Date - Saturday, June 3rd
Time - 10:30 am sharp ( I will be there at 10:00am )
Where - Chestnut Branch Park, 545 Main st. Mantua NJ 08051
10:30 - Meet up in parking lot. We will then walk back to the staging/playing area, load up, review the rules, split up into teams and play untill lunch.
12:30 - break for lunch.
1:30 - Continue play.
4:00 - War ends.
I will make my cellphone number available to those who PM me for it. Please tell me if you plan on arriving late as getting back to the feild might be a little tricky.
Lunch - 5 Minutes from the park are various fast food places and a super WAWA ( food and gas ! ). If you are not driving yourself, I would suggest packing a lunch (I will be so I can stay at the park at all times).
What to bring - Blasters, back up blasters, extra blasters ( You never know what might happen ). Lots of ammo. Make plenty of ammo for yourself. I will NOT be bringing extra ammo for others to use. I know OMC usually brings extra blasters and ammo for people to use/buy but you are better off supplying yourself. Don't be a mooch. Lunch money or a packed lunch ( bring plenty of water as it will be warm out and you will be running around ).
EYE PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!!!! - If you are under the age of 18 you MUST wear some form of eye protection. It doesnt need to be a full seal but enough to keep a dart form going into your eye. It doesnt take much force to turn your eye into goo.
What NOT to bring - Blasters that fire over 150' will NOT be permited. Homemades will be allowed on a case to case situation. Tank expansions are allowed as-long-as it's not going to kill someone...Leave your noob canons at home. If you are not sure if your blaster will be leagal or not, make sure you bring extra ones to use incase.
Bathrooms - I'm not sure if the bathrooms there will be open or not, so try to do #2 before you come. #1s will be ok since there are plenty of woods close by but lets try to refrein from doing so. If for some reaon, it is imperative someone HAS to do #2 the only place you can go is at the fast food places down the road.
Game play - The only two game modes we will probably play are team slayer and team CTF ( one flag ). Please feel free to suggest any other type you want to play:
Team slayer - We will split into two teams ( proably change the teams up every round or so ). Each team will start on opposite ends of the feild and go at it untill only one team is left. We will be using the 3/15 rule for this. The 3/15 rule means 3 lives, 15 seconds. When you are hit, anywhere on your person, you are "out". When you are hit, you count to 15 as you walk back to your teams starting position. When those 15 seonds are up, you yell "IN!" and you may continue play. When you have done this 3 times, your 3 lives are up and you are eliminated from the game. ELIMINATED PEOPLE MOVE IMMEDIATELY TO THE STAGING AREA. We do this so people still in game do not get confused about who is in or out.
One flag CTF - Again we will split into two teams and start at opposite sides of the feild. ONE flag will be placed in the center between both teams. The object of the game is to retreave the flag and return it to your teams starting position. We will probably use a small box to represent each teams starting position where the flag will need to be placed. IF YOU ARE HOLDING THE FLAG AND GET HIT YOU MUST DROP THE FLAG IMMEDIATELY. The flag is then obviously free game. The 3/15 rule will also probably apply here aswell. We may change that depending on how the game play works out to make things more fair.
The feild:
The trees are spaced far enough where you dont need an uber rifle so dont be scared if your blaster isnt shooting hot. 50'-70' will be fine. There are some spots with large gaps/opening where longer ranged blasters could be of use. We will probably do a stefan line or two ( big line spead out across the feild to look for darts ).
Edited by NinjZ, 24 March 2006 - 04:56 PM.