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#301649 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 16 July 2011 - 10:49 AM in Modifications

I know you were asking Kyrativ, and not myself, but I thought I should share that I pulled this off using a 3k tank, and Merzlin pulled it off using a 2k tank a while ago, but I'm not sure if Merzlin ever suck it inside a shell or anything.

Exactly, it can be done, but you said you weren't getting 100 ranges with your 3K tank, right? I am, so I can't recommend any tank but the one used if I want to guarantee people 100 foot ranges.

#301644 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 16 July 2011 - 01:44 AM in Modifications

Meh I've got a busted magstrike, I might scrap the piston and do this to it, does I require that super soaker or could it work with any air tank?

It will work with any air tank, but the results will depend on what tank you use. I've stated my reasons for using this tank previously, so if you use something else, let me know how it goes.

#301642 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 16 July 2011 - 12:43 AM in Modifications

He means that after he pushes the push button valve for the air to go from the bladder into the tank, without a check valve right before the tank, all the air just comes out the push valve thing when you release the button. The check valve stops the air from going in that direction. I know from experience, the check valve IS vital.

Correct. The air gets released from the valve. There are several ways I could put the tank fill button as a single stage operation, but I chose not to, because to use an RSCB, you have to tip the gun downwards to allow another dart to fall into the barrel. In the time it takes me to do so, I could push that button and fill the tank, seeing as it takes a fraction of a second to do so. That way it ensures me that I'm not losing air by trying to put both triggers in one. It would be simpler, yes, but not any less effective than it already is.

#301604 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 15 July 2011 - 01:34 PM in Modifications

Very nice! If only I hadn't wasted a 2k tank and a magstrike bladder on a project for a friend... I'm guessing that most/all tanks that use a pin would be compatible? If so, I have a new project. :ph34r:

I think any tank would work, but I went with that tank because I can hear it fill with air, you can hear the rod come out of the back. I tested with an AT2K tank, and I never really knew when it was full and it didn't seem to get to a very high pressure because the darts isn't go very far at all. So I'm not really sure, but I left this mod very generalized so anyone can apply their own twists, hopper clips, different tanks, breeches, etc. The possibilities are endless, and I'm excited to see what someone will do with the concept.

#301673 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 16 July 2011 - 11:51 PM in Modifications

All you need to do to make this a fully semi-auto blaster is to add a decently sized hopper (6+ darts) and make the trigger dual action, as stated previously. The trigger going forward has to push the button, the trigger pulling backward fires the gun. Add that to the hopper's removal of the need to tilt the gun down, and you've got a blaster that can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.

I don't know how much force it takes to operate that Magstrike valve though, so you'd probably need a stronger trigger spring. A longer trigger pull would probably help too.

You would need a pretty strong spring. It would be uncomfortable to operate if you ask me. I like my design, I don't care for hoppers, they're cumbersome, so if you want to try it, go ahead. Tell me how it works out for you.

#301703 Near-Semi-Auto Rifle

Posted by Banshee on 17 July 2011 - 05:59 PM in Modifications

Also the spring would need to be so ridiculously strong, that the trigger pull to fire the tank would simply be too dificult.

Well I don't know about that hard, but it certainly wouldn't be easy. Also, the idea of the air release valve being constantly pressed in, concerns me about air leaking. You might as well just run the bladder straight into the air tank, no release valve. You'll lose a little air, but it will be true semi-auto.

#181474 Favorite Primary / Main?

Posted by Banshee on 04 October 2008 - 01:31 PM in Modifications

I think your beastly primary needs to be redone with less hot glue and more epoxy. Haha, no offense at all but you did go a little overboard with the hot glue.

Yes I did :ph34r: . I just wanted to make everything stable.

Well my friend, you could run that over with a train full of shit covered elephants and it would still hold together!

Yes... I just went there...

#181468 Favorite Primary / Main?

Posted by Banshee on 04 October 2008 - 01:13 PM in Modifications

I think your beastly primary needs to be redone with less hot glue and more epoxy. Haha, no offense at all but you did go a little overboard with the hot glue.

