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#126416 The F.a.m.a.s.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 16 October 2007 - 08:02 PM in Homemades

Reminds me of a manually-operated version of half of a Barrett M82 action. Barrel moves back to assist in unlocking the bolt...

Not bad in concept. One thing I'd recommend including is how the 'sheath' around your breech opening be extended to the rearmost of the magazine well. That allows a minimization of dead space in your cylinder. Also, to minimize dead space behind your dart in your barrel, have the breech opening as close as safely possible to the end of the barrel. Another thing is perhaps some way of locking your barrel forward to prevent any mishaps or unnecessary damage to your barrel's breech end.

I'm assuming the reason you opted to use a slit in the bottom of your barrel instead of the end of the brass tube is to prevent misfeeding from any damage that may incur on the barrel's end due to the pressure against the plunger/piston-spring assembly. I'm also assuming your magazine won't be curved, unless I missed something in homemade magazine technique during the past year or so I've been gone :)

I guess not bad. I still prefer pneumatic devices due to less moving mass...but that's personal preference. For a simple multi-shot spring launcher it has potential on paper. Let's see how your prototyping goes.

If this is going to be based visually of of the real FAMAS, you could very easily integrate a sort of slide-mechanism to make this thing pump-action :ph34r:

#111927 A Realy Simple Home Made

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 18 June 2007 - 08:43 PM in Homemades

It seems to me as if blisters will appear rapidly using that handle.

Perhaps attach some sort of sleeve (1/2" CPVC?) using an e-clip in a groove on the end of that handle? That may increase opening time by all of a hundredth of a second, as well.

If one were really worried about opening time vs. ease of use, finding a compromise in length would be the simplest option in my mind. Obviously shorter = faster, longer = ease of use in this application...

Or just get some muscle on those forearms. Try taking a 2" or so cylinder (old piece of exhaust pipe), drill a hole in the middle (all the way through both sides), run a good sized length of string through the hole, tying one end to the cylinder the other to a plate-style weight (something you'd see on the end of a freeweight bench press bar). Twist the cylinder in both hands, wrapping the string around the cylinder. This should be lifting the weight in the air, at the same time exercising most of the muscles used when opening a ball valve.
Don't overdo it with wrist exercises: carpel tunnel syndrome is so enjoyable.

I like that duct tape sling. I may have to make one of those for my girlfriend's rifles...perhaps an AK.

#83227 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 June 2006 - 10:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Day 1 now officially over:
- Dozen or so stills
- 15-20min of vid, half is decent
- Total dart loss: 3-400?
- Estimated time spent tomorrow searching for darts: 3 days
- Shots fired by SOBR: 2 At targets: 0
- My 'kills': Dunno...
- My 'deaths': More than my kills...
- RF20 Kills: All but two pulls of the trigger...Niiice *applaudes*
- Number of scratches from rocks on my right side: lost count after 40somethin.
- Total cases of poison ivy: 1 possible
- Total cases of other plants: 1
- Total money spent on food: $50? More than?
- My amount of energy left: Time to use up the other 3 bags of FBR I bought and fix that SOBR as well.
- On a scale of 1 (neope) to 10 (must...go...) of how badly I want to take a shower: same number as spent on food.

Yeap...Tomorrow starts at around 9, so that'll be interesting.

#83151 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

Oy, the SR-71, using JP-7 'napalm' to get it to mach 3, off the record mach 3.7...the forced-air intake engines are neat, since they do no rely on a fan (as much) to get the incoming air compressed for ignition. The plane also leaks like a collander until it gets above a certain altitude and stretches its, what, five inches due to friction heat?
Then again, the service record of never losing a plane(in combat)/pilot is pretty good to. I don't like the 'B' version (as pictured) even though the 'C' was neat...modified 'A' I think it really is. Funny how there are only three twin-sticks, the two 'B's and the one 'C'. It is also funny that that plane I seem to remember everything I ever learned about it...strange, especially since I hate the thing. Ha, it got replaced by satellites. Pff...

