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There have been 312 items by Chessler (Search limited from 08-May 97)

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#76612 Shwifty

Posted by Chessler on 17 March 2006 - 10:36 AM in Site Feedback

I'd say let Talio give him a french haircut.

#47769 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Chessler on 22 February 2005 - 05:09 PM in Off Topic

Where the hell was there a ball blaster in Equilibrium?!

In the scene in which Preston goes into the basement with the gramophone.
It's under the stuff on one of the drawers.

And the Movie IS great:
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#47772 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by Chessler on 22 February 2005 - 05:48 PM in Off Topic

Thanks. Now of course I just have to go watch the enitre movie so I can confirm this. :blush:

Not anymore:
I'll post the pic

Edit: The Link
The Proof

#56637 Relationship Help

Posted by Chessler on 05 June 2005 - 10:36 AM in Off Topic

Nothing against you Shindig, but are you seriously going to get on someones ass because of what, 3 non-capitalized i's?

Bad enough. Deal with it.

#37530 Porn?

Posted by Chessler on 20 September 2004 - 03:40 PM in Off Topic

I think pr0n sucks

wordly :D

#84652 Damn Those French!

Posted by Chessler on 10 July 2006 - 02:04 AM in Off Topic

This morning I heard from our local radio that the Italian player called his mother names.

#37477 Porn?

Posted by Chessler on 19 September 2004 - 12:19 PM in Off Topic

:lol: simply funny.

Sometimes Religious Groups just take it harder than they should.
Do Christians fear Porn really that much? ;)

#37491 Porn?

Posted by Chessler on 19 September 2004 - 02:40 PM in Off Topic


If it's a joke, then I'll start laughing and won't stop after a month.

#53901 At2k Strange Happenings

Posted by Chessler on 01 May 2005 - 11:26 AM in Modifications

Heh, AT2K, use 'em till they smoke...

#36190 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by Chessler on 02 September 2004 - 09:57 AM in Off Topic

It's design is very nice, it's quite powerful, and it actually starts at a very good price ($1300 for a 1.6 Ghz G5, with a 17 inch screen).

Are those prices normal for a Mac? Sounds very expensive.

#48079 Modded Sm750

Posted by Chessler on 26 February 2005 - 11:09 AM in Modifications

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#48113 Modded Sm750

Posted by Chessler on 26 February 2005 - 05:36 PM in Modifications

I have a sharper picture:
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And what exactly is gaffer tape?

#48206 Modded Sm750

Posted by Chessler on 27 February 2005 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

What is the actual barrel material? It looks similar to the aluminum I use on all my guns. Also, in my experience with m+m tubes, they always just blow open when I pull the trigger.

The barrel material is Iron Conduit.
And my M+M tubes blow open too if the pressure is too strong, but I just rest one finger on it so I can even shoot more darts at a time.

#48006 Modded Sm750

Posted by Chessler on 25 February 2005 - 09:54 AM in Modifications

Thanks, I am still thinking about painting it black.

#71493 Soldat!

Posted by Chessler on 22 January 2006 - 06:44 PM in Off Topic

Awesome, I can't wait to try that one out with my new mod: "Fro-man".

Can you explain what kind of mod that is, I'm just curious.

#36217 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by Chessler on 02 September 2004 - 02:46 PM in Off Topic

Uhgg apples, why not just use Windows?

Because ... you know... Ah, screw it, use Windows!

#40960 Knex Gun

Posted by Chessler on 05 November 2004 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

This is the first time I see someone Triple Post.

#44845 Took An Inventory Of My Arsenal...

Posted by Chessler on 25 December 2004 - 06:42 AM in General Nerf

Please don't Triple post.

#47949 Modded Sm750

Posted by Chessler on 24 February 2005 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Looks kind of weird, but works great.
It is able to shoot 3 darts at a time and gets ranges about 30 to 40 feet.

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#44864 Took An Inventory Of My Arsenal...

Posted by Chessler on 25 December 2004 - 04:04 PM in General Nerf

I agree, but you gotta admit, the picture in the third post is pretty sweet.

Hell yeah.

#86386 Dr. Physics And Nerf Videos

Posted by Chessler on 03 August 2006 - 07:55 AM in General Nerf

Looks like the Target Audience for Nerf is now age 16+. And I like it.

#48446 Language

Posted by Chessler on 02 March 2005 - 11:46 AM in Off Topic

My 2nd Language is English and my 3rd is Italian.

And the Klingon is just for fun :P

#36497 Was The Pentagon Hit?

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2004 - 05:06 PM in Off Topic

The only fact that gives me a strange feeling is where the hell is the wreck of the plane?

#63097 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 02:52 PM in Modifications

trend masters storm?

Getting warm.

