bomberman, on May 23 2008, 09:04 AM, said:

Omeaga, how can you see a barrel post? It's all black on the inside? I can't see anything.

kossaxx, on May 27 2008, 12:39 PM, said:

Omega, on May 23 2008, 08:34 AM, said:

In pic 8, it looks like I can see a barrel post!


kossaxx, the barrel post (99% sure, correct me if I'm wrong guys, I'm not completely used to the terminology yet) is the little tooth that goes into the back of a stock dart (I know it as a peg).

I think Bomberman is right on this one, You can't see anything since the black clip is there and the breech is closed. I'm pretty sure you're just looking at the bolt tooth.

yeah, i know. i was just being a sarcastic asshole because i thought it was a dumb comment. I'm sorry... Like people said, it would be impossible to see the barrel post anyway, and yes, i did take it and the AR out
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#30 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 11:14 PM

Welcome to the Haven Kossaxx.

I look forward to your future modifications.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#31 ompa



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Posted 28 May 2008 - 12:14 AM

Do watch your capitalization. I hate to be the stickler, but someone has to do it.

Anyways, don't take too much offense to it; stuff like this happens. If someone comes out with something rather innovative or new on the boards, NH members tend to defend it like it's their own. It's just how the community works.

Welcome to NH, feel free to PM me with any questions you might have.

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#32 keef



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 10:48 PM

Your ebay says ships from Acworth and your from Kennesaw? Moved or different post office?

I really like your mod but I think a darker red and silver accents would make it cooler.
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Timothy M-Lick <3

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