If it is high altitude, high speed aircraft we are talking about, then the X-15 takes my vote. Something about going at 7.5 times the speed of sound just kinda...well...it's more like a rocket though...
I am too lazy to go get a pic of it.

Civilian craft? I guess me sayin DC-3 would be bad, since those were normally C-3 cargo planes in WW2. How about...umm...I wish I knew more civilian aircraft.

Chuck Yeager, didn't he take the Bell X-1 to mach 1 back in...the 50s? The name finally rang a bell (er...no pun) as I was watching "Behind Enemy Lines"...er.

#83130 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 05:18 PM in Nerf Wars

As for labelling, well, all my darts have little red dots on the back from when I counted them. Usually, people don't want to steal large quantities of darts. As well, most peoples' darts differ from eachother. So uhhh...I think Hawkeye was right awhile ago. Don't worry too much about FH. Also, I'll be going more around four to five, if I stop by on my way home. If ya ain't there, well, Tuesday morning it is.

Two more days? I think...

Gonna skip the Monster. I have enough 'Dew to last me and maybe others...that and a new watch with a thermo-meter is a bit more tempting. Mmm...knock-off diver's watches...

The biscuits are a no...damn...oh well.

#83129 C.s.h.g.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 05:09 PM in Homemades

Ever consider making your own tooling? Err...it's only for plastics anyway, so why not?

#83098 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 08:03 AM in Off Topic

For helos, I like the Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk. The thing can be used for anything and can survive a crash as long as it is put down on the wheels. As well, every summer I used to have a dozen or so of these babies fly over head, as well as a Littlebird once and a pair of Apaches. When the president once came, two A-10s also flew overhead (with those previously mentioned Apaches following), once of which was doing some sort of 'S' maneuvering over the lake...they looked like Air National Guard.
Posted Image
One Fourth of July (maybe Memorial/Veterans' Day), a Blackhawk flew around my town at the highschool; the pilot having fun with the right-stick, left-pedal, throttleup...man those things are loud...

As for planes, I like the AC-130 gunship. The thought of a 105mm Howitzer shooting out of the side of a plane along with a tetra of miniguns and a pair each of 40mm Bofors and 20mm Vulcans is just mind boggling*...
Posted Image

*Unfortunatly both the 130U and 130H don't have the miniguns...and even still, I might be thinking of "Puff the Majic Dragon," a beast of a plane used in `Nam.

#83089 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 June 2006 - 10:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I HAVE TACOS...maybe...lots of taco seasoned meat. I'm gonna try and see if I can bring enough for each person to have 2-3 soft/hard tacos apiece.

I might try and get a dozen or so of Bob Evan's biscuits. I might be able to do that...might...

I really hated to double post for just that...hmm...

So everyone all right with that cannon I have? I am very tempted to bring the sucker as a conversation piece, as well as maybe using it for minor artillery...unfortunatly I have been watching Band of Brothers lately and have a bit of WW2 surplus gear. I gotta get out of the tactical mindset now.

Also, FH, I'm gonna be goin to that lot at about 1-2 PM on Monday. One of the KAF (even though we lost that name in May, to be replaced with something sometime after this week) will be with me, if he got his bike fixed.
I'm gonna need some help on Tuesday morning with moving bunker materials around. If you aren't going to go make a ruckus around Kentwood, do you wanna help? It involves using...a hand cart? And a ratchet with crescent wrenches.

Then I run to Meijer...mmm...Monster...

Three more days! I already am checking my stuffs, just to make sure that I can get everything to fit properly.

Oh yeah, Hawkeye, the first post has had "Safety glasses REQUIRED" since before it was ever edited. I have a pair of 'sunglasses' which have held up to particles with more energy than Stefans, so I may be wearing those occasionally, as well as clear glasses at night. That shouldn't violate the rules...as far as I remember typing them...

No one should have any last minute questions...I hope...
If you do though, I can answer them still.

