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#35872 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by Airsoft999 on 30 August 2004 - 01:44 PM in Modifications

Just pump less and shoot more. Leave ur options open for when you really wanna nail a guy. Unless the problem is that it's so powerful that the darts go funny.

As been said before by THE ompa... I worship you... people lose track. Accidents happen.

If the darts fishtail in your second question, use a heavier weight. I used 7/0 steel shots, and can get 200'

#36490 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by Airsoft999 on 05 September 2004 - 03:40 PM in Modifications

But doesn't this defeat the purpose of modifying guns to make them stronger? So if i have a clear shot at someone whos 30 feet away with a high powered gun, i should just kindly ask them to move farther back so the pain isn't as bad? Why buy the titan if all your gonna do is make it weaker?

We aren't making it weaker, just enough so that it won't really hurt someone.
Modding it to shoot darts any way at all is going to make it stronger, but 200' moves a little towards the "lethal" side of life.

#36473 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by Airsoft999 on 05 September 2004 - 01:05 PM in Modifications

Yes, but dart mods still let you shoot the missle.

#36404 Toning Down The Titan

Posted by Airsoft999 on 04 September 2004 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

Warghost, as ompa said, do you want to seriously hurt someone? Say you shoot your friend, and he is bleeding, screaming in pain. So later he steals the Titan and pegs you back.

And don't triple post in your BBB Topic. It doesn't need to be in the recent 15 or 20 or whatever amount it is. It works, and you can end it there.

Ompa: I almost didn't catch your sarcasm ^_^ . That was sarcasm right...

#34391 Big Salvo

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 01:30 AM in Modifications

Yay the MS is cool.
Yay Walmart might get MaxShots.

Where are the fuckin' pics of the big Salvo?

#34541 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 08:09 PM in Homemades

Yeah, I'm interested in how many pumps it takes to get a good pressure...
CPS 2500- 40 pumps= i forgot what Gaebo said... 250 feet?
MAX-D 6000- 10 pumps, 200 feet.
This... [begs for good results]- I gots one too. Maybe I'll mod mine.

#34550 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 08:59 PM in Homemades


#34544 Nerfcenter

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 08:15 PM in General Nerf

Wait till VIPER hears this. He's been working for a week now trying to put up a review section like NC...At least it wasn't a year.

#58872 Firefly Released!

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 July 2005 - 10:44 AM in General Nerf

So I was in New York City visiting some relatives, and I went to the Times Square TRU, and there it was, the Firefly. I didn't have any money on me, but I'll be going back tomorrow to pick up a shitload, editing this topic later.

#58943 Firefly Released!

Posted by Airsoft999 on 09 July 2005 - 11:13 AM in General Nerf

I have held one in my hands and fired it, and I know that it owns. It's really good stock, same with dart tag. I dunno about modding, you'd have to cut out a lot of the case where the turret comes out, if you look at the pictures. Though the Hasbro people said late summer/early autumn before it was out. But that could have just been me. I think other people could back me up on that.


Where did you get to try it? Yeah they said late summer/early fall.

I think that it looks pretty sweet,even if it sucks I think I will pick on eups just cause of the looks. If I dont like it it looks like it would be big enough to intagrate something good in it.

Hasbro went to check out one of their nerf wars.

Don't worry, Tidge, we love you. :(

#58874 Firefly Released!

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 July 2005 - 10:53 AM in General Nerf

Well this is in Times Square, dunno if its in real TRU's yet. It was 20 bucks.

#45413 Maverick Locations

Posted by Airsoft999 on 03 January 2005 - 08:01 PM in General Nerf

Not in Toys r' Us, but in good ol' Buffalo. Where we lost to Pittsburgh's B/C team <_<

#36679 Quad Barrel Titan W/scout

Posted by Airsoft999 on 08 September 2004 - 04:47 PM in Modifications

Cool. What's the range on your CPVC'ed Scout?

#51473 Favorite Band

Posted by Airsoft999 on 03 April 2005 - 01:36 PM in Off Topic

Blink 182. Go ahead, laugh and say how my music taste sucks. I like their music, and Travis Barker rocks your face off. Besides, music debates are worthless, because in the end, everyone's music taste sucks.

"Dammit", "Carousel", "Dick Lips", and "Stay Together for the Kids" are my personal favorites.

#35870 Best Gun

Posted by Airsoft999 on 30 August 2004 - 01:36 PM in General Nerf

:blink: Back to the original topic please. :huh:

All the posts were on topic, indirectly, though there was other talk... mmmmm pizza... Even with that, this post shouldn't exist. Read the Code of Conduct. You will get flamed for this.