There will be a cookie if you guess it. ;)

#55830 Far Project

Posted by Chessler on 28 May 2005 - 06:56 AM in Homemades

I really like the idea with the plexiglass, maybe somebody could do a FAR out of plexiglas and clear pvc parts only.

#69747 The Luger

Posted by Chessler on 23 December 2005 - 09:55 AM in Modifications

Oh well, what can I say? That is a damn fine Autogrip Luger you got there.

Good Job!

#63095 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 02:51 PM in Modifications

Last Hint:
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#63198 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 06 September 2005 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

Guys, PM shit like that.

I'm sorry, I lost control.
It won't happen again.

#63099 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 03:10 PM in Modifications


It is the handle from a Light Storm 1.

Rylundo, you get the cookie anyway.

Posted Image

#63091 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 02:35 PM in Modifications

I'll give a hint:


#63084 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

What are you using for weights on the tip of those darts and what kind of darts are they?

I use the rubber tips from my pencils as weight and the Darts are the normal Micro Darts, only cut in half and without the purple rubber. They are more straight than Homemade Stefans and fly a little faster.

It looks like it will be a lot easier to put in your pocket, more comfortable to hold, and looks a hell of a lot better than in its original casing.

Yes, it does. The Blaster itself is very light because the case is made mainly out of cardboard rolls and hockey tape, except the grip. It can be held with your left or right hand.

I would make a trigger guard. Personaly I hate guns without one. Looks and feels weird.

I don't use Trigger Guards because when I pull the sm750, I will have my finger already at the trigger when I spot a target. But that's just my opinion, I just don't use them.

whatever floats your boat.


Sooo.. Anyone yet knows which blaster the grip comes from?

#63057 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 05:37 AM in Modifications

I was bored yesterday and had nothing else to do but mod another sm750 and repair the leak in my TechTarget Pistol. Also I painted it with a red color which reminds me a little of D°°M³ for no appearent reason. I'm more than happy with the range of the sm750 "J", which get's around 70-80 feet. So here are the Pictures, in Thumbnails.

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You might remember from which blaster the grip comes from...

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In size comparison to it's precedessor.

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The TT Pistol which I named "Le Grill" , with and without holster.

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And the AmmoBox, which holds around 200 darts, and there sure is enough space for more.

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Just for random madness, the arsenal as it is right now.

If you excuse me now, I'm cooking soup for my stomach for it demands food.

[EDIT:] Uploaded the pics

[EDIT:] Uploaded Pic of the entire Arsenal

#63088 "j" & "le Grill"

Posted by Chessler on 05 September 2005 - 02:31 PM in Modifications

It looks a little like a Mav grip to me.

Anyway, nice job dude, they look really nice and effective. Dual pistols rule!


It's not from a Maverick, I would not dare to ruin one of those in such a way since the Maverick is not even available here.

#269712 Sharpshooter I Overhaul

Posted by Chessler on 20 March 2010 - 07:32 AM in Modifications

An impressive job you did there. Funny enough, I do the same thing with the screws with every one of my mods.

#40884 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Chessler on 05 November 2004 - 03:10 PM in Off Topic

Back from school. Some kid in gym class hit me in the nuts with a football today. it was painfull :lol:

Dude, this isn't LiveJournal.

#58900 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Chessler on 08 July 2005 - 04:13 PM in Modifications

That is really an awesome find.
Spring powered waterguns in 1995? There must be some kind of information in the internet, I'll do a little research on it.

#74352 Big Bad Jean

Posted by Chessler on 26 February 2006 - 10:08 AM in Modifications

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A Package, for me? What could that be...

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Oh my god, it is a BBB!

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Gotta love eBay. You find everything there.

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Next I made sure everything was inside.

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Hhmm, Hyper Sight. This must be one of the older BBB's.

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The bow arms are like googles: they do nothing.

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Next I cut off the scope thingie and the second handle.

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Gonna use that for another SM750 maybe...

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I had to put a net inside on the barrel, otherwise the darts fall down and get smashed by the plunger.

#44846 Oops

Posted by Chessler on 25 December 2004 - 06:47 AM in Off Topic

If his account is deleted, how did he then manage to write 3 other topics?

Edit: Ops, I mixed up nerferdude with Nerdude. Sorry

#74353 Big Bad Jean

Posted by Chessler on 26 February 2006 - 10:10 AM in Modifications

Duh', picture limit.

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I also hot-glued some foam on the plunger to silence the noise a little.

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Next I hot-glued a piece of an old jean to the bottom, for a better grip.

The final result:
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Ranges are around 65 feet.

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And what is with that scary kid?

#44678 Oops

Posted by Chessler on 23 December 2004 - 05:16 PM in Off Topic

The sister/brother/father/mother-wrote-stupid-shit-into-this-forum excuse is getting old.