#83036 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 June 2006 - 06:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Head count: 10-11, depending on that last person of your's, Hawkeye.

As for food stuffs, I was gonna bring a few things (snack-type shtuffs) and the like. Otherwise, major meals can cost as little as $5 a person, unless I pick up some frozen pizzas from Meijer and toss 'em in one of the ovens...
I'm gonna pick up a couple 12-packs of Vault or Gatorade concentrate or something...
and some Monster for myself...

It'd probably cost $10-20 per person per day for food. Some places are expensive (Apsuperiores, Logan's) than others (Bob Evans, Meijer).

The bathroom at this place is kept pretty clean. I think that the last hotel I was in was on par with it, except this place's drains are bigger...

Everyone better have darts. I am unable to really do much with my stuff 'til Day 1 (openhouse and whatnot), but I have enough for myself. I told everyone else in my clan to make more, but I have no idea if they heeded my advice or not.

3M challenging us eh? Hmm...I think I'm gonna have to make sure that LBB gets modded...

The rounds are still gonna be switched up a bit, especially since most people are gonna be there for both days.

#82967 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 June 2006 - 04:32 AM in Nerf Wars


Wednesday, well, we'll leave after noon more than likely.

Right then. That covers I think 12 PM to 11:59:59 (a.k.a. just before midnight) PM. Didn't mean to scare ya there.

In other news:
-That Monday we will be receiving some driver's ed cars which means that there will be a few things more delicate than the busses...
-The golf carts used for graduation were returned to where they came (they were Club Cars too...*cries*).
-I likes me kitty.
-55lbs on the left shoulder throughout marching season will not be fun.
-I still need to pick up a BBB. Damn trasportation issues.
-I got 50 free rounds of .22WMR. Expiration date? Today. Well, that'll be interesting...
-I see my summer disappearing faster than school is ending, which is Today. AAAAAAaaaaa...
-I have to pick up another bag of FBR and a few dozen hotglue sticks, as well as sort through my already-made darts to seperate the "defective hotglue'd" from the "shoot without worry" darts.

#82859 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 06 June 2006 - 05:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay, I've been gone for awhile (damn computer/internet). It's nice that I can finally access Invision boards though...

Okay, after my two week or whatever break due to shit, I'd like to finally get back on track here.


There will be less people now at this thing. There, I said it.

As well, TIMES! We all love SCHEDULING!!!!11!!1! Riiiight...

Everyone, if you can, try and get there at say 10-11 AM on Tuesday. Wednesday, well, we'll leave after noon more than likely.

Day 1 will end at midnight, just because Sleep is GUT. Yeah...soo...

Lunch/dinner when we feel like it. Breakfast, well, that's your own choice. Day 2 will probably start at 8 or later, depending on how long it takes everyone to be ready.


Using a 17" monitor at 1024x768 sucks...onboard graphics...my eyes...

#82153 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 21 May 2006 - 11:44 AM in Homemades

I painted the SOBR...

Posted Image

With the silencer and foregrip removed, it weighs 2lbs less and is 50% of the original length.
Pint sized:
Posted Image

I'll get the side panels back on it after I find a new way to secure them.

Schwarz ist wunderbar! Es ist sehr gut, nein?

Ich habe gesagt, scheissen fur der Kopf...


Eventually I will be adding that extra tank. It won't have the gauges probably, but it will be regulated with an expansion chamber post-reg :D .

I just have to figure out where to put the tank :P .

#82095 Bows And Arrows

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 May 2006 - 06:33 AM in Off Topic

Okay, time for me to shed some insight.

I have heard that ash is okay for a bow. That is just what I heard, so is double here-say

Now, to address that leaf spring suspension component...if that is a quarter of an English measurement ton, then that thing should displace 500lbs...hmm...
A quarter of a metric ton would be 250kg, or about 551lbs. That is re-damn-dickulously heavy, considering there'd be no let-off, one would have to hold back 550+lbs for however long required to take a shot. With it as a crossbow, or a bow, read the next paragraph.