#35900 Best Gun

Posted by Airsoft999 on 30 August 2004 - 06:13 PM in General Nerf

<_< If it shoudn't exist, dont reply then! Let the topic die out. Common sence. :wacko:

<_< If it shouldn't exist, don't post it then! Don't argue back, and get yourself get banned. Common sence :wacko:

#36863 Size Of Brass Barrel And Dart Size

Posted by Airsoft999 on 10 September 2004 - 04:11 PM in Modifications

NO. The fit is perfectly. Think about it. The seal between the suction and pipe is perfect... shove the whole dart, not just the foam into the barrel. Yes, even the Suction cup.

#36857 Size Of Brass Barrel And Dart Size

Posted by Airsoft999 on 10 September 2004 - 03:14 PM in Modifications

Yes. Make stefans. Much rasier and cheaper. Stefans are approx. $0.05 each. Stock Darts are 50 cents each. Stefans are much better, too. If you are using stock darts, don't use brass, use 1/2 inch SCH40 PVC. Then push the dart all the way down the barrel.

#36119 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 September 2004 - 04:07 PM in Off Topic

I was actually watching a game in Moskow, and I don't have a picture in the ice rink, but I have a picture of me in St. Petersburg. I'll fetch it ASAP.

#36335 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 03 September 2004 - 05:37 PM in Off Topic

Okay, I'm sorry for lying. I just really wanted a BF. And I thought it would be funny. I guess I deserve about a fuckloak of flames and yelling, and I will then try to get baco to being a productive member. :cry:

#36339 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 03 September 2004 - 05:52 PM in Off Topic

Thank you. I will try harder, promise.

#36116 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 September 2004 - 03:55 PM in Off Topic

Want to recant before I delete you?

I'm sorry, but I can't. Truth is, that I haven't posted those. The posts in modifications, though, puzzles me, since my cousin doesn't know how to modify. Therefore, the only person that did it would be my brother... he's 22, and into modding, and recently, he got a Titan. I'm sorry, CX, but I can't. Those posts just weren't mine. Honest.

#36096 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 September 2004 - 02:09 PM in Off Topic

You can ask N-SQUAD. I told him earlier when I was hoping to get his MaxShot that I would be in Beijing... and Moscow... and Paris...

#36111 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 September 2004 - 03:37 PM in Off Topic

80+ posts? Then yes. I enjoy nerfing, but I do not have time to post 80 times in two weeks. I think I had 27 posts one month after I activated... and Ompa has over 600 and he joined this year... no offense or anything, I mean, you're a great nerfer. Look. Come September 18th (nephew's birthday :angry: ) And I'll have no more than 15-20 added posts.

#36090 Apologies...

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 September 2004 - 01:47 PM in Off Topic

My apologies are to the following...

jpshyboy9 or joshyboy9...

I have been in Beijing lately (Past 2-3 weeks) and have had limited internet access... I was only online total for about 1 hour in that month. My only post was in MY blastfire topic. However, my 13 year old nephew was visiting my house, and was allowed onto the internet. He saw NERFHAVEN bookmarked, and went on. However, due to the fact that I am a lazy ass, I had my password saved, and he hacked on. Coming back, and him leaving, I noticed some of his immature posts, namely in "Funny names" and in jpshyboi9's BF topic. He really had no right in both, and I apologize to both. In addition, jpshyboy9, he had no right in calling you jpwhatever. I hope this clarify's some of "my" extreme n00bishness, not that it can cover MY actual n00bishness but... :cry:

#40500 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by Airsoft999 on 01 November 2004 - 07:01 PM in Modifications

Here mattpaintballer let me help you with the mod for the titan, i have an excellent one that will crush anyother mod for the titan. First take a 2 inches of 17/32'' brass and wrap some electrical tape around the brass until a 2 inch piece of a 1/2'' pvc fits firmly over it and then hot glue a ring of glue around the gap between the brass and the pvc. Then hot glue that into the orange thing and by the way, in order to fit the pvc/brass into the orange thing, you have to sandpaper the crap out of the pvc until it fits. Once you do that take 12 inches of 9/16'' brass and wrap two rings of tape around that until 8 inches of a 1/2'' of pvc fits over that and make sure that the pvc slides over the brass so that there is about a 1/2 inch to 1 inch space between one of the ends of the brass. Then take a 1/2 inch coupler and connect them and then you are done! You also can plug up the pump release valve and you can do the trigger pull mod. My expectations for this gun are...pain!

Not the best mod. Ompa's is the best, since yours won't allow for the rocket to be used.
And his gets 200 +-15 feet. Matt- people aren't gonna say oh my garsh, you are so smart. 2 Grades- you must be a genius!!!...

...we have CX here.