#262540 Big Bad Bow, Rapid Fire20, Rapid Fire20

Posted by Banshee on 20 January 2010 - 07:32 PM in Modifications

Looks um... Whats the word I'm looking for? Ah yes... HEAVY. Can you fire both rf20's with one hand? comfortably?

#181931 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 12:35 AM in Modifications

I'd do whatever you'd like to either. Just prove to me you'll actually use what I'd make, and my services are yours.

Who cares if he uses it as long as he pays you!! Haha, I'm just kidding. But yeah, any one really can mod, but I understand not doing it yourself. I have 2 friends that have no creativity or hand eye coordination and couldn't screw a light bulb in if someone did it for them. It depends if you want it done right. Hereticorp will give you a sick paint job and decent gun, angel will be best all around but probably cost a bitch and a half, and Capitan Slug (if he's up to it) Would probably give you the best modded gun ever just because he's God with plastic, but he'd probably cost even more. But hell, send it to me, I'll do it for free. Just pay me the money for supplies.. And that reminds me, I was looking into making a VERY long range NF. I'm looking to officially break the 100' barrier with reinforcements and huge springs and everything, but I'm out of money. So I could do that for you if you send me all the supplies I need or money for them. PM me, we'll talk.

#181964 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 12:59 PM in Modifications

Alright, let me think about this, since it appears to be a rather complicated choosing. Just to let people know what I was looking for in the gun: A shotgun foregrip, ranges of about 80-100, and an integrated flashlight. I'll be attempting to decide throughout this week, and make sure I can receive enough money to pay for said modifications, then I'll get back to some of you guys.

Damn dude... You're looking at quite the Nightfinder there. I've put real lasers in my Nightfinders before so I could do the same with a flashlight if you wanted, and to get up into the 80' range you're gonna need some SERIOUS modification because not many of us can get out of the 70's. But I might be able to do what you ask, but you're look at a good $30-40 job.

#181967 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 01:33 PM in Modifications

More importantly, how much are you willing to pay?

Ahh... Touche. I could give you one hell of a Nightfinder the higher your price is. Mine all just kinda meet the norm because I never spend very much on them.

#182006 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 05:22 PM in Modifications

I need to try to make a shotgun grip on a nightfinder now. :) Why not deoderant clip it while we are at it?

Don't get too ahead of yourself. I'll be posting my NF overhaul in a week or two. Think... clipped.

Hey me too, but more like next month, and think... long freaking range... haha.

#181977 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 03:12 PM in Modifications

Yeah I thought that you would've gotten once you read "foregrip" which would be useless.

Yeah, well I thought it was a little quirky, but whatever floats his boat right? Haha.

#181974 Does Anyone Do Modding Services?

Posted by Banshee on 06 October 2008 - 02:47 PM in Modifications

Alright, let me think about this, since it appears to be a rather complicated choosing. Just to let people know what I was looking for in the gun: A shotgun foregrip, ranges of about 80-100, and an integrated flashlight. I'll be attempting to decide throughout this week, and make sure I can receive enough money to pay for said modifications, then I'll get back to some of you guys.

Damn dude... You're looking at quite the Nightfinder there. I've put real lasers in my Nightfinders before so I could do the same with a flashlight if you wanted, and to get up into the 80' range you're gonna need some SERIOUS modification because not many of us can get out of the 70's. But I might be able to do what you ask, but you're look at a good $30-40 job.

He's talking about a longshot.

OH MY GOD!!! HAHA, you're right!! I look like such an idiot... I totally forgot about the longshot... Haha, that would be a hell of a nightfinder though. Haha!

#259617 Berserker Fusion! Daikaiju!

Posted by Banshee on 23 December 2009 - 12:39 AM in Modifications

Do a pump replacement, finish off the barrels and we got some competition for the Doomsayer. By the way, nice garage!

#197225 Nerf Disc Shot+ Nerf Airtect 1000, I Call It The Ds1000

Posted by Banshee on 19 December 2008 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

Why don't you have a smash day with it and go buy a Nightfinder...

#230623 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 05:59 PM in Modifications

Bow's gotta be on the right side. That's the biggest stipulation.

