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#41184 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Fuse on 08 November 2004 - 10:28 PM in Off Topic

For those interested the "Open" beta client is available for DL. The signup pages should be up sometime soon.

#41072 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Fuse on 07 November 2004 - 04:29 PM in Off Topic

Dawn of War is a killer game. Why havent you installed it yet?!

Ok, Guild Wars is a good example. Fun game too. But its not the same type of MMO as EQ2 or WoW. Its more like they took Diablo multiplay and made the chatrooms 3d.

#40934 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Fuse on 05 November 2004 - 07:23 PM in Off Topic

I havnet played it yet, but I may well get into it. I was hard-core strung out on EQ back in the day, and am looking forward to the choices in terms of MMOs that are coming out. (Personally Im currently rocking it on PlanetSide). WoW looks to be better than EQ2 in terms of gameplay, so Im definitely doin the open beta thing.

Yes, all mainstream MMOs are pay-to-play. They have to be to support the bandwidth and server maintentance for such a game with so many players. You will be able to find some free small ones most likely, but the experience is very different.

#41114 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Fuse on 07 November 2004 - 11:28 PM in Off Topic

Don't judge a game untill you have personally played it.

When I first saw it I also didnt like it. But Ive withdrawn my oppinion until I get into a beta or stress test. The problem is there is no demo, no free 7 day trial available, (at least not right now) so things like the graphics are all folks like me and Ash have to go on.

I do wish the texture resoluitons were higher. You can have goofy stylized polygons and still have quality texture work for good results. Some of the terrain and objects just dont look that good from what I've seen (again, Im talking in terms of textures). Some of it looks great, but its not consistent.

#44572 Wooden Darts

Posted by Fuse on 22 December 2004 - 10:18 PM in Homemades

What kind of wood did you use?
Does that go in or over a barrel?

#45795 Whoa This Is Weird

Posted by Fuse on 09 January 2005 - 10:37 PM in Off Topic

Good old macs. Their built in text-to-speech landed me in the office quite a few times in middle and high school.

#45808 Whoa This Is Weird

Posted by Fuse on 10 January 2005 - 12:10 AM in Off Topic

Contol Panel(Classic View)>Speech>Text To Speech(It's a Tab)

If you want a quick laugh, go to window's text to speech like was said (win2k works too), turn the speed down to 1/4, and type this:

Ooh Jesus Christ. I'm so high. High is good.

Yes, she certainly sounds like one high old lady. hahahahhahah. Especially when she says: "I'm so high".

Microsoft Mary r0x0rzz me hardcore.

Oh yeah, the more you slow it down, the more stoned she is.

This coming from a guy with a Jay avatar. Boooong.

#38208 Where To Find....

Posted by Fuse on 03 October 2004 - 03:15 PM in General Nerf

You should know that loading that long a chain on it will be tricky. The mechanism (at least for the rototrack) isnt strong enough to rotate a chain that long. I dont know about the Razorbeast, as my freind got his for free from a friend and it jammed regardless of chain length.

You will have to un-loop it so its just one straight length and have something supporting it as it feeds. My friend and I built a cardboard ammo box (like for a real gun) that we sat next to it, but it wasnt any good for run-and-gun as we didnt have a good way to attach it to the rototrack or chainblazer.

#43526 Where To Buy

Posted by Fuse on 07 December 2004 - 07:11 PM in General Nerf

Here on the forums if something happent and you got ripped off CX would take care of everything.

He's right. I havent done much business, but what I have purchased here has gone well (Tony is a good guy, and patient haha), and if it doesn't I'm 99% sure cx has the IP of everyone who posts here. That means you can most likely track them down and take legal action if you so desire on a sour deal.

As for eBay, you are highly unlikely to get scammed buying Nerf there. The scammers go for larger items like cars and laptops. I honestly doubt many people would bother scamming someone on a toy gun.

#47472 Where Is Everyone From?

Posted by Fuse on 18 February 2005 - 01:31 AM in Off Topic

Atlanta, GA. Represent. A-town.

#45298 Where Da Old Bastards At?

Posted by Fuse on 01 January 2005 - 03:59 PM in Off Topic

Heh, I remember the Goo PS of the "God kills a kitten" pic. Good times.

#45338 Where Da Old Bastards At?

Posted by Fuse on 02 January 2005 - 11:44 AM in Off Topic

I actually saw a pic of them wearing miniskirts, angel wings, and pasties. Not photoshopped. Then, of course, it disappeared from the site it was on and I've never found it again. <_<

#44976 Where Da Old Bastards At?

Posted by Fuse on 28 December 2004 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

vaccallica, spoon, hal, stefan? anybody over 13? what the hell happened to nerfonline?