Automotive suspension leafs are WAY too heavy of a displacement for use as a bow. Trust me on this. In fact, I am building a crossbow (I'll link to the boltsniper.com topic later) and have run in to that very problem. With a car leaf spring, if one can pull pack the 1/4" stainless steel braided cable (need min. pull strength of 1000lbs for safety), when the cable is released, well, you better have it secured to something at least 300lbs or the reverberation will kill you arm(s) and/or body. I mean, can (will) dislocate your shoulder if used like a standard bow. There is a rediculous amount of energy with those, which I have found out both easily and difficultly.

Now that I have said that, well...

When buying spring steel, the important thing to remember is that the higher the carbon, the stiffer it is. In other words, thinner high-carbon will have a displacement of thicker low-carbon.

Spring Steel is usually bought in a roll if strips (as in to make a bow) are needed. 400' rolls are not hard to come by. Most places will let you buy lengths of the rolls much like rope in a hardware store.

That's some of what I have at mind now. Gimme another couple hours and I'll have more.

Edit: forgot to answer SKIZ's edit...ALIBRE. Alibre is what CaptainSlug uses. I have since gotten it, along with RhinoCeros (do not get for prototyping) and have access to AutoCAD LS or LX or whatever those letters are...
Alibre is great because it is free and simple to use. Just Google 'Alibre design' or something like that.

#82050 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 19 May 2006 - 03:01 AM in Nerf Wars

Pretty much, that big thing in the middle with all the yellow bars is where everything really is located, like the lockers, playing field, all the other whatnot...

Let's aim for about 10-11 on Tuesday? Sound good to all? I'm trying to think of the last time I drove to Chicago...then the last time I drove to Detroit...about two hours, two and a half hours for each...

Wednesday will get over when it gets over, pretty much. It won't extend beyond sunset, just 'cause...

Lunch and whatnots when we feel like it.

That covers a bit, with so few words...

#81923 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 16 May 2006 - 07:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I gave the address, but like I said, it is practically worthless. Hmm...

Egad, after further looking at the images that Google Earth has, and the dates of just Grand Rapids SAs have a range of almost TWO YEARS! Jeez, think they could've done any better? I mean, sure they would have to do multiple passes for something like maybe a county, but just one CITY? Shiat...

Anyway, yeah FH, you still can park somewhere. Just pick a lot, or have me pick a lot.

That school schedule looks a lot like mine...hmm...
Only difference is that you don't have a 44% in English right now, with a 75% last marking period, 87, 84, and 93 in first, second, and midterm respectively...hmm...I'm still passing this semester with a 64%, not including my future final (higher than 85) or what I have yet to turn in (about 300pts worth of late stuff, 200pt assignment due 6-2...final exam on 6-6-06 (devil teacher), the aniversary of D-Day)..

#81876 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 15 May 2006 - 06:41 PM in Nerf Wars

He can come, if he doesn't act like [insert synonym for 'so incredibly annoyinh they must be killed']...

Most of that stuff in the SI is waist-head-ankle high grass, varying by how far away from the busses (those yellow bars) one is. I have dirtbiked over all of what is there, and then some. That was before that highway was put in, and those houses...

Now, judging by those construction zones, that SI was taken about 18 months ago, probably on a Wednesday, before winter came, in the summer. Don't ask how I know. That is just how well I know my city/town/whatchamacallit. I wanna work for the CIA Technology branch...mmm...DDT...Deputy Director of Technology...soo many SIs...

Oh yeah, one can bypass the Cloverleaf and go straight from US-131 to 68th St. Just get to 60th as fast as possible. The speed limit on 68th is 35mph, 10mi slower than 60th :blink: . If anyone does in fact find directions using one of the addresses mentioned, just ask me about anything within 50mi of Grand Rapids. Chances are, I can provide insight on which route is best. If I can't, then one of the drivers that work at this place can...

#81868 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 15 May 2006 - 03:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I was gona add a map today. What a coincidence :blink: ...