And you must be able to fire all or only one from the same trigger.

Haha, hell yes, then we need to add a Vulcan somewhere!

#230612 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 04:15 PM in Modifications

Black Hawk Down, Windtalkers?
On Topic: Great mod, I love how smooth the paint looks.

YOU WIN 1 BILLION INTERNETZ!!! It was Black Hawk Down! Anyways, The paint is like $6 a can but its worth every penny and it smells really good. Haha.

And to SchizophrenicMC, Me and angel and whoever it was that made BBS collaborate and create the most impractically large, bastard nerf gun EVER. We'll have the LS with the bow on one side, the Blood Finder, on the bottom, and a Doomsayer on the other side HAHA! Then we'll integrate a RF20 into the LS scope, or better yet 2! "It's like a Nerf gun made out of BICEPS!!!!"

#230328 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

When I read the post title I was ready for a "cyclops" carbon copy, but this is amazing.
I love it. The pump handle and placement is engenious. (sp?) As well as the trigger linking. You said in the write up you wanted the option of both shots at once or semi-auto. How could that be semi?

Mega props.

Well, I don't have it rigged right now to be semi but it is possible. Right now, one trigger pull fires them both at the exact same time, but if I where to trim the trigger a bit and tighten up the linkage, i could get the AT3K to fire on half a pull and the NF to fire on the whole pull thus being semi auto, but I liked it better this way. Right now, I pump it once, shoot a dart, then I cock it and shoot another.

#230350 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 08:26 AM in Modifications

This reminds me of NortherofHeavens integration... but I like this one more only because it looks "ballin" haha.

P.S. Is the movie Transformers?

Nope, not Transformers, good guess, try again!

#230420 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 04:51 PM in Modifications

Thank you for all your compliments! And no, sorry the movie is not I am Legend, X-men, or Slumdog. None of you will guess what movie it is. You all know the movie, but I just happened to pause it at a point that looks like it could be anything. But anyways, this thread is about my gun.

The paint I used is a Duplicolor automotive paint. I love their paints because they have pan spray nozzles, really comfortable, the paint doesn't chip, smudge, or crack, its a beautiful color, it goes on VERY even, very fine so you can get it in any nook and cranny, and best of all, it dries to the touch in like 10 minutes. I painted the gun and put some 10 minute dry clear coat on it LITERALLY half an hour before I posted pictures.

#230502 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 02:06 AM in Modifications

Nice I also thought that it would be another cyclops. Nice paint job!

my guess

I loved the concept of putting a pump gun inside a nightfinder but I didn't want to waste the nightfinder internals, because there's no point. I also saw NortherofHeaven put a AT2K in a NF, but I refuse to sacrifice pump strokes, I wanted an efficient, and practical way to put a pump gun in a NF, so I did this. I didn't want to put the pump on the side, but when you refuse to cut it down or remove internals, what are you gona do, right? The gun works flawlessly though, however its a tad bit front heavy. Putting some AA's in the handle might help that though.

P.S. Not Jarhead either.

#230319 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 10:18 PM in Modifications

I like it, its very clean and the paint job is pretty sweet. The shot gun shell for the pump is pretty excellent as well, is it hard to pump the gun with that though? It just seems like a small thing to hold on to, but I do have rather large hands.

No, not at all. Its about the size of an AT2K pump handle and I usually only do one pump anyways. And I have pretty big hands too.

#230302 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 14 May 2009 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

I was recently admiring the work of PointBlank's "Cyclops" mod and how he managed to get an Airtech 3000 tank inside a nightfinder shell. However I wasn't so pleased with the idea of removing the perfectly good internals of my nightfinder, so I came up with a way to have both guns functionally in one gun. This is a VERY similar mod however we externally mount the pump.

The first part is not pictured, but you're going to want to take your AT3K tank and strip it completely clean of all flanges and extremities.

The you're going to take the housing of your light, remove all the wires and the light, but keep the housing. cut the flange off of the bottom so it will sit flat. Attach your barrel material inside the light and glue the whole thing to the front end of the tank like so:

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Keep in mind however that when your tank and barrel assembly are inserted your pump valve is going to need to come out the side, so plan how you glue them all together.