Hey, I'll be 19 on the 12th of Jan! :D

From what I see a lot of the vets are still reading the boards some, but dont post that much because there isnt much to say if you've been on the scene that long. Really, a lot of the topics these days are off-topic posts or noobish posts. Latest discussions I see... two threads that are nerf-related and aren't old ideas.

VACC still posts, but I dont know what the hell he's saying half the time. Usually cracks me up tho.

#45099 Whats Your Favorite Line Of Nerf Guns?

Posted by Fuse on 29 December 2004 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

Either the N-Strike or MaxForce (that was what they called the animal themed ones, right?)

The N-Strike was cool because it started in the old days (remember Roto-Track?) and now has contributed a great deal to the resurgence in Nerf and the revival of my arsenal.

The MaxFoce, on the other hand, is home to the Razor Beast, which sucked but I always loved the style. It also made the Warthog, which is by far my favorite Nerf brand gun. I seriously almost cried when mine died. I used to win wars with that gun alone.

My favorite dart-gun line is the SuperMaxx line. My 2500, 5000 and 500s are still my favorite guns. But it would never be my favorite if it werent for the Larami made earlier guns, so I dont know if I should say its my favoire line of Nerf guns.

#37044 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by Fuse on 12 September 2004 - 04:05 PM in General Nerf

Well of course you have to keep civvys in mind, as you do in any nerf event held in a public place. If you hit a civy and it causes a problem you are counted as dead, and if you killed anyone in the incident they are revived.

We havent started yet so we havent had trouble with law enforcement, but we hope it wont be a problem. We arent permitting homemades or guns painted dark colors.

Me and some friends did this back in sophomore year in HS, but only had 4 teams of 5. You can adjust the rules to fit the number of players. With fewer people the organization can be looser and the games shorter. Ours were only one round and usually only lasted a week. Everything would then reset and start all over.

I did see that news article about the highschool that was trying to shut down a similar game, but there were like 200 players or something insane like that. Also, highschool is a lot less understanding of kids having good clean fun than college is. The older you are, the less likely people are going to bust your balls, thats just the way the world seems to work usually.

If you do this during your years in lower level education I suggest keeping it well away from school grounds, especially these days. In highschool we were "safe" going to and from school, no guns allowed on your person at all during those times, and the city square was off limits. This kept us away from most heavily occupied areas.

#37027 What Are Some New Nerf Games?

Posted by Fuse on 12 September 2004 - 01:45 PM in General Nerf

This one is a bit larger scale than what is being posted here, but its fun so here are the basics. Were currently working on putting a war together at my college.

Basically its just a big tournament. The war is on 24/7. We're doing it with 5 teams of 10. It's single elimination and once you are killed you are no longer allowed to carry a weapon.

At the end of each week there is a meeting to announce who is eliminated. All players must disarm for this, no weapons allowed to or from the meeting. If an entire team isnt taken out by the end of the week then the two weakest teams (ones with the most players eliminated) meet for a showdown. At the end of each week the teams that were not eliminated get reinforced, meaning all players elimiated during the week return to the game except for the teams who are completely eliminated.

There are certain zones that are safe zones. In our case this includes areas such as the Art/Sci Building, Classrooms, the library, and the dining hall, Dorms, inside sporting events, you get the picture. You dont want to disrupt the daily activitys of those around you.

Players are NOT identified in any way. You have to learn who is on the other teams by looks. This is mainly because we want to use this as a community building exercise, get to know the folks in your dorm, so you can have active players wear a colored arm band to show their team affiliation if you desire. Players who have been eliminated have to wear a black band on their arm for the rest of the week. Once their team is eliminated and its announced at the weekly meeting then they can take it off obviously.

As additional motivation you may want to include an entry fee of $5 or something. At the end the entire pot is split up amongst the members of the winning team. We have opted not to do this since this is the first time its been done on our campus and gambling is not allowed. We want to keep it as legit as possible for the first tournament.

#43578 Using A Silencer

Posted by Fuse on 08 December 2004 - 08:22 PM in Homemades

Eh, ignore that first part. I completely just spaced and didnt include pump guns, which your homemade probly is.

How are you planning on making it? If you are just drilling holes in a pipe dont shorten the barrel. If you are making an actual silencer that has chambers for the... air, erm, then I suppose you could shorten the barrel some since you wont lose pressure immediately assuming the chambers of the silencer are small.

#47725 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Fuse on 21 February 2005 - 08:46 PM in Off Topic

Will and Grace had a Ratchet Blast once.
Drew Carry Show had some sort of nerf blaster, cant remember what.
Also have seen Nerf on Friends.

