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#49664 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 01:22 PM in Off Topic

I watched LA confidential the other day for the first time. It was good, but I wouldn't rate it as a top 30 movie like it is on imdb. I watched the beginning of motorcyle diaries and left fairly impressed.

#48215 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 27 February 2005 - 08:36 PM in Off Topic

Judge Dred was pretty cool. Demolition man was the shit, though,blowing dred away. I just got done watching all of A Clockwork Orange and honestly,didn't find anything too great about it. It was another shocking movie that had poor acting and dialogue in many parts and was simply not that entertaining.Citizen Kane is next on my list.

#48315 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 28 February 2005 - 09:41 PM in Off Topic

Gladiator was great all around. The matrix trilogy was all pretty great to me.

#47972 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 24 February 2005 - 09:49 PM in Off Topic

I haven't measured it but I do know my house is 7,200 square feet and there seems to be plenty of room, I got to give it to my stepdad on that one, we got a wet bar with an oven behind it......envious yet? Good movies I must say cxwq, I might check out The mission simpky because I haven't heard anything about it...ever.

#56967 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 08 June 2005 - 01:55 PM in Off Topic

Team America World Police is a good movie for all you right-wingers. If you want to see something original, albeit different watch The Woodsman.[/U][U]

#47807 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 22 February 2005 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

shaw-shank was a killer. I'll check out Cool Hand Luke. Adaptation? It was alright I guess.

#47840 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 23 February 2005 - 02:32 PM in Off Topic

I'm not a big garden state fan, nor a XXX fan. NEVER RECCOMEND XXX to anyone, its a classic worst movie of all time. Gone in 60 seconds rules, so do unpopular movies like The Pianist etc. I watched breakfast club last night and that is defineately a classic and I'm about to watch American Beuty all the way through. I heard american graffiti was sick and so are most of the star wars films. Episode 1 and 2 were actually pretty good, if not for the main characters acting abilities.

#48021 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 25 February 2005 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

Wow, I really thought platoon sucked ass. It was a candid account about what oliver stone went through I guess. Office Space, I've seen that about 30+ times....really and its great. American Beauty is very similiar in plot structure and theme. Right now I'm watching A Clockwork Orange

#49705 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 07:28 PM in Off Topic

Has anyone seen the original scarface? It has good reviews, but people could be justifying it as good because of the time it was made.

#49076 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 08 March 2005 - 10:48 PM in Off Topic

Have you guys heard anything about the aviator?

#48521 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Viper on 02 March 2005 - 10:21 PM in Off Topic

I just got finshed with citizen kane, considered by many to be the best movie ever made. It was very good, but I'm not thinking top 10 unless you consider for its time. "rosebud"

#38129 All Major Foam Guns Ever Made

Posted by Viper on 01 October 2004 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

I want to start a list with all the major foam guns and brands ever made, pictures would be helpful but not essential.
I'll start with the major brands:
Rappn Fire
Milton Bradley

#57617 Airzone Automatic Rapid Fire

Posted by Viper on 16 June 2005 - 10:17 AM in General Nerf

Its a pump gun? It looks a lot like the lanard speedloader, which is cocking and weak.

#41944 Airtech 2000 Twin Packs

Posted by Viper on 17 November 2004 - 08:28 PM in General Nerf

Where can I find these airtech2000 twin packs?

#74809 Airsoft To Nerf

Posted by Viper on 01 March 2006 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

I've made a few, its best to use a really long barrel to reduce the velocity significantly.

#52690 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 17 April 2005 - 03:07 PM in General Nerf

Yes I do agree me spending 5 seconds thinking about it and showing to this forum was odd, but I just found it while I was surfing topics to find that other people outside the nerf community have a great deal of interest in it, enough to post a topic about it with a picture. I don't regret my decision.

Note: the TM g18c is sweet, I am very happy with its performance.

#52678 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 17 April 2005 - 12:07 PM in General Nerf

Sorry if I seemed defensive, but the whole point of my post was to show that nerf is preffered mainly because of its cost and that people don't play nerf just because they're "ignorant" of airsoft.

How many of you guys actually read my post instead of making judgements based on the idea that I was pissing people off in another forum?

For those of you who think I caused some havoc and get a boner thinking about stopping a nerf vs airsoft/whatever shooting sport war, you obviously didn't read my post at all, nor did you read theirs, which didn't bash nerf at all.

I am also a regular at airsoftretreat, I didn't just make an account to explain nerf, how did you think I'd find it if I wasn't a regular?

If you guys want to continue keeping up with the topic, you'll notice it is not a flamewar at all.

#52628 Airsoft Forums On Nerf?

Posted by Viper on 16 April 2005 - 01:01 PM in General Nerf

ignorant people and nerf?

#216217 Air Zone Arrow Storm

Posted by Viper on 03 March 2009 - 10:46 PM in Modifications

Where can I find one online? Couldn't find it at TRU website.

#37252 Air Tanks And Psi

Posted by Viper on 15 September 2004 - 08:32 PM in Homemades

That's true, what cxwq said for the most part, but if you mod a squirt gun you'll find that it has a large airtank that ends up being beneficial because it has a relatively slow air release system by which air can get behind the dart. With a long barrel, you can use this air release mech to put constant pressure behind the dart, making it go very far. As far as porting goes, if it fishtails I'd try putting a ring of ports around the area close to the valve on the barrel, and it that doesn't work, use a muzzle break like porting system or spiral porting. Spiral porting makes the dart spin a little making it more accurate usually as long as your precise with measurements.

