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Why Did You Choose Your Username?

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#26 AssassinNF



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 05:17 PM

I used the name of my first mod, the Assassin Nite-Finder, which is a Nite-Finder that shoots Megas. The NF can also stand for nerf.
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#27 BustaNinja



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 06:09 PM

It all started with ninja killings at my school (draging your thumb across peoples necks from the back). Then I started playing a ton of FPS and I was slightly famous for jumping behind people and meleeing people from the back, or in the case of Gears of War, sneaky chainsawing. Then it went a level farther when I started dancing on peoples bodies. Not teabagging because that implies sex, just dancing. So kill you from behind, Ninja, dance on your dead body, Busta, as in BustaMove.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#28 lionhead333



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 06:36 PM

Well, 3 or 4 years ago, my favorite game was Kingdom Hearts(1), and a weapon in the game is the lionheart. Then my hair grew, giving me the nickname 'Leo.' My favorite number is 3, so I naturally put 3 of them.
I am now lionhead333.

As for the hair thing, you should find out tomorrow if you're headed to DCNO.
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If I were you, I wouldn't mess with the mods, or make stupid mistakes like misspelling their names. I mean, CAVV is really tough on that kind of thing

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#29 penguin807



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 06:43 PM


So kill you from behind, Ninja, dance on your dead body, Busta, as in BustaMove.

I know it's not what you mean, but Bust-a-Move is an awesome game.


As for the hair thing, you should find out tomorrow if you're headed to DCNO.

Yeah yeah, rub it in. I can't go to DCNO.
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#30 BustaNinja



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 07:34 PM

penguin807, on Oct 26 2007, 03:43 PM, said:


So kill you from behind, Ninja, dance on your dead body, Busta, as in BustaMove.

I know it's not what you mean, but Bust-a-Move is an awesome game.


As for the hair thing, you should find out tomorrow if you're headed to DCNO.

Yeah yeah, rub it in. I can't go to DCNO.

It may not be what I mean but Bust a move is still an awesome game.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#31 Ccapogreca



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 08:30 PM

Well being one of the first forums I joined, I didnt realy have a catchy name, so I just have my name
C. Capogreca. ;)
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QUOTE(keef @ Oct 25 2007, 05:41 PM) View Post

Grow a penis and say it to his face. Hes a bodybuilder and would eat you for breakfast.

#32 karpenter63



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 08:46 PM

I want to be a carpenter when I grow up, my last name is K----. so that makes the karpenter. The 63 was a random number that AIM gave me when they said Karpenter was already taken. Since then, the number 63 has grown on me.
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#33 Oro



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:09 PM

Me, "Oro" is the phrase Himura Kenshin always says when he's confused. At the time I joined, me and my friend would always say that when something happens.
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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#34 jwasko



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:32 PM

Ccapogreca, on Oct 26 2007, 09:30 PM, said:

Well being one of the first forums I joined, I didnt realy have a catchy name, so I just have my name
C. Capogreca. :rolleyes:

Same here, man. We're so unimaginative...

Oh, and Oro?: Rurouni Kenshin was one of the first animes I watched. It's a great show; too bad the DVD sets are always so expensive.
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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#35 Lynx



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:35 PM

That is what youtube is for! Too bad tv-links is gone, but megavideo, veoh, and movie forumz are still alive!

EDITZ: Shit worth of grammar!

Edited by Lynx, 26 October 2007 - 09:37 PM.

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#36 penguin807



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 10:30 PM

Youtube isn't too good for animes. Try this. That's where I saw the whole series of Death Note (amazing anime if you haven't seen it).

I just realized that this sounds disturbingly like one of those spam things telling you to go to porn websites...

Edited by penguin807, 27 October 2007 - 10:33 AM.

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#37 King Of Butt Land

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 09:04 AM

Hmm well you see... this one time.

Fuck it.
QUOTE(Puppy-§layer @ Dec 18 2008, 04:22 AM) View Post

This contest may have some flaws, as people can simply be a deuschbag over the internet. By Lying.

