Posted 01 December 2007 - 10:17 PM
Once I was nerfing 5v5 during my early modding days and my team had the bright idea to put me in a trash can. I sat there for a while and heard foot steps coming. So I popped out of the trash can and this old lady was walking her dog and she happened to be 5 ft from the trash can. When I popped up with a longshot she flipped out and almost fainted. We got off because her grandson loved nerf.
A great nf can beat a crummy xbow...
Posted 02 December 2007 - 12:46 AM
Posted 02 December 2007 - 01:38 AM
We were having small little wars at my friend's house, we had like 5 or 6 people. I was using my Pump Shotgun with my Nitefinder holstered as my sidearm. My friend was using our Crossbow with a holstered Nitefinder as well.
So it got down to just him and me. We were both loaded and facing eachother with a bush just a few feet in front of me. I shoot, miss, and run back behind a much smaller bush to reload my Pump Shotgun. I kneel down, pull out the barrel, set down the gun and begin to grab a dart, keeping an eye on my friend. While I'm reloading, he of course comes running at me putting me under a lot of pressure. I quickly pull out my Nitefinder and aim it at him to try and keep him back. And I'm doing all this while trying to load the barrel with my left hand. He keeps rushing, just as I feared, and I shoot my Nitefinder as a last hope kind of shot. It misses, and he gets probably 70 ft. from me. Now I set the Nitefinder down and load the barrel with both hands, but he runs at me so I just move then run behind a small bush. Now he's got a Crossbow pointed right at me with both my Pump Shotgun and my Nitefinder probably 40 ft in front of him, and like 5-10 ft in front of me. He gets a bit closer and he's about to place a shot. Now we both figured I was completely screwed since all I had was a loaded barrel to a gun that I didn't even have. But, I get an idea. I pull the barrel up to my mouth, angle it, and blow, just like a tiny blowgun. The dart hit him square in the chest.
My god it was funny. Plus I won the round.

Edited by Retiate, 02 December 2007 - 01:39 AM.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 01:59 AM
Founder of the Shadow Militia.
Founder of Nightshade Laboratories and The Nightshade Armament Corporation.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 02:05 AM
It was just the ultimate segway, everybody being all serious and mad and then a dart sticking to somebody's head and us all laughing. Neat less to say that lightened the mood a little.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 02:14 AM
Posted 02 December 2007 - 02:36 AM
Really though, I haven't had any bad outtakes.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 02:37 AM
Posted 02 December 2007 - 09:21 AM
* shooting my neighbor in the ass with a LBB, and he couldn't crap for a week.
But really, i got a story:
Its a small 1vs1 with my friend Nick. Were in my basement, he had a mav, and i was stuck with a nf. I knew i was screwed, so when he was behind cover reloading, i hid under a cardboard box. He pops up, and looks to see me not there. He goes upstairs, and i follow him. he searches other rooms, and i make a beeline to my bedroom. I popped out a LLB, ls, mav, NF and grenade. And once he opened the door: totally bombarded.
I won.

Edited by ultra920, 02 December 2007 - 09:22 AM.
PSN: ultra920 MGO:ultra920 shoot me an MGO invite if you play
Posted 02 December 2007 - 09:36 AM
Finish those other mods so I have something else to read on here.
Now have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

- Forsaken_angel24
Posted 02 December 2007 - 10:18 AM
We could beleive that from 10 feet away his shot went into my gun, it was amazing.
So, now...does that count as a gun hit?

