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Anzac Nades

well, someone else design

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#1 taita cakes

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Posted 27 January 2004 - 11:23 PM

Well, its here, budda-bing budda-boom, the day hath come, i finnally got off my lazy ass and actually did someting, i had previously mentioned that my dad was an artist painting from photos and he should have plenty of empty film canisters.... well, we found 3

I will post everything i promised later:
- Flash animations/diargrams
- Pics
- Multimedia

But basicallay for the moment here, ill briefly describe what happenned and my profound slackness...

1) first of all i didnt leave the house today so teh inner springs that are used to expel the contents will just have to be imagined....

2) these springs are not entirely necesary.....

3) the propulsion and spread all depends on the number of bands, the amount of twists and the placement....

-= How to =-
well for this you will need:
- 2 plus film canisters
- at least one lid
- two plus elastic bands
- contents [fbr, offcuts from stores, shredded shit]

well this is very frustrating to pioneer, you have to discover techniques so that the thing wont blow up in your face. AND i said i didnt leave the house today [parents at work] so the contents wont be propelled by any springs and for demonstrations sake i actually used serial instead of foam :P ... aussies would know it, "Nutri-Grain"

well okay, we have the two canisters, and one lid, you put them all together, sandwhiching the lid in between but not forcefully 'clicking' it onto one of them, sit it on them so it wont grab. Of course the contents are already in there and they may be either a spring firing system or just offcuts of crap.

loosely put the rubber band #1 [rb1] onto the bottom of the whole set up and press it all firmly onto something flat so it will not move, then holding the sandwich nicely in one hand, pull rb1 over the other end....

so far you have a basic 'nade thats piss weak and will explode wen being carried.

so now you get rb2 over your preffered hand and strech out your thumb and forefinger to make this longer than the nade and again holding the sandwich join area, place this over the setup... now you may ad more rubber bands but the more you do the more pressure and instability....

at this stage, you can carry it happily without fear, even if you throw it, if done correctly, it wont even explode... now you can experiment with twisting the rubber band around and for more power adn spread i suggest having the two rubber bands placed off center or one center and one off center, its your turn to experiment as i said....

now before throwing it is vital to either move or push one canister to one side so it is imbalanced and a slight knock will set it off, have fun, i did, made my cat leap and run away, didnt see her behind the couch.....

now i must emphasize i havnt actually put much effort into this, more complex designs are coming and all the multimedia about them... i just ask one favour, cuold we please please please call them ANZAC 'nades [says the little patriot in me] or something to a similar ANZAC effect

Edited by taita_cakes, 27 January 2004 - 11:40 PM.

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#2 Spectre2689



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 11:52 PM

That sounds awesome. I'd love to see it pulled off for real. I have another idea for a nade, but right now that's all it is: an idea. Good work so far man.
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Spectre of the CFM

#3 taita cakes

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Posted 27 January 2004 - 11:54 PM

thanks spectre .... but the whole point is that they should have a grenade design inside each capsule... the old spring and foam one, except catapulted even more using that method.....
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#4 Spectre2689



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 12:06 AM

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Compared to a frag grenade, the exerted force would be the springs, and shrapnel I guess would be the foam.

P.S. Why the name ANZAC?

Edited by Spectre2689, 28 January 2004 - 12:17 AM.

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Spectre of the CFM

#5 taita cakes

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Posted 28 January 2004 - 12:22 AM

Australia And New Zealand Army Corps...
we'll, lets look at it this way, we're brave, gallant and lasted long, we fought every position instead of just dropping a big mofo nuke, but who am i to judge??? :rolleyes:
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#6 Nello



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 12:38 AM

Okay, that design sounds pretty cool, but since I'm bad at understanding words, I need pictures. I tried to draw myself a picture of what I think Taita Cakes is saying so here goes. note: Please excuse my craptacular paint skills. I am officially incomputant.
Nade pic
The black is the canisters, grey is the lid and the brown parts are rubber bands. Please tell me if I've got this right or not.
edit: Stupid geocities being crappy and such. Picture doesn't work

Edited by Nello, 28 January 2004 - 12:49 AM.

