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Nerf Recon In Hand. I Have Zee Pics.

I have it, you don't. Na na na na nana.

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#26 xNFx 37

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 03:51 PM

Wonder who the first to do a write up will be...

So, my guess is, most stores should have it by Tuesday latest. Just an estimation though.
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it also has a cock on it


#27 The Bone

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:03 PM

Is it available in Oregon yet? Or since alot of people nerf in California, is it out there?
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#28 nerfnerd88



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:16 PM

I wonder why its still not on Hasbro's website?
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#29 Z-man12



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:38 PM

Heres to hopeing they have them at wal-mart tomorrow when I go. I really like the smg sytle where the front is on and the stock is of, but hey thats me. I have so many ideas for this gun, its going to be fun once I find one.
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I mod nerf guns so they look good. So leave my scopes, doodads, and trinkets alone I like them. I don't mind the weight and I started out that way on toy guns and its not going to change.

#30 biofreak2



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:52 PM

The gun looks sweet I hope the Wal mart near me will get them soon
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#31 bobafett109



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:52 PM

I couldn't find it on targets or walmarts website, anyone know if this is temporary, or will it be like this for a while?
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Feb 17 2008, 10:17 PM) View Post

QUOTE(FoamSniper @ Feb 18 2008, 12:08 AM) View Post

You're probably all wondering how to get a range of 95' from a mech 20

I was figuring you threw it.

#32 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 05:18 PM

Looks pretty cool.

I'm still not going to buy one for more than 20 bucks though, and that's only if I can see the internals. The only reason I can see for having this is for indoor wars, and even then it looks like it would be hard to cock with a stronger spring...

Either way, I think it would be a good investment, and hope they get out here soon (although they almost never do...)
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#33 raw shrimp

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 05:52 PM

How long ago did you buy it? I went to that same target and they said that they didn't know what it was or have it in stock.
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#34 rokor



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 06:26 PM

Most stores wouldnt know what your talking about since its pretty new and, well, its like asking if they have the new Green-ultimate-356k12-siperman-super-vilain. Not everyone is so Nerf smart, which is actually quite sad. And for everyone who thinks it will be hard to cock with a stronger spring, it looks pretty easy to make it a bolt action like the LS so when I get this I will make a writeup for a stronger spring and bolt action, dont worry, I have high hopes for this gun.
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#35 keef



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 06:34 PM

I had a chance to go to Walmart today. They didn't have them advertised or in stock at ALL. I alos bought my mom a cd and saw "I am Legend". 3 birds with 1 stone! I Am Legend sucks by the way.
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#36 raw shrimp

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 06:35 PM

Yea thats what I meant, they looked and they just didn't carry them.
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#37 el swifto

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 01:50 AM

I like how it says "modify for any mission" on the front.
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#38 sourskttles772



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 03:50 PM

Hmm. I am pretty sure my target restocks on tuesdays. That is what I have heard.
One man Clan:
I saw the Crossbow re-release on the shelf at my local Target, but I didn't want to tell anyone because I wanted them all to myself. I hid them all behind Dora the Explorer toys....

#39 MrDelish



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 05:09 PM

sourskttles772, on Dec 17 2007, 12:50 PM, said:

Hmm. I am pretty sure my target restocks on tuesdays. That is what I have heard.

If Target is anything like Wal-Mart (which it probably is), then they restock everyday, and even moreso since it's the holiday season and a new Nerf gun would be something rather important to stick on shelves sooner rather than later.

Also, I just passed by my Wal-Mart, and didn't find one :(
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#40 CaptainCC



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 07:58 PM

It seems the SoCal stores get stocked first. It looked like a tiny shipment, it may have been the only one that came, but you never know. Just keep checking. I've been to Target three or four times since and haven't seen any.
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#41 LastManAlive



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 08:17 PM

Captain, I suggest you open the box and take it out real quick just to see if there is anything in it that is different. I'm not saying take the gun out, shoot it, take pics...I'm just saying cut the tape for us and get a pic of the gun still in the twisty ties at least. It might be the only one like my Tool concert hoodie. Went to buy one and the only one they had in stock in XL left over was a completely different one with a Tool shotglass in the MP3/Phone pouch in the hoodie pocket. I love how I noticed it when I put the hoodie on before it was washed and shrank in the washer and the glass bashed me in the nuts a good one. Anywho, it might have some kind of 'surprise' in it. Just cut the tape and take a peak for us.