At the first NOOBS, one of our Scotts charged my team with a firefly. After 10 shots, he still couldn't figure out it was jammed with a tagger. I'm just standing there, watching him dryfire, until I got bored and shot him with the Avenger.
In a game of siege, I was charging the other team, and ran into a thornbush that I hadn't seen from concentration. I'm just stuck there, 15 feet from the base, and 3 of 'em simply came over and kept shooting me.
Edited by lionhead333, 02 December 2007 - 10:19 AM.
Most recent write up-
Sharpshooter 2
Posted 02 December 2007 - 11:57 AM
Another time, and more recently (a few months ago), we had a typical series of small games upstairs at my house. In my room, I happen to have some random cardboard boxes filled with packaging foam. In the games, we used a NF, LS, RF20, and a few Mav's. Sometime during a game, my friend (who's often crazy as hell) yells "SMOKE BOMB!" and dumps the packaging foam everywhere, and proceeds to do this with other boxes. Later, he's taking our larger boxes we used as cover (the box for the RF20 and LS) and throwing them around. Some of them broke off some leaves of a live plant below and overall, just pissed my mom off real bad. Eventually, we clean it up until it was spotless, but regardless, that kid's not going to be able to come over again.
Even more recently, we were nerfing at another friend's basement during break, just after thanksgiving (the same kid who shot a Mav dart into his mouth a year ago), we were doing random 2v2's. I brought my LS, NF, 4 Mavs, and a Tommy 20 (my RF20 was and still is broken), and my other friend brought over his 5 Mavs. Unfortunately, the house we were playing at just got painted recently, and on one of the games, another kid tripped into the wall while trying to retreat to cover, creating quite a mark on it which pretty much ended all our games.
Well, thats about it for now...
Posted 02 December 2007 - 12:40 PM
There was also the time me and my friend got the flag from the other team. There were two people on defence. I had a broken airtech with one shot (the pump broke and I had one tank of air) and my friend had a broken maverick. We went in, pushed them to the side aiming at them constantly, then got the flag and ran.
That same game, me and my friend went to get bagels. We came back and didnt lose yet. These was pretty ridiculous considering it was five on three.
Another time, me and my friend were hiding on a wall. Four of the other team walk by. One turns his head, looking right at us. I wave, thinking he saw me. He didn't. They keep walking, and we over power their defence and take the flag and run.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 01:12 PM
We barely missed a picture of it...
The funniest in game moment was me sliding across my friends cement-ish floor with a magstrike and shooting 4 people.
With one clip!
Awesome, but after passing the closet and stairway, I hit my head against a computer... not the best idea but completely worth the pain.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 01:26 PM
Anyways, I didn't know the 2k was primed, so I shot it, and it hit the neighbor in the head, the bb's fell out and she had bb marks on her head for 2 days. I had to get shot in the nuts for that, but it was worth it.
Her brother litterally almost pissed herself.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 03:42 PM
keef, on Dec 2 2007, 01:26 PM, said:
What?Her brother litterally almost pissed herself.
I just had some friends over from 10 to 3, so we had a basement war. One guy sees an RFR, thinks it's good, and tries to use it. Well, one shell jams so he can't fire, and he drops the gun with the bolt open. He doesn't see the jammed shell pop out when it hit the floor. Now he's running around with a Mav trying to shoot me in the head when my teammate slides across the floor to the RFR, picks it up, closes the bolt, and shoots him in the back.
Two rounds later, another guy throws the only Barricade Buster at me, but forgot to take the frisbee out of the little carry pocket. Seeing this, I unwrap it and proceed to kill him and his teammate with it.
Founder of the Shadow Militia.
Founder of Nightshade Laboratories and The Nightshade Armament Corporation.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 05:36 PM
Another time, at an outside war I was hosting for some friends we were playing Capture the Flag. One of the bases was surrounded by a 4 foot fence that you have to go around to get into the base. Half the team was basically being funneled into a death trap, while my friend (who is on track), jumps the fence in one bound, grabs that flag and, jumps back over without anyone noticing.
I probably have some more, but I cant think of them right now.

Posted 02 December 2007 - 07:05 PM
Edited by venom213, 06 December 2007 - 06:17 PM.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 07:35 PM
I guess you have some heavy duty industrial strength toilet paper holders. Do they advise you to wear eye protection when changing rolls?
My TTG mod.
Posted 02 December 2007 - 09:59 PM
Posted 02 December 2007 - 10:22 PM
Wait a second? a Canadian National team... just won at Hockey!?
who would have ever seen that coming?
Posted 02 December 2007 - 10:34 PM
RSB: What do you mean "un-tipped missile"? It can't fire the missile without a tip to hold air, or was the missile just on for looks?
Founder of the Shadow Militia.
Founder of Nightshade Laboratories and The Nightshade Armament Corporation.
Posted 03 December 2007 - 12:07 AM
SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, on Dec 2 2007, 10:34 PM, said:
Is it me, or do an unusually high number of stories about Nerfing/PB experiences come to nut shots?
RSB: What do you mean "un-tipped missile"? It can't fire the missile without a tip to hold air, or was the missile just on for looks?
Mostly guys play both so you have to recognize that 1 ball shot (bs) can lead to a bs war between teams.
Just today, a friend looked down the barrel of my doubled at2k (damn wide cvpc) and he was holding it by the trigger. Trying to swing it down by the trigger, he shot himself in the balls!
Edited by Lynx, 03 December 2007 - 12:08 AM.
Posted 03 December 2007 - 09:04 AM
1. On Halloween night, after coming back from trick or treating (you can never be too old for free candy), W decide to have a war in my friend's basement. It was a 2v2 battle. I had PhaNe as part of my costume, so I was using that. Anyway, my team-mate and one person from the other team are out, so it's just me and my friend, Colin. I'm out of ammo, hiding behind a couch, and he has an LS and is slowly moving towards me. At first, I'm pretty sure I'm screwed, but then I realize that a roll of Smarties is about the size of a round, so I stick it in my clip, load, jump out from behind the couch and fire. It only makes it about 10 ft, btu it hits him and he's out.

2. Two days later, my friends and I were having a free for all and I, again, was using PhaNe, and again it was down to me and one other person. He's running down the block to get back to his base for more ammo/guns and I empty out on him. Unfortunately, I missed the 3 shots I had left. I check my pockets for ammo, but all I find is one of those long, thin Tootsie Rolls. I figure it's better than nothing, so I shape it a little, load it into the underslung Titan barrel, and pump up. Right as I finish pumping he comes runniung out of his base with a BBB and starts firing at me. I lin up my shot from half a block away and fire. Low and behold, the Tootsie Roll flies strait and hits him in the chest. Later, the next day, he had a huge bruise the shape of a Tootsie Roll on his chest.
P.S. I have been experimenting with Tootsie Roll rounds and will share my data in a few weeks.
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