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#37770 *le Malicious Grin*

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 September 2004 - 04:24 PM in General Nerf

I bought one. Same color as the one in the picture. mine hits 4 feet accurately consistantly. I've noticed that the outside diameter of the pegs that hold the darts should fit 9/16th brass nicely. I'm gonna pick up 3/8th inch fbr for stefan materials instead though.

Is that pic from Walgreens? If so, and this may be for every Walgreens, but your's is set up exactly like mine. I mean...even the products next to the WCLP.

#26533 1500 Spupermax

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 19 May 2004 - 12:44 PM in General Nerf

Barely with my homemade on 70psi, using a full tank dump (instead of using the firing chamber alone), can I achieve 200' angled with a mega Zero dart ( i have a 3/4" barrel on it). So i would have to aree with everyone else about the whole 150' flat, 200' angled, with a SM1500, unless it's pumped 50 times, but you only said 4-5 times.

With the other topic on this thread, I don't have to angle any of my guns that I've modified. They all have the barrels tilted upward at least 10 degrees. My NF is the worst at 25 degrees. Not on purpose, but it's just what happened when I jammed the crayola barrel in it. ;) So yeah, I now have to angle my gun downward in order to hit anything within 40' of me with my NF.

#27082 1500 Spupermax

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 26 May 2004 - 07:57 PM in General Nerf

With a bit of internal modification, I just figured that a SM1500 could achieve 200 feet. just add about a foot of extra tubing connecting the pump to the valve. With foot long barrels that are 1/2 inch brass, it could achieve super soaker and homemade distances with a properly (1/2 ounce) weighted micro Stefan. This is a theory. Anyone who wants to try this feel free to. You may need to pump it about a dozen times though. :P

Interesting. I was just opposing the fact that a SM1500 could hit 200 feet, now I'm telling a possible way to do that. I'm a hippocrit! :w00t:

#80770 A Nerf Silencer!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 April 2006 - 05:45 AM in Modifications

I read to about "champagne bottle" and stopped. I've read that analogy before so I know what he said probably.

Anyway, with my SOBR (pneumatic rifle designed around quietness), all that is heard is a like thwop from the dart leaving the barrel then a hiss from the air resistance on the dart. So, yes, I do in fact have a functioning suilencer. By the end of today, hopefully I will have the 'thwop' mostly gone. Oh yeah, I can hit a man-sized target (in fact, it was a person) from 60ft, so I love that blaster now ;) .

I didn't realize that Spartan was talking about spring blasters. Well, that changes a lot of things. Don't bother unless it is a homemade designed around the shortened piston travel. I'll post some of my concept work when I have more time. It is all in writing, by the way...

#80712 A Nerf Silencer!

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 April 2006 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

I'm not really sure what you realy said there Spartan, but that is just due to a simple need of maybe rewording on your part, or me not reading this when the only thing keeping me awake is what used to be in that MDX bottle of Carrtoon...

I have made many, many silencers for pressurized air Nerf blasters, air rifles, the like, and have found that my nice, more legal than most (except Carrtoon's, which seems to me to be very legal, albeit it probably not too terribly effective) and have decided that what you really need to think about for making somethign quiet is barrle volume, air velocity, dart velocity, dart-barrel fit, dart-barrel seal (almost the same as the one before it), muzzle shape/design/what-have-you, suppressor length, suppressor diameter, core hole sizing, core hole spacing, air pressure, air volume, and a few other variable I missed in there. There really is no easy way for me to tell you what would mathematically work well, as I have yet to give those variables numeric definitions to make equatiosn and the whatnot. Perhaps someone with more time/energy/money would like to do so...

Anyway, my SOBR has one of the most effective silencers I have made, and seen/heard personally, due to a multi-chamber, multi-baffel system and a whole lot of other paraphanalia I wish was ingenuity. There's some pics somewhere...try looking through the 50+ pics of my Nerf sub-album on PhotoBucket. I highly recommend them. I have uploaded over 350 pics and have yet to run into a problem. Sometimes it will take the same file as well, the same file, even if I ahve changed something on it, but, well, yeah...there's a guide on this (NerfHaven) site which has my technique for drilling holes. They may not be fancy like Carrtoon's, but, well, I only need that for higher-velocity pneumatics...

#79173 A Question Regarding Sprinkler Valves

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 April 2006 - 05:23 PM in Homemades

Then, for an extra $20-30, you can go:
resv -> reg -> ball valve -> firing chamber -> sprinkler valve -> barrel

Then, just charge your reservoir to about 80psi and regulate it down to about 15-30psi. You should easily get twenty or more shots off before losing power, geven a set up with a firing chamber of 1" by 7". That would work with your current reservoir of 14" by 2". Now, you could then have a 1/2" Sch40 PVC barrel with length of 12" and still have more power than an AT3k. I mean, a heluva lot mroe power, considering you're using a sprinkler valve.

How are you activiating the sprinkler valve? Bleed switch? Pneumatic? Electric?

#111927 A Realy Simple Home Made

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 18 June 2007 - 08:43 PM in Homemades

It seems to me as if blisters will appear rapidly using that handle.