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#7 taita cakes

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Posted 28 January 2004 - 12:50 AM

i have a really quick paint diagram but my host server is down so references are pointless.....

and i cant seem to upload with this thing.... crap... ill have to quickly register for geocities or something.....

edit: bugger it, geocities sucks, just read it again and think about it.....

p.s. long live the anzacs, you slouch-hatted legends

Edited by taita_cakes, 28 January 2004 - 01:02 AM.

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#8 N3maN



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 05:07 AM

i am gunna second da motion of callin 'em ANZAC nades... those guys really had some balls!!! go aus
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#9 Spectre2689



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 10:40 AM

Hey taita, send the pictures over to me if you need to, I'll host em.
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Spectre of the CFM

#10 taita cakes

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Posted 29 January 2004 - 12:43 AM

im sorry but.... no......
i have the regret to say that today i started my VCE, and i have a shit-tonne of HW and i must complete it, upon that i will finally be making the flash animation about building an ANZAC..... ohh and N3maN, thanks, you bloody legend......

i also finally reinstalled DC++ [ummm thats Direct Conversions to those in anyway affiliated witht he government] so im gonna be catching up with some mp3s for the moment to [Multinational Paythingo level 3] for the affore mentioned, i swear its only a currency translator i swear.....
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#11 lilsniper



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 10:17 AM

First of all, I understand that this topic is very old. However, I have tried this grenade idea and was told by Taita to bring this topic back to life with some information on the anzacs I made. Also, Anzacs are talked about alot nowadays, so everyone should know of these. If you don't, i recomend you try making them..they are very easy to make and are made just from household materials.

I just want to thank Taita Cakes so much for this great nerf grenade idea. I have made four of them so far, and they have become a major success. Whenever you are in a situation when the other person is loading behind a couch, and you don't wanna give away your position, you can just chuck one of these nades behind the couch and it explodes all over your enemy. Its really great, and a very rewarding way to win a war, or even to just eliminate the opponent.

Well, as I said..I have made 4 of these grenades. The only thing I do differently is I use a cardboard square instead of the caps. The rest is the same. Currently, I'm not even using a spring to push the foam out...its only being pushed out from the pressure of the rubberbands. Adding a spring is my next project, and will increase the burst of the grenade very much, shooting the foam far. Right now, I use cut up pieces of foam inside of the containers. They are going around 5-8 ft from where I throw the nade, which is perfect for eliminating single opponents, or two if they are next to each other in a bunker or wherever.

Here are some pics of these great nerf grenades:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

All four of these pics were takin with a camera phone, so they are not the best. The third pic is really hard to see, but if you look very closely...the foam is EVERYWHERE on the ground. It hit the wall on all sides around where I threw the nade. The little white piece is the piece of cardboard. The black piece next to the wall is one of the film canisters. These are truly worth making..and as taita said...they can be made from household materials.

Priming this grenade is exactly the same as the way you prime taita's idea/grenade. Since I'm using cardboard, all i do is slide one canister to the end of the cardboard, then throw. Its amazing how well it works.

Once again, I'd like to thank Taita for the idea. These have become a neccassary item to carry with myself during wars. I'll get some new pics up once i put some spings in these anzacs.
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#12 sniper25



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 09:19 PM

sorry im not seeing how it explodes (im a dumb ass), though it does look pretty cool

Edited by sniper25, 20 April 2006 - 09:21 PM.

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Mr. pink of ugns


#13 taita cakes

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 10:12 PM

sorry im not seeing how it explodes (im a dumb ass), though it does look pretty cool

The rubber band is pulling the two film canisters together very strongly, which are being kept apart by the piece of cardboard. The minute one of the film canister is bumped, be it thrown or shot, the film canisters displace, and the rubber band flicks the two film canisters around, emptying their contents.
It works best with BBs.
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#14 sniper25



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Posted 21 April 2006 - 08:16 AM

Ok thats genius. I think im going to make some
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Mr. pink of ugns


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