#48971 A Site Dedicated To Homemade Nerf Weapons

Posted by Viper on 07 March 2005 - 07:05 PM in Homemades

It may seem too specialized, but as long as the "king" of homemades is in charge of it, I think it would get a great deal of traffic and be much more of a forum where actual advances are made.

#49014 A Site Dedicated To Homemade Nerf Weapons

Posted by Viper on 08 March 2005 - 02:32 PM in Homemades

opennerf was very succussful until it closed down, we had a ton of fruitful discussions.

#50763 A Homemade Nerf Full Auto

Posted by Viper on 27 March 2005 - 06:48 PM in Homemades

My father and I have been working some time on an effective bb full auto and a similiar design that incorporates some type of nerf projectile, which appears to be reusable paintballs at this point. The deisgn is based of the m19a larc, a very simple,continous air gun that used bb's at the bottom of a clip to be essentially spit out at ~400 FPS. You may have also seen the recent strafer design that is a rip off of the larc only using compressed air instead of freon, although compressed air adaptors were common for the larc. Thirst among many others have been working in parralell to discover an effective design that's simple enough to be made in a basement. Anyone have any other design ideas they're like to share? Maybe using leaf blowers?

The patent # is 4083349
go here and type it in


#49669 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 01:41 PM in Homemades

I've since made about 5 different guns with co2 as the main propulsion system. I have discovered that although it offers cheap energy for a relatively low price, it has far too many flaws to make it practical for nerf.

1. The co2 guns don't last as long as the compressed air cousins. This is mainly due to co2's concstant deviation in pressure and temperature. According to tippmann pneumatics, co2 can deviate anywhere from 300-2000 psi depending upon relatively small deviations in pressure. This is a huge difference that makes co2 guns like mine worthless in cold weather as well as puts a great deal of stress on the gun. Paintball manufacturers must compensate for this in their design and make a cruder product than would be possible with compressed air or nitrogen.

2.Accuracy Because co2 deviates so much in pressure, its very hard to find any consistency in aiming and the such because its range potential deviates so much. This is why most high end markers use nitrogen, though very expensive nitrogen offers consistency in this area and with a low pressure kit, can offer 300-400 psi in high volume.

There are effective methods for compensating for this like porting and an extra long barrel to provide the needed guidance for the dart, but at the end of the day, you're better off making your standard shrader valve homemades and filling them up before war.

#49704 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 07:24 PM in Homemades

This whole topic was started by me stating that co2 isn't a good source of pressure for pneumatics, somehow people think I was supporting it? I don't think its a good source of pressure but I know that it won't kill people.

#50048 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 19 March 2005 - 08:29 PM in Homemades

That's what I stated earlier ragnorocks. I'd like to learn more about how to make what you're talking about with the PC and all.

#49716 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 08:17 PM in Homemades

Maybe you could build one hardened loser and thanks for the information that I've never heard anyone state before. How much would all this stuff cost in the end though? Seriously though, I've read site after site explaining how an expansion chamber would do all of what you said effectively without mentioning any hose. Your explaination is far more elegant than paintball sites I've seen so far and I would love to see one of your sites, you seem to know more than 99% of paintball site hosts. You explained it very well, but visually what would this apparatus look like? Welcome hardensiper!

#49723 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 08:39 PM in Homemades

I know, the amount of pumps per shot is a great balancer weasel. It's hard to make accurate and I actually haven't used any in wars. I've only shot at walls and people who have volunteered.

#49701 A Discussion On The Co2 Method

Posted by Viper on 15 March 2005 - 06:56 PM in Homemades

You are ignorant of a blade's(the moddedpaintball guns's) power Talio. When one uses a 24inch barrel it has less power than a modded sm5000. Yes you should use eye protection, that's kind of a duh? thing. The shorter barrel ones had a problem with the weights flying out, but again I was just experimenting with the shorter barrel design and have no plan on using it on people.

So I guess yakman,boltsniper and myself all have ideas that are of no interest to anyone, and are stupid for trying them? I generated a great deal of interest on NHQ having personal offers of over $45 for my first version, which by the way is a simple petg mod with a breach installed and the cosmetic modifications are what interests most. What about boltsniper's combustion gun? Or cxwq's solenoid valve homemade? I suppose its easier to separate us because of some grudge you have against me, but myself and boltsniper did very similiar things. These "hell cannons" as you call them have less power than many homemades or modded nerf guns like the titan,sm5000, and rangshot(RAW).

The only moron is the one who fails to try new things and labels these propulsion systems as "dangerous" simply because of experience with paintball guns and their relative power. My whole post was over the fact that there are better propulsion systems out there anyway and my "exponential" posting of topics only amounts to 4 topics total on NHQ and nerfhaven.

A great deal of paintballs don't bust anyway and the most they leave is a nice welt as long as you stay in the 270FPS-300FPS range. The blade has a max velocity of 250 FPS with paintballs and much less with darts based on experience, so don't think for a second that being shot with one of my guns hurts near as much at the same distance as being shot with a paintball gun at the same distance.

#46409 20 Shot Powerclip Idea

Posted by Viper on 23 January 2005 - 12:36 AM in Modifications

I was wondering about that, I suppose the seal is stronger than I thought. Well thanks guys.

#46399 20 Shot Powerclip Idea

Posted by Viper on 22 January 2005 - 09:50 PM in Modifications

Many of you familiar with the powerclip know that half the air is wasted on each shot. Why not merely drill a hole for air to come out the other hole and use PETG as the barrel material? Thirst, no air would be taken from the other barrel, at least I don't think since it has those 2 holes at the end and only 1 lines up with the barrel ata time.