Since the address (6150 Valley Lane/Transportation Drive) is of no help (MapQuest does not recognize it), well, uhh...

Anyway, if you can get yourself to M-6 and Kalamazoo Ave., I have directions from there (with a map HERE, starting from US-131 North) listed below:

- East on M-6 (the signs may say otherwise...)
- North on Kalamazoo Ave.
- East on 60th St.
- South on Valley Lane
- East on Transportation Dr.
- Follow 'til you see a gate
- Wait at gate 'til I open it, or park there and walk in when I open the small door/gate next to it. Decide when I reach your car.

The red is the playing field, blue is parking. You can see the paved surfaces and the wooded areas.
Posted Image
I <3 Google Earth...

#81844 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 15 May 2006 - 04:29 AM in Nerf Wars

I edited the first post and will hopefully continue to do so, even though I highly doubt any striking news will arise within the next couple of weeks...

Why are random tabs closing in my Netscape browser window?

#81732 Angels Bbb

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 May 2006 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

Oh...you run a staggered stack, or double stack. Gotta add that to something over on bolt's forum...

I'm gonna attempt this thing sometime later in the week. Hopefully it will turn out at leasat half as well as angel's did...

#81725 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 May 2006 - 05:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Let's see, you have...umm...uhh...well I know you have a pistol. Bring that, at least...yeah.

Just bring something for long range shots, a couple mids, and a few dozen pistols or so...

I take offense to very few things. Otherwise, anything can make me angry, like stupidity! Anyone that's stupid will, for sure, be smacked in the head with a flag. I have done it before. In fact, just last week, some kid put a three-shot burst in my leg with an AEG from less than three feet.


I highly doubt he'll do that again...

Anyway, there is less than a month, as has been said THREE times now, so everyone still has enough time to pick up as many BBBs, RF20s, NFs, whathaveyou at your local TrU, mod it, and get it here in almost-peak condition.

Time to go finish my crossbow...must find spring steel (50-75% carbon)...

#81699 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 May 2006 - 09:58 PM in Nerf Wars

This is what I get for not looking at NerfHaven in three days...I think it was three days...

Anyway, I think I can actually say, without worry, that Hawkeye can answer these questions much better than I can, mainly becuase, unlike what FH said about me (no offense taken), he answers them with a short response. Listen to the Hawkeye...I command you...listen to the Hawkeye...

Nice to know that now all? of Team Chicago will be coming. This will be rather interesting to watch...


That looks kinda wierd...!~!...hmm...

Anyway, it's 11pm here, I still have to write another 2 pages of research paper on a biome, and I also have a packet due about poetry. Well, I should get to work...le d'oh...

#81570 A.b.p

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 May 2006 - 03:32 PM in Homemades


After saying that,


Then after picking my faw up from the floor, I decided to post.

Wow man, I mean....I can't say anything.

That is awesome. Defintion of awesome is that.

Did I mention you are insanely fast with Alibre? I think I should go make something on it now...

Good luck.

#81411 Darts To Big.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 May 2006 - 07:10 AM in Homemades

Well let's see here, the Bloody Massive Cannon can shoot up to about 30 darts no prob with a 2" barrel. They go all of about 60' at 80-90psi. It is always hooked up to a 20gal, 5hp air compressor as its chamber holds 1.6gal. Reloading is a bitch since I don't want to spen the $20 (apiece) for camlocks.

As for the dart fit problem, I just add chambers to the breeches of my barrels using the appropriatly sized drill/boring rod. Of course I get rid of the step in the material, but it makes darts just slip right in to a set depth. Awesome...

#81164 Long Range Nerf Rifle

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 03 May 2006 - 03:37 PM in Homemades

Abotu that pic: you saved it as a JPEG and made it in MS Paint. Not modified it in paint, made it in Paint from scratch. So, as a tip from one user to the next, save those files as .png, not .jpg. I find it much more helpful. That and the full size image is hosted, not a thumbnailish image. No, you can not resize it. You have to open up Paint and resave it (File -> Save As) as a .png, then re-host it.