A war-like setting/invitational would be better...

#38 Spectre666



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Posted 27 October 2007 - 10:49 AM

Well, for anyone here hasn't played MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, the main character's name is Spectre. I thought that was cool, so I started using it as screen names in games, and eventually I ended up here. That and my friends say that they never see me coming when I sneak up on them. Plus I love the movie "The Omen" and I think 666 is a cool number.
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#39 zaphodB



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Posted 27 October 2007 - 10:52 AM

Spectre666, on Oct 27 2007, 12:49 PM, said:

and I think 666 is a cool number.

Don't worry, you'll grow out of it. I did too a while ago. It's much more rebellious to be able to argue against people's beliefs than it is to have "the number of the beast" as your favorite number. Plus everyone and their younger brother uses it.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#40 The Metal Bullet

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 12:37 PM

Bullets are made of metal and I have over 4 Real guns therefor it sets my persona perfectly.
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#41 zaphodB



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Posted 27 October 2007 - 01:16 PM

That's like saying since you have over one testicle and those are made of flesh the name "The Shiny Ballsack" fits your persona perfectly. I'm not saying it's a bad name, just that if thats' your only reason for picking it, it's a bad reason.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#42 All Star

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 10:53 PM

I was looking online for tickets to the All Star game.
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#43 Foam Shooter

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Posted 28 October 2007 - 09:41 AM

I chose this name because it's a nerf forum and nerf guns are sometimes called foam shooters. It was between this and Dremel.
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#44 z80



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Posted 28 October 2007 - 12:46 PM

I was signing up on a forum (Team Hackaday forums) and decided I needed a nerdy name. So I went with z80 (the processor of the gameboy) rather than my normal Madc0w (which is based off of my last name, steers) When I signed up for NHQ, I registered Madc0w, but the email got screwed up, so I reregistered as z80. Thank god, because Madc0w was apparently a bad spammer.
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#45 Rover



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Posted 29 October 2007 - 06:12 PM

I chose Rover simply because it's my nickname in real life. I guess somehow my cousin decided to start calling me Rover instead of Robert. No real meaning behind it other than its passing similarity to my real name. *Sigh* I wish my story was more interesting, but there you have it. :D
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#46 Maeric



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Posted 29 October 2007 - 08:09 PM

Uh... I made it up.

Then again there's: Halacar (pronounced: Halasar) Calirac.... Whatever sounds cool to me at the time.... yeah.
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Active on H3Artificer as Halacar. GT: Halacar send me an invite if you wanna forge.
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I hate you. And all noobs who are like "OMFG i r liek, glued sh1t 2 shit. jak offf ma ego. NAOW!"

#47 ultra920



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Posted 31 October 2007 - 03:52 PM

no f^cken clue.

Well, there was that time with the cleenex, horse, some wo...................

Naw, i wont tell.

actually, it is the one i use for everything.

i think spacing my sentences kinda make it look like poetry......

Edited by ultra920, 31 October 2007 - 03:54 PM.

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#48 dadude778



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Posted 01 November 2007 - 06:47 PM

I picked my name because I was sighning up for hotmail and it was already taken so they added 778
It sounded catchy and i use it in everything right now
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Make sure the top of your gun is parallel to the ground when firing.
Finish those other mods so I have something else to read on here.
Now have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. :)

- Forsaken_angel24

#49 dadude778



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Posted 01 November 2007 - 06:48 PM

Sorry do not know what happen I got an internal error sigh that made me double post :lol:

Edited by dadude778, 01 November 2007 - 06:51 PM.

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Make sure the top of your gun is parallel to the ground when firing.
Finish those other mods so I have something else to read on here.
Now have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. :)

- Forsaken_angel24

#50 CAPS



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Posted 06 November 2007 - 08:02 PM



Edited by CAPS, 06 November 2007 - 08:02 PM.

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It's a link to google......you idiots are worse than the spammers.

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