There might be a few others I've forgotten. Nerf guns tend to show up on network TV. I would love to raid their prop room some time.

#47771 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Fuse on 22 February 2005 - 05:45 PM in Off Topic

Thanks. Now of course I just have to go watch the enitre movie so I can confirm this. :blush:

#42460 Turkey Day!

Posted by Fuse on 25 November 2004 - 10:26 AM in Off Topic

Not really, but it sure is a great way to promote teh shoppering!

#41406 True Self Expression

Posted by Fuse on 11 November 2004 - 02:20 AM in Off Topic

Had a friend who studied Tae Kwon Do. Never could teach the boy to keep his hands up properly. Relied too much on the fact that he had long legs. :( Sounds like you round it well with the hap ki do tho.

What are the differences stylistically between International and World Federation?

#41572 True Self Expression

Posted by Fuse on 13 November 2004 - 11:51 AM in Off Topic

Dude, there are ninja. They guard the pope. Im serious. I saw a parade once and the Pope's guards walking along side the car were just asians with no visible weaponry. You know they had to be ninja. :wacko:

He's pretty cool and beats the crap out of his brother. Wish I could do that...

If you want to beat the crap out of people I think you dont understand the martial arts.

#41322 True Self Expression

Posted by Fuse on 10 November 2004 - 03:03 PM in Off Topic

I was just wondering if anyone here was into martial arts. Any "style".

Im a martial arts nut. I dont think I've found anything I enjoy more. I dont practice a particular system. My teacher in highschool was highly ranked in many of the arts and taught us a little bit of everything. Outside of classes with him I am self trained, such as with weapons (tonfa, bo, nunchaku, bokkuto, sai). I do not see this as a downside really, because I think that if one applies themselves to learning and takes what they are able to come up with on their own they will be a much stronger person, and this applies to more than just the martial arts.

Just wondering if anyone else practiced.

#46817 Too Funny.

Posted by Fuse on 02 February 2005 - 03:16 PM in Off Topic

Is it sad that I thought of it that way back when it was new? I was a weird kid.

#41645 Tna Wrestling

Posted by Fuse on 14 November 2004 - 08:37 PM in Off Topic

Personally I dont like WWE style because of how SHITTY it is. Maybe thats just me.

Highschool wrestling is different. I dont think anyone insulted it.

As for the restrictions, those are there for a reason. I personally think the "no holds barred" style of combat is stupid. They dont want you doing piledrivers because thats a good way to kill or permanently disable somebody. Going into a "sport" like that is just fucking dumb. Im not saying these folks should stop. By all means, please let Darwin go to work, but Im certainly not going to watch it.

#38487 Titan, Hornet, Or Scout?

Posted by Fuse on 06 October 2004 - 09:34 PM in General Nerf

Someone's gotta tell me how to make one of the quad barrels. How do you split it, what do you use to fill in the space and keep it air-tight?

Right now I like my hornet best, but mainly because the titan is too strong for close-in so it loses versatility.

#37189 Titan Trouble

Posted by Fuse on 14 September 2004 - 04:17 PM in Modifications

Can you pop it off with a screwdriver or knife? Thats what I did with guns that had annoying rings like that, tho I havent got a Titan yet.

#37368 Titan Mod

Posted by Fuse on 17 September 2004 - 04:08 PM in Modifications

Allright, this is going to sound dumb, but how the crap do you get the barrel off of the thing if you've already put it on? I read that you push and turn, but that doesnt help, neither does pulling. Is there some trick Im just not getting? Its definitely not that Im not applying enough force. Is there no way to get it off if Ive put it on completely (heard both clicks)? Im very frustrated.

Nevermind, it came off. I dont know WHY but it did. Ive been sitting here for over an hour, my hands are cut up from the plastic casing digging into my skin. My palms are red from the force. You know what? My dad comes home (Im home for the weekend), and hes a big guy, so I call him in to try. Im just showing him what to do, not even trying really, and the stupid thing just pops and unscrews. My Titan hates me.

#37144 Titan Ammo

Posted by Fuse on 13 September 2004 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Dan's idea is actually one of the ones I was looking at. One thing I was thinking of tho was putting a sheet of foam or something on the inside to smooth the rough pourous edges from the drilling. My other idea for this is perhaps some sort of thin plastic such as that from a 2L soda bottle which would have lower friction than a sheet of thin foam. The cells on those noodles are pretty big compared to any nerf foam Ive seen, including Ultimator rockets, so I figured putting something on the inside was a good idea.