From what I can tell from that image you posted, it is a tank, with a pump, and a valve, attached to the barrel, in that order. The valve is something, perhaps a hand-actuated ball valve?

What did you want from that design? Distance? Accuracy? Both? Anything else (and the previous) also depend on the dart.

#81047 Blackout Blues

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 May 2006 - 04:43 AM in Homemades

Finally! Anotha hand-tools brada!

Another tree owner as well...
*AHEM* off-topic *CLEAR THROAT*
How many trees/parts of trees which could be called trees did you end up losing?
It seems as if every time I suffer such a storm as to drop a branch, I just have to walk back a few hundred feet and find one of my trees missing. Then, as I continue to survey, I find the tree...a few hundred feet from it. I'm always thinking "Dubya Tee Eff, mate" but have learned to just not think about it.
Or, I'll find one of my bunkers smashed with a 300lb limb...
And then there's the time of that one tree of a something-or-other species which was taken down in a windstorm during the winter. It is lying on the ground, with new spring growth. I have to get a picture of that posted...somewhere, in some topic...I think I know where...ellipses...(...)...
*COUGH* I said wood...*CAT HACKS UP HAIRBALL* dammit...

Now done cleaning up a ball of hair and stomach-bodily fluids from a cat:

Yeah, isn't it fun using only hand tools? I think I use a Dremel half as often as a carving set...
My drill press, however, is a very different story...

There should be a bolt sizing guide/bolt cutter on a complete, full-functioned pair of wire strippers, if youhave on as such. That will tell you if it is, in fact, #8.

That thing turned out pretty good. I think that a coat of black would do it good, perhaps even a dark red. That's just me.

Ranges are our friends...

#81046 The Snap-4bp

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 01 May 2006 - 04:29 AM in Homemades

I just thought of something. Since you have designed that magazine (I use the term loosely) in such a way, you could very well make Stefans of half the length (and therefore 5/8 of the weight) and hold two darts in tandem within that magazine. That would allow you to do double-feeds with 4 chambered rounds, instead of only two with what is being worked with now.

Or you could just continue with what you are doing and see less range. All your choice...

#81001 Homemade Crossbow

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 30 April 2006 - 08:29 AM in Homemades

Piney, I came all of negatives from falling out of my office cair. That was....many synonyms for 'hilarious'.

I'm afraid of the worst....LARPing technology is sweeping across Nerf at an alarming rate. Everyone, take your clip-fed, spring rifles and you pneumatic farshots and get them ready. We will need as much new-age as possible to counter this. I persona;lly want the battle to be even, so I'll start work on a crossbow and a ballista. Hey....I should make a giant ballista out of angle iron...

Seriously, is there a trigger yet?

#80919 The Big Snap

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 April 2006 - 09:12 PM in Homemades

Another source...

The stuff you can, in fact, see into. It is really cool with combustion cannon for spudguns, as the flash can be seen.

A good image is here. That is 4" stuff, by the way.

#80872 The Big Snap

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 April 2006 - 08:49 AM in Homemades

McMaster-Carr should sell it. The stuff is pretty neat.

14" barrel...hmm...I see your point

Edit: part 49035K28 is what you could get. $30+shipping for 4' ouch...

#80869 Cb-1

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 April 2006 - 07:43 AM in Homemades

I see the brass. I take it you don't like Venturi Burning?

Combustion seriously has its ways with Nerf. I mean, a good sized chamber, with 1" FBR Stefans, using a powerful chamber fan and propane? Easily,several shots within a minute can be acheived.

There's a problem with the fan melting (Proton Pack made by someone on spudtech.com/forums), but big deal. There are metal fans pushing 60+ cfm out there.

Anyway, nice work. The problem with small chambers, as mentioned previously, is that the mix of air:fuel is even more important than larger counterparts.

