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#26 Richomundo



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Posted 15 January 2008 - 04:56 PM

Hahaha when I typed that I typed in the voice of ben stein, but it doesn't come out that way rofl.

I guess I do sound harsh.

and talio would reprimand anyone for anything. He liked his battle axe good.

Edited by Richomundo, 15 January 2008 - 04:56 PM.

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#27 Diablo



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Posted 16 January 2008 - 01:09 AM

It's cool man, if you didn't mean to be that harsh then it's all good.

As far as the car battery stuff goes, I talked to my friend who knows a lot about cars. He said that removing the battery cables would not do anything to the car. If you were worried about screwing something up though, he said that removing the spark plug caps would be just fine as well. However, if the driver steps on the gas a lot they may flood their car. That wouldn't be too awesome.

A neat idea, but like Richomundo said it is still a crime. My friends and I would appreciate the joke and wouldn't take the matter that seriously. I don't know how you and your friends are, so you may want to reconsider that aspect of my ideas if you have any reason to believe your friends would get seriously mad at you.
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#28 nmc2



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Posted 16 January 2008 - 06:19 AM

What if instead of messing around with the car you just got a friend to move halfway through the s'eance?
Just park down the street and they will totally freak out.

Spectre's idea about the scabs is good and diablo's one about the radio (which I think would work better than the tv) and the things falling over. also you can make really good bruises by blowing air through a straw into a texta onto your skin I have done this a couple of times, my mum freaked out.

PS: This doesn't sound like a good way to get into someone's pants. ;)

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#29 Richomundo



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Posted 16 January 2008 - 02:56 PM

It's cool man, if you didn't mean to be that harsh then it's all good.

As far as the car battery stuff goes, I talked to my friend who knows a lot about cars. He said that removing the battery cables would not do anything to the car.

Of course it wouldn't do anything to the car. it would fuck up anything stored on the electrical system.
unplugging a battery doesn't DAMAGE anything.

your friend doesn't know what he's talking about, or didnt take into consideration that a car is also a computer. My brothers a mechanic. Think about this: anything electrical on your car with a memory (radio, ECU settings, automatic seat/steering wheel adjustments basically anything with any kind of setting) will be reset unless it has an external power supply (some anti theft / alarm systems). The memory used on cars is not like flash memory. It needs power in order to keep storing the settings.

Newer and high end car stereos have a function that if power is ever lost, they will not function until a secret code is entered. This is so that if the stereo is stolen, it has no worth without the code. So if you pull out the battery, you engage that function of the stereo. (removing the battery / unplugging it) unless they have the reprogram code they won't have any music. Most people don't even know where this paper is. When the battery on my mom's A4 was replaced I had to have the dealership reprogram the radio and reprogram the ECU because the fuel/air mixture ratio was off, causing the car to run poorly and lose power.

While not necessarily BAD for the car, its just a bitch to reprogram anything. And then imagine after she's like "FUCK MY CAR WONT START" and she called her dad and AAA before even going back inside so she doesn't look stupid... I can see that turning out well.

Hot girl: dad my car wont start can you come check it out
dad: wtf i just bought that / wtf / wtf. all responses are going to be a variation of wtf
hot girl: i dunno its not even doing anything. theres no lights.
dad: oh ok your battery is dead i'll come give you a jump
dad arrives, opens hood, sees cable is unplugged
dad kicks your ass for being retarded.

Bad idea to mess with someones car for any reason. Cars are (counter-intuitively) actually very fragile and very expensive.
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#30 Diablo



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Posted 17 January 2008 - 01:18 AM

That does make sense, so I'll take your word for it.
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#31 frost vectron

frost vectron


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Posted 17 January 2008 - 03:24 AM

I have to say that Richomundo is correct with the radio locking itself if the battery is disconnected. I had never heard of such a thing before (cause I only drive 80's and 90's era sports cars), but it's there. My girlfriend's Acura TL battery had died, so I helped her charge it back up for temporary use before we get a replacement. After charging it up, the radio asked for a code. I had no idea why, but it did.

Had to call her parents and get the code, but all's good now.

Edited by frost vectron, 17 January 2008 - 03:24 AM.

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#32 Captain



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Posted 31 January 2008 - 08:45 PM

Some of you guys were talking about recording/playing back maniacal laughing, but a faint, barely audible whisper is what really freaks 'em out.
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#33 imaseoulman



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Posted 01 February 2008 - 10:25 AM

Allow me to qualify this post first, I am a magician/illusionist/mentalist and I have much experience scaring people beyond belief. I have convinced people not only that I have supernatural powers but that they also have latent supernatural abilities (I have even convinced my Psychology professor that the subconscious mind/spirit has the power to alter physical reality). Having said that...if you want to do a "real" seance (i.e. not actually contacting the dead but making everybody there think the dead have been contacted through the movement of inatimate objects, messages appearing on slates or in ash, etc.) it will take some preparation. If you're willing to set the date of the seance for about a month from now, I could point you in the proper direction to really scare people. Remember, however, that after all is said and done you must explain to them that you were control of everything, the dead were not contacted, but no matter how much they want to know the "secret" behind how you did it, you must keep the "magician's code" and not reveal the method.

Edited by imaseoulman, 01 February 2008 - 10:26 AM.

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#34 Omega



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Posted 02 February 2008 - 11:24 PM

This one's easy.

Claim that your phone can contact the dead, and that there are spirits in the room. Set a cooperative friend's number under some freaky name, like Cthulhu or something. Tell one of them to pick a card, and that the "dead" will be able to tell you what card it is. Here's how it works: all you need to say is, "Is _____ there?" or a password, or something. Then, say "hold on." You can do it multiple times to assure them that you aren't transmitting any information to anyone else.

Here's how it works. When your friend picks up the phone have him start running through the card values- "Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." when he says the right card, say, "Is _____ there?" or whatever phrase you have picked for the first one. Then he'll start running through the suits- "Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades". When he hits the right one, say, "hold on." Give the phone to the girl, and have your friend say in an agreed-upon voice (don't overdo the cheesiness, but make it scary as hell), the card they picked, and have him hang up. It always works, since they can't know you're transmitting information. You just say, "Is _____ there?" and "hold on" every time.

I won fifty bucks off of assorted friends with this trick. It always works, unless your phone can be heard by other people.

It's cheap, and it won't hold up under intense scrutiny, but it's great.
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