Then you're going to need to drill a hole in the side of the gun where your pump valve will come out of.

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Also, you're going to want to drill out and remove all screw posts from where the light used to be so the tank can fit. Then you're going to cut out the front enough for the tank to fit through the front. Its so unfortunate that it wont fit by such a small distance.

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Then we need to move on to the Nightfinder internals. You can do any of the basic mods you choose. I chose to attach the CPVC barrel inside the internal coupler from the plunger tube and the stock barrel like this:

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I then put an ACE #49 spring on the plunger and put some Teflon tape underneath the o-ring for a better seal.

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Then I filed down the barrel tip so the CPVC will fit through:

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Now to the AT3K trigger system. For this I did a linked trigger so I can fire both shots at the same time or still have the option of cock-shoot-cock-shoot. For this I bent the tank pin in a full circle:

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Now be VERY careful when you do this, use 2 pares of pliers, one to hold the pin and one to bend it. If you just try and bend the pin you could break the plastic on the tank and create a fatal leak.

Next we're going to drill a hole in the trigger in the rear for out new trigger wire.

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I didn''t get a picture of it, but I used a section of wire hanger between the trigger and the firing pin and ran it underneath the original trigger.

I also drilled some holes through the trigger for some extra style points and attached the brass end of a 12 gauge Remington shot gun shell to the pump as a pump handle. Its very comfortable.

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This photo was taken after painting it, but I've attached the pump to the left side next to the light with epoxy putty. I advise nothing less than epoxy putty. My first attempt with liquid epoxy failed to hold through a small indoor battle and hose clamps just let it slide though, so use plenty of epoxy putty.

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Now you can put it all back together, with your AT3K internals AND your NF internals. I ran the hose underneath the front of the trigger guard, through the gap under the barrel and into the side where the tank is. I sprayed mine with a candy apple red metallic paintjob. And I give you the "Blood Finder".

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1 Billion internetz to the person who can identify the movie on my computer in the background.

Pump side:

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Front end:

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Ranges are typical:

Nightifnder Average: 75'

Airtech 3000 Average: 1 Pump: 60', 2 Pumps: 80', 3 Pumps: 90'+

Questions, Comments?

#230499 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 16 May 2009 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

Saving Private Ryan

And, I just realized you're using a 12-gauge shell for a pump handle. Pretty ingenious.

Thanks, and wrong again. Closest guess so far though.

#190901 Modding Styles

Posted by Banshee on 20 November 2008 - 08:34 AM in Modifications

I usually do a couple drawings, price checks, then i get the whole mod done in one sitting. I don't like my guns to look like toys, I like realistic looking guns.

#230452 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

Clue time me thinks.
Everyone agree?

Okay, its a war movie.

#230448 "the Blood Finder"

Posted by Banshee on 15 May 2009 - 07:24 PM in Modifications

Love it. Great work with the blaster and I really like the paint job.


Coming from you, that means a lot. Your paint jobs are absolutely SICK. And all of you are still wrong about the movie.

#270231 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 24 March 2010 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

So if I'm seeing this correctly. the shotgun shell is the pump stopper?

Um, I'm not sure what you mean by pump stopper? The shell is just the handle. It's purely cosmetic. What stops the pump from coming out is 3/4" PVC epoxied into the opening.

#270228 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 24 March 2010 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

It looks like the plunger pull ring hits the back of the gun before the head hits the end of the plunger. If that is what happens, that will likely cause durability problems.

Anyway, amazing job with this. It should fetch some serious dough.

Not at all! I designed it with negative preload. There is actually slack in it. I just pushed the plunger rod all the way in for the pictures. I did it like that for the specific reason you stated. I intended this gun to be used and abused, so I didn't want the cocking handle hitting the gun, and when you fire it barely taps it and by that point there is no force behind it, so it works great. I would rather have the handle hit the gun than the head hit the end of the plunger.