#80868 The Big Snap

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 April 2006 - 07:37 AM in Homemades

Carbon, you need to make another one, only usign 2" clear Sch40 PVC. The stuffs a bit more expensive, but you can then study what happens to your piston head.

So is this thing holsterable? I'm thinking how big 2" PVC is and, well, I believe not...

#80862 Homemade Crossbow

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 April 2006 - 01:06 AM in Homemades

I made a topic about one of those a year or so ago. I called the topic "Mr. Literal" or something.

Anyway, I recommend using something like a clothespin trigger with a long pin, the pin pressing up against a plate. That way, the catch on the cord can be put against the pin, pull the pin, it ifres.

I used a rubber band gun...

Anyway, that looks nicer than mine. I got ranges of about 45-55ft using an assload of rubberbands. I mean, a fricken'-fracken'-fantastiche amount of rubberbands. That was also with a heavier arrow (screw in the front of a BnA arrow. Yes, the screw was covered).

As far as practicalty, I was able to get a couple shots off in a couple seconds. It was about as fast as my NF to fire, only shot something with more force. I think I may make another one, only out of 1" square tubing and heavy springs on the arms, so as to actually have the arms move. Hmm...people need to stop making me think. That is a very bad thing, when I think that is.

Anyway, nice work. Give it some stain/sealent/oil (WD-40). That'll bring out the colors in the woods.

Oh yeah, you're gonna need a track/rail of some sort so as to get an arow/missile to shoot straight.

#80854 The Big Snap

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 April 2006 - 10:43 PM in Homemades

That's what I was going to do. Too bad I never finished due to my bad luck streak with any designs of homemades other than basic pneumatics...

Very nice. I think I like it. Oh yeah, the barrel seems a bit...off...

ANd uhh, this new one has a grip 11deg more relaxed than previous. You wanted it to better fit your hand? Increased surface area for adhesion? Just came out like that? Curvature of the camera lens?

#80852 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 April 2006 - 10:38 PM in Modifications

It appears to be a game box (opened) entitled "Maximum Underworld" or something of the like...funny how that turned out.

Besides using paint/MS Photoeditor/Photoshop, how do other people color their plunger shafts and triggers on a NF? Usually the paint scrapes off on mine under normal use...

Edit: oh yeah, Renegade you have a way of taking pictures. The cluttered background actually does good for your Xbow...

#80770 A Nerf Silencer!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 April 2006 - 05:45 AM in Modifications

I read to about "champagne bottle" and stopped. I've read that analogy before so I know what he said probably.

Anyway, with my SOBR (pneumatic rifle designed around quietness), all that is heard is a like thwop from the dart leaving the barrel then a hiss from the air resistance on the dart. So, yes, I do in fact have a functioning suilencer. By the end of today, hopefully I will have the 'thwop' mostly gone. Oh yeah, I can hit a man-sized target (in fact, it was a person) from 60ft, so I love that blaster now ;) .

I didn't realize that Spartan was talking about spring blasters. Well, that changes a lot of things. Don't bother unless it is a homemade designed around the shortened piston travel. I'll post some of my concept work when I have more time. It is all in writing, by the way...

#80760 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 April 2006 - 09:30 PM in Nerf Wars

FH, I now further question your mental...capacities ;)

Anyway, the real reason why I decided to grace (umm...think antonyms) the boards with my reply is...

Both sistermol and poo will no longer be coming. Okay then.

So...there. I said that.

Edit: I removed some of the pointless crap. My post is now less than five inches on my screen. I seriously removed over 50% of this post...I also added the other member who will not be making it. So, new addition:

Now what is coming:
3M (4-5)
Team Chicago (3-4)
KAF (soon to rename...blah) (4)
FH +1

Or 12-14 people. Well, that shrank a little. Not really a whole lot but...

#80712 A Nerf Silencer!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2006 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

I'm not really sure what you realy said there Spartan, but that is just due to a simple need of maybe rewording on your part, or me not reading this when the only thing keeping me awake is what used to be in that MDX bottle of Carrtoon...