Edit: Went to Wal-Mart today and happened to think to look for the Recon and didn't see it but a worker was sorta re-arranging the shelves...maybe they still stock it tomorrow. I'll go look and see if they got one.

Edited by LastManAlive, 17 December 2007 - 08:21 PM.

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#42 Cannonball



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 10:47 PM

I called the walmart next to my house. they carry them, but they happened to be out of stock. I checked another one and they didn't even have room on the shelves for them. I think I'm just going to wait until the craze dies down.
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#43 Lynx



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 11:26 PM

Cannonball, on Dec 17 2007, 10:47 PM, said:

I called the Wall-mart next to my house.

Has anyone ever called you lazy?


Didn't see any thing at my Target a good 20 minutes away that I biked to.


Lazy american...
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#44 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 11:42 PM

They did not carry them at the ToysRus or Zellers in the Newmarket mall.
Although knowing Canada, I probably wont see them on the shelves for another 3 months.
Seeing one in my hands however should be in the next few weeks. (Thanks in advance Rokor)
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I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
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#45 Cannonball



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Posted 18 December 2007 - 01:28 AM

well it wasn't physically next to my house so I couldn't just walk over. Gas isn't cheap either my friend so I'd rather eliminate what I can and save myself some time and money that can be spent on that Recon. Lazy, hardly.
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#46 CaptainSlug


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Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:17 AM

Just to be clear, I have no plans to make a foregrip kit for this gun in the next 6 months.

Since Hasbro manufacturers pretty much everything in China the product introduction cycle starts in California and spreads from there working its way slowly eastward over the course of one or two months. And then into Canada a month or two after that.
I don't expect to see them near me until atleast January. But I'll probably call around anyways.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 18 December 2007 - 11:17 AM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#47 umdlancer



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Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:28 AM

I've checked with Target, Toys R Us, and Walmart, all three have the Recon coded in their systems but no store has any in inventory within a 200 mile radius. At least, not yet.

Gas isn't so much of an issue for me, as those stores are at most a minor detour (that I would already be taking if I want to fill my gas tank) from my daily commute.

Edit: for those of you who can only check Target for some reason, you're probably aware that they use DPCI's instead of USP numbers. The code for the Recon is 087-11-0039.

Edited by umdlancer, 18 December 2007 - 12:51 PM.

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#48 aguineapig



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Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:32 AM

deaddumpster, on Dec 16 2007, 05:16 AM, said:

EDIT: PS. Has anyone noticed the bottom right of the box on the first pic? I know it means attach whatever's needed for your mission, but if the warnings weren't there it would just be encouraging us to mod.

I think they're trying to satisfy our endless hunger for more power, accuracy, customization, etc. etc. By make guns that are "O.K." to mod.

Her brother literally almost pissed herself.


#49 hornet



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Posted 18 December 2007 - 12:07 PM

I asked a guy at target when they would stock them and he told me he could not tell me and I had better stop asking him info before he calls security. so I had a bag of stuff I was buying at target and I dropped it at his feet and told him to have fun putting it away I then went and bought my shit at kmart.
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#50 BoxProper



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Posted 21 December 2007 - 02:47 PM

hornet, on Dec 18 2007, 12:07 PM, said:

I asked a guy at target when they would stock them and he told me he could not tell me and I had better stop asking him info before he calls security. so I had a bag of stuff I was buying at target and I dropped it at his feet and told him to have fun putting it away I then went and bought my shit at kmart.

Excellent. That man just got a lesson in economics :-)
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