#63208 'big Bad' Glory

Posted by Airsoft999 on 06 September 2005 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

Just called in to my TRU, and they got it, so I'm real happy. And by the way, I'm in the East, where Firefly's haven't gotten into stores yet. Not that it matters to me, but these should be in stores. I just want to see a good pic of the crossfire.

#35494 How Do I Make Stefans?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 27 August 2004 - 03:08 PM in General Nerf

The articles are down and I looked for posts on this. You think i want to make myself look like a noob? I just needed a little help not criticism.

1.) Did you search in homemades and general nerf???
2.) Ever heard of the "Articles" forum- not just the index?
3.) Never argue with CX. He IS the implementor, you know.

#35624 How Do I Make Stefans?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 28 August 2004 - 03:15 PM in General Nerf

It's not actually that hard. Someone has started many threads in Homemades.

#35812 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 07:38 PM in Off Topic

Right on badabing! J E T S JETS JETS JETS!!

aaarrrrggghhhh... oh well... I hate you.

Let's go Buffalo, let's go buffalo, let's go buffalo, [loses enthusiasm]...

We really should have gone to indy. Niney- I' don't care that you like the colts... Favre is still a great QB.

#35756 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 03:10 PM in Off Topic

Edgarren james isn't gonna do shit this year.

How would you know, you can't even spell his name. And Niney: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU COMPLANING OVER FAVRE?

P.S. If you got J.P. Losman or Lawyer Milloy your fucked. THey both need surgery. If only I wasn't a Bills fan... "no dad, not Indy, I want to go to Buffalo" ^_^

CRAP CRAP. Sorry CX, I thought I was editing, not posting a new reply. Sorry again.

#34530 R.s.c.b Barrel Modded Bazooka

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 07:52 PM in Homemades

[QUOTE]Although a 3K would be cool, I would lose the auto-advance feature for the barrels. [QUOTE]

I doubt you would.
Simply cut the case at where the little hole is.

#34412 R.s.c.b Barrel Modded Bazooka

Posted by Airsoft999 on 19 August 2004 - 09:04 AM in Homemades

My suggestion:
Integrate a AT2k Multi Barelled, or SM1500.
At3k probobly won't fit... the auto rotating mechanism part needs lots of room... unless you cut the 'zooka at the hole in the open space. That could work! OWNAGE!

#35785 R.s.c.b Barrel Modded Bazooka

Posted by Airsoft999 on 29 August 2004 - 06:18 PM in Homemades

Yes, it looks very purty.

#34590 R.s.c.b Barrel Modded Bazooka

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 August 2004 - 02:35 AM in Homemades

No. If you look onto the Large opening, you can see where the "Hole" is. The AT3K Barrel end stub thing should be able to fit there. So you could cut the Bazooka case there, and the AT3K would fit in. I'm all for integrating in an AT2K though.

#34704 Titan, Too Much Power?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 August 2004 - 11:12 PM in Modifications

Is there an air restrictory on the titan, or am I just to lazy to find it? Probably the lather.

fishy fishy fish?

Okay. Now I don't believe your results, NSF. I believe ompa's. However, when I decide whether or not to plug, I probably won't still.

#34813 Titan, Too Much Power?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 21 August 2004 - 11:16 PM in Modifications

Ah, the age old question. Whatever fits better. But in this case, the two fit similar (At least for me). So I think SCH80 PVC is better due to te fact that most people can't get 16 inches of brass. I however, can, and it works like a charm- it fits perfectly in the PVC- no airloss. I'm using 15.5 inches, and getting an average of 195 feet. Slightly better than ompa's- partially because I used a SCH80 barrel stub... smaller diameter, so there is less that the air has to travel to reach the dart, resulting in more pressure. (Thanks to ompa for enlightening me on that info.) And I finally plugged the release valve. However, that is with around 20-25 pumps. I can get 100 feet with about 6-7 pumps, and I can pump at about 4 pumps per second- 100 feet in a little over 1 second. I like it. :P

#34834 Titan, Too Much Power?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 22 August 2004 - 01:25 AM in Modifications

I'm with you, ompa :P

#34709 Titan, Too Much Power?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 August 2004 - 11:21 PM in Modifications

1.) I don't need that extra boost.
2.) I am not going to go through the risk of blowing the airtank yet... not until my friend gives me his "defective" Titan :rolleyes: ...

...he lost the missle.

#34712 Titan, Too Much Power?

Posted by Airsoft999 on 20 August 2004 - 11:24 PM in Modifications

Ompa: since my friend isn't including the missle, the gun's useless, and I'll give it to you <_<.

NSF: I know you're out there! If you didn't get rid of the air restrictor how are you getting good ranges? How are you getting 90 feet with 3 pumps?!