#270161 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 11:43 PM in Modifications

I've never been much for pistol sized primaries, but I'll make an exception with this thing.

Do you think one of those shotgun shell ends could be fashioned to make a good seal on a turret?

I assume you mean to use them as actual shells for darts? I would say it'd be about as good as one of the BuzzBee shells. The only problem will be drilling through the primer because it rotates freely so its almost impossible to drill.

#270132 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 09:22 PM in Modifications

Once it cures we need to bend our trigger pin in a circle. So grab two pairs of pliers and bend it like this:
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Now, test fit it to make sure it all works before we attach the pump. So drop it in, and then take out the trigger. We need to drill a small hole in the far back corner according the size of your trigger wire.
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I suggest stiff wire, not flexible wire because it’s not a straight pull on the pin. I used some copper housing wire.
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Now we’ll move onto the pump relocation. PointBlank put his where the plunger tube was, I want mine on the side of the gun. But before we place it, I’m going to do my signature shot-gun-shell pump handle! So take your shell:
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And cut the plastic off it!
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Then cut the end off of our pump.
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The way I install my pump is permanent, so you need to glue it in before you can put the handle on. So epoxy it in and put the shell on the end.
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Now we can epoxy it on the side. I’m not very good with epoxy putty, but try and be as clean as possible.
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Now because we’re going to do the Extended Plunger Tube mod originally done by KBarker, we need to lob off the barrel stabilizer thing on the front. I also grinded the whole in the front big enough for the plunger to fit out of the front.
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Then if you care to do so, you can patch the hole like I did. I used thin sheets of Plexiglas and super glued them on.
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Then I filed the edges clean and filled in some gaps with putty.
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Now we’re going to work on the plunger rod. We need to combine sections of two to create one long one. I’m missing a few pictures, but I used copper wire and super glue and its rock solid. It should look like this:
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Then I used an extra long bolt to run through the head, all the way through the first section and into the original plunger head of the plunger rod. It’s hard to explain without a picture. Before you put the head on, put the catch on and your spring, I don’t remember what the spring was, but I got it from Ace and it’s basically a long skinny version of the Ace #49. You’ll need to cut off about 3 inches of it.
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Now measure out how long you want the plunger to be. On the end, epoxy your coupler in. I also ran 2 small screws into the sides for safe measures.
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Now we can move on to the Pocket Blaster integration. This part is entirely optional, but it only takes up one ammo holder and it’s pretty easy to do. Take both ammo holder inserts out and grind them on one side to fit CPVC like this:
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#270131 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

Hello everyone. I’ve been working on this beast for some time now, and it’s finally finished! I have combined many modifications from many different Nerf contributors all into one gun. Essentially this is a Nite Finder with an extended plunger tube, an integrated AirTech 3000, an integrated Secret Strike Pocket Blaster, an AirTech 2000 turret, and accent lighting.

This modification is thorough and long, so if you want to skip to the good stuff, just scroll to the bottom. Otherwise, lets get started!

First we start with our basic materials. You’re going to also need an extra Nite Finder plunger rod or make your own from cratch. And you’re going to need some 1” PETG Tubing from Pet Smart. The following will be the installation of the AirTech 3000 to the likings of PointBlank and pump location to the liking of me and my previous Blood Finder mod.
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You’re going to need to rip out all the internals from the AT3K like so:
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Then you need to clean all the plastic sticking out from the air tank off. It should look like this:
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Then we’re going to bypass the pressure gauge and remove the second section of the tank pin so you have this:
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Now you’re going to set that assembly aside for later. Before we can do anything else to it, we need to move on to the Nite Finder and prepare it for the tank installation.