How did you straighten the noodle? Ive been trying to figure this out, and my best idea so far was just to cut it and stick it on the titan and then try to heat it up some, but it would really need to be straight before drilling is the problem. Another idea I had was to secure it to something straight and leave it outside like many people do for stefans. I just have no experience trying to deal with noodle foam. ^_^

Im also working on other ideas for the tip, but I dont know if any of them are going to pan out at all, so Ill just keep quiet for now.

That reminds me, I have one more question, is the tip hollow like Ultimator rockets, or is it solid? If so, is it heavy?

#37100 Titan Ammo

Posted by Fuse on 13 September 2004 - 07:10 AM in Modifications

Rad, thanks.

I assume the hole in the center goes all the way through the dark foam section?

#37095 Titan Ammo

Posted by Fuse on 13 September 2004 - 12:04 AM in Modifications

Allright, I ordered an N-Strike set, but I wont have it for another week since I shipped it to my house and need to pick it up.

Ive been running ideas through my head for Titan homemade ammo, but in the end its futile since I dont have any on hand. What Im asking for is a few measurements on the missile from someone who has it. If anyone can help me out it would be awesome. I just want to get some refferences for some of the ideas Ive got to see if it will work.

Total length
Length of the dark foam (back to the grey ring)
Length of the tip (the orange and grey on front)
External diameter
Internal diameter
Length of internal shaft (how far the Titan goes into the Missile)

#44622 This Is Wierd

Posted by Fuse on 23 December 2004 - 11:50 AM in Off Topic

Wait wait wait...so there would be cases in which suicide woul be a good idea?!
I was hella not serious with my post....but that's rifuckingdiculous, >Fuse<.

How about my grandfather who had a stroke and afterwards could not speak or swallow? He just sat there drooling all day living through a tube in his arm. He committed suicide, and no one thought any less of him for it.

Or my friend who was driving drunk, hit a minivan, knocked it off the highway, and killed an entire family. I never thought any less of him because he committed suicide. And I dont believe he did it to run from his problems.

#44599 This Is Wierd

Posted by Fuse on 23 December 2004 - 01:57 AM in Off Topic

God forbid your actually committing suicide, because suicide just doesn't make sense.

I'm sorry, but I would love to know what qualifies you to make judgement calls on someone you don't know's life.

#44551 This Is Wierd

Posted by Fuse on 22 December 2004 - 07:54 PM in Off Topic

Dogbert's New Ruling Class?

#44535 This Is Wierd

Posted by Fuse on 22 December 2004 - 05:44 PM in Off Topic

What ever happened to dignity?
Oh well, cya.

#45794 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Fuse on 09 January 2005 - 10:34 PM in Off Topic

I have to disagree Merl. I was with you till you said the alternatives were marketed by the machine. Maybe the alternatives you've heard of and listen to, but there are definitely artists who work outside of the conventional corporate world.

I read a lot, mostly Sci-Fi/Fantasy stuff though...

JT, I don't think thats what he meant...

#45594 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Fuse on 06 January 2005 - 10:59 PM in Off Topic

I have no idea why they are so popular.

One word: "Strategery"

#45680 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Fuse on 08 January 2005 - 12:45 AM in Off Topic

Im with Black Wrath here. I may think Linkin Park lacks any simblance of talent, but you know what? I still have their songs on my mp3 player. I may not think they are worth my money, but I'll still listen to them.

On the other hand, I do care where my money goes. I dont want to pay $20 for a CD and have the artist I like get a penny. Sure, I may have denied bands a couple dollars in total lost sales because I didnt purchase their albums, but I happily denied the greedy fascists a few hundred.

Oh, while were talking about formula, has anyone here seen the video for KoRn's "Ya'll Want A Single"? I'm not a big KoRn fan, not their new stuff anyways, but the video was interesting. It was cool to see a mainstream band go against the machine, even if it was just marketing.

#45548 This Is How You Suck

Posted by Fuse on 06 January 2005 - 01:06 PM in Off Topic

And if you listen to most rock/punk rock type stuff, it's all mostly the same anyways.

First, that statement is wrong. Much of the main stream is the same, but most of the music in general is not. Even if it were, that doesnt make it a good thing.

Nickelback isnt punk anyways. None of what you will hear on the radio is punk rock, it is pop punk, which is a completely different genre.

Thing with punk is no one claimed they were good at playing music; they said they were good at getting drunk, hitting the strings, and yelling bloody murder at The Man.

#46736 Theoretical New Maverick Mods?

Posted by Fuse on 31 January 2005 - 10:51 AM in Modifications

Before I got my dremel I used my very sharp multi-tool. It has a knife that can cut nerf plastic like butter, and a file for finishing touches. It takes a long time, but if you are careful you can get the job done.