I have made many, many silencers for pressurized air Nerf blasters, air rifles, the like, and have found that my nice, more legal than most (except Carrtoon's, which seems to me to be very legal, albeit it probably not too terribly effective) and have decided that what you really need to think about for making somethign quiet is barrle volume, air velocity, dart velocity, dart-barrel fit, dart-barrel seal (almost the same as the one before it), muzzle shape/design/what-have-you, suppressor length, suppressor diameter, core hole sizing, core hole spacing, air pressure, air volume, and a few other variable I missed in there. There really is no easy way for me to tell you what would mathematically work well, as I have yet to give those variables numeric definitions to make equatiosn and the whatnot. Perhaps someone with more time/energy/money would like to do so...

Anyway, my SOBR has one of the most effective silencers I have made, and seen/heard personally, due to a multi-chamber, multi-baffel system and a whole lot of other paraphanalia I wish was ingenuity. There's some pics somewhere...try looking through the 50+ pics of my Nerf sub-album on PhotoBucket. I highly recommend them. I have uploaded over 350 pics and have yet to run into a problem. Sometimes it will take the same file as well, the same file, even if I ahve changed something on it, but, well, yeah...there's a guide on this (NerfHaven) site which has my technique for drilling holes. They may not be fancy like Carrtoon's, but, well, I only need that for higher-velocity pneumatics...

#80711 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2006 - 10:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I have to laugh at what LOM said about me and colors. Let's just say that I break the mold and can tell my greys/grays the best from each other, even though it is supposed to be greens for humans...
Yes, I am red-green colorblind. It only affects my ability to shoot the green dot occasionally...

I also take pride in my ability to blend in around me. It is an art, hence I made the SOBR to try and improve it...

Hey Carbon, look at it this way:
Job + Time => $$$
$$$ => Fun + Fun Synonyms
Job + Time => Fun + Fun Synonyms

So, just be happy you have a job. You also can now go to the thing in whatsitcalled...yeah...

As for that grad party thingermajig...well, I really don't think anyone would notice too much...I'm not positive though. Anyway, it is HS grad, since my other sister won't have her college grad for another year or so...accounting, fun stuffs, yes it is...

Actually, we have parking for over a dozen cars...maybe more if I move that Sable, Sea-Doo, LeSabre, and box trailer, as none really run at the moment and make me look like white trash....hmm...I think I'm gonna move those pretty soon.

Oh yeah, FH...that cannon...wel, it's an air cannon. That is self-explanatory. I posted it in the "Homemade Pictures Thread." Yes, it will shoot a long-ass ways.

Just so everyone knows: RAIN IS GOOD! It covers up stuff, and makes new stuff, like little marks in the concrete/ass-phalt so that I can better track my opponents. So yes, if it rains, es ist gut.

#80660 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2006 - 04:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Okay, I'm gonna PM them...first I have to clean out my PM folders. They are getting crowded...

I wear darker (not quite full black) clothing whenever I do anything at night which needs to be more...covert? Yeah...let's just say that through experience, true black kinda defeats the purpose...

I'm gonna wear white. :)

Flashlight? What is a flashlight for? Do I want to know?

We use 1-9 million candlepower spotlights, o'er here. I dunno what you use...In fact, when I get around to it, I'm gonna have a half-million CP light on one of my guns...maybe...

My video camera has a lower-quality night vision mode.

Oh, and, uhh, well, THIS says everything. Black would not be the best choice. Try more of an 80-94% gray with some minor 90+% greys mixed with some midnight blue patches. That would be good, if you wanted to custom-paint a blaster or something...where's that LBB?

Good thing we/I didn't schedule this on the weekend with the 10th. My sister's open house for her graduation is that day.

#80643 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2006 - 10:31 AM in Nerf Wars

I forgot about that....actually I'm not sure if I knew, but...

Okay, so we will have a bit more people then. Well, another person. I have no idea about the people who still have yet to say ANYTHING, so...