So grab your Nite Finder and open it up.
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Gut the gun, remove everything from the inside. Then take a large drill bit and drill down the screw pegs on the inside where the light was.
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Do this to the other side as well.
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Then drill a hole large enough for the tank valve out the side.
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Now take a file or a Dremel tool and grind the front of the gun where the light was large enough for the tank to fit through because it will need to stick out the front a millimeter or so.
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Now test fit your tank.
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The Tube into the tank should stick out the side like this:
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Now we’re going to take our AirTech 2000 turret and go Dremel crazy on it. We’re going to do the Reverse Turret mod like Blue did, I’m not sure if he came up with it or if it was Cheesypiza001, Blue said it was originally Black Fox. Take your Dremel and grind everything off the top, the barrels, AR’s, and the steel pin in the middle. Make sure you go slow on the steel pin and allow time for it to cool down. If not it could get hot enough to start melting the plastic on the turret and that’s never good.
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Then grind everything off of the bottom of turret except for the spring of course. Then drill barrel holes all the way through.
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Now we’re going to attach it onto our tank with epoxy putty. I put it on offset so it wouldn’t get in the way of the plunger or the ammo holders, where I plan to put the Pocket Blaster.
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Before you do that, if you wanted to do rear loading, this would be the time. Now we can attach the barrels. Do whatever you’d like for this, but I chose to only do 3 inch CPVC barrels. I wanted a fast reload time and didn’t want to open up the turret to do rear loading, so I went with short barrels and it works fine.
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#255899 Recon Cs-6 And Ertl Rapid Fire Shot Gun Mod

Posted by Banshee on 10 November 2009 - 05:22 PM in Modifications

As far as making streamlines more accurate, stuff a single BB in the hole in the tips of the darts used in guns that fire 0-60ft, 2 BB's in a darts fired at 60-100ft, and 3 BB's in dart that are fired over 100ft. This makes them pretty reliable for me and they still work in all the stock guns with no fishtailing. They don't hurt as much as stephan's, and unless you're really good at making stephan's, modding streamlines is pretty damn cheap. But I wouldn't go as far as to cut off the tip and glue, it takes too long.

#270133 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 09:23 PM in Modifications

Now take your pocket blaster out of the shell, cut the barrel off and epoxy on a CPVC one. Then install your ammo holders, slide the Pocket Blaster into place and glue it. It should look like this:
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Now we’ve done everything to the gun and its time to paint it. I had a craving to do an orange and black paint job for a while, so that’s what I did. I nick-named it the General Lee. And for those of you old enough to know anything about The Dukes of Hazzard will know why.
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The light that was used for the sight is now angled upwards into the plunger tube. So when you pull the trigger, the plunger tube lights up red. Its just another signature modification I’ve done on previous guns I’ve sold.

Now I know you all want ranges, right?

The Nite Finder gets close to 100 feet but consistently lands in the upper 80’s and 90’s depending on the dart. I’m using a 10” CPVC Barrel. And it’s the most accurate gun I’ve ever used. I test fired it and shot my friend in the chest at 85 feet consistently.

The AirTech 3000 is getting about 70-80 feet

And the Pocket Blaster gets a whopping 40-50 feet!

#270136 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

Wow, that's amazing. I saw Black Foxes post in the Mod PJ thread, so I decided to try it myself and make a writeup. I'm glad to see it worked out so well for you.

So it was Blackfox? I'm going to change the credit then, thanks. But yeah, it works beautifully.

#270166 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 24 March 2010 - 12:18 AM in Modifications

I was loving the mod. Until I saw its on sale. Any chance of duplicating this? I want to see it in person. Did you have to reinforce the catch?

This mod was incredibly difficult and I have no intention of doing it again unless I was given the materials to do so. The hardest part was finding the materials and killing a perfectly good AT3k. And if you had hopes of seeing it in person that would require you to come to me because I don't travel more than 20 miles for a war. So if you really want to see it, you'll have to buy it. Sorry. If you get your hands on the materials, I'll make you one for contract, but otherwise I had no plans on duplicating it.

#270150 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 23 March 2010 - 10:52 PM in Modifications

Thanks everyone! Any questions?

Things I might add, is that this gun is not at all front heavy, it takes a real man to prime it, and firing three darts at once is always a plus!

#270201 Extreme Nite Finder Modification

Posted by Banshee on 24 March 2010 - 03:07 PM in Modifications

Oh darn, I forgot that step! I wrapped electrical tape in the front and back of the plunger. It doesn't need much to hold it in, just as long as it doesn't fall out the front, but its rock solid.