Perhaps attach some sort of sleeve (1/2" CPVC?) using an e-clip in a groove on the end of that handle? That may increase opening time by all of a hundredth of a second, as well.

If one were really worried about opening time vs. ease of use, finding a compromise in length would be the simplest option in my mind. Obviously shorter = faster, longer = ease of use in this application...

Or just get some muscle on those forearms. Try taking a 2" or so cylinder (old piece of exhaust pipe), drill a hole in the middle (all the way through both sides), run a good sized length of string through the hole, tying one end to the cylinder the other to a plate-style weight (something you'd see on the end of a freeweight bench press bar). Twist the cylinder in both hands, wrapping the string around the cylinder. This should be lifting the weight in the air, at the same time exercising most of the muscles used when opening a ball valve.
Don't overdo it with wrist exercises: carpel tunnel syndrome is so enjoyable.

I like that duct tape sling. I may have to make one of those for my girlfriend's rifles...perhaps an AK.

#81570 A.b.p

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 09 May 2006 - 03:32 PM in Homemades


After saying that,


Then after picking my faw up from the floor, I decided to post.

Wow man, I mean....I can't say anything.

That is awesome. Defintion of awesome is that.

Did I mention you are insanely fast with Alibre? I think I should go make something on it now...

Good luck.

#77047 Aasr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 March 2006 - 08:54 PM in Homemades

Damn you...barrel sealing coaxial.

It's not quite fully finished...yet. When it is, everyone will know. Currently, my head just started bleading for no reason. Please stand by while I go get some duct tape...and a glass of orange soda.

Anyway, all I need is the 2" PVC and fittings for the chamber. Apparently I have nothing for 2". Everything else is made, including the pilot vavle, barrel, fill valve, pump I need to work on, yeah. No hi-jack. Do we look terrorist?

Pics! Pics! Death! Pics!

Edit: Wee! 300th post! I feel like "The Simpsons" in the year 2003?

#77121 Aasr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 21 March 2006 - 04:48 PM in Homemades

I should hopefully have it up tomorrow. I might even have that previous all-steel project done. That would be nice...

Nice job on that homemade. You should invest in barbed fittings and rubber hose to get that blowgun off of the valve. Then you could put it (almost) anywhere on the gun.

Umm...I think I'll make a Paint drawing real quick and post it right below this sentence...

"Der Shiza" Image

Don't laugh. That is my worst Paint image ever. I mean, ever. It took literally a little less than four minutes to make.

#77230 Aasr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 22 March 2006 - 04:49 PM in Homemades

10 psi? Wow, nust have good air usage. I remember a ball valve homemade I made awhile back that barely had good results with 80. It was a crappy design with a shitty ratio, but still...

I don't like springers; too many high-stress parts, unlike pneumatics in which everything is high-stress (or low stress, depending on operating pressure).

#77018 Aasr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 March 2006 - 06:19 PM in Homemades

Sounds like the oen I'm working on currently. The only difference is my valve is better :rolleyes: . I'm not going to tell you what it is; I want everyone to guess. DB, hold off before you say anything. Mmm...power....

Pics! Pics!

That problematic valve is the reason why I only bought one sprinkler valve...ever. I hated it. Pressurizing two things isn't too hard to accomplish with a tee fitting between the pilot hole and pilot valve with a hose going from the tee to the tank. That way both are pressureized simultaneously. I'll elaborate with an image later. Too lazy right now.

#77196 Aasr

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 22 March 2006 - 06:42 AM in Homemades

I've used 1/2oz. bass sinkers before. That hurt like a bitch to get shot though...
How much do 7/0's weigh? I don't seem to have any in my tackle box. The largest I have are 5/0's which are really light compared to the 1/2oz bullet sinkers.

Of course there would be a valve between the tee and the chamber. I just forgot to throw it in that Paint image. Na ja...Just do what DB said.

What did we do? My homemade? I'm trying to keep people from talking about it by saying that its not done yet. As for that valve comment, with barrel bores like these, I'm not sure if mine will perform any better. I know that it will not look as good as SS's gun since he has good lines and designed it a bit more ergonomically than mine.

#30622 Actual Silencer?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 07 July 2004 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

Good thing you put that last part in on the bottom, cause the rest was BS. ^_^


Maybe he should try hundreds of minute holes with the smallest drill bit he's got, and then not wrap it with foam insulation/layers.

Definetly good idea. I stuck a muzzle brake (very similar to what was mentioned, only bigger holes [3/8"], and three slits mounted in a triangular fasion, all of which were 1/4" by 1/2") on the end of my supersoaker barrel, took about half the decibels off. Then again, the barrel is 15/32" leading to 17/32", followed by a connector that is 5/8", which finally leads to the 3/4" PVC ported muzzle brake, which means air may have escaped somewhere in there, although I highly doubt it cause my darts expand to the diameter of the barrel. By the way, those were all the ID of the things mentioned.

#78196 Air Gun Stock

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 31 March 2006 - 08:29 AM in Modifications

You could then use a longer barrel since there would be more air. I don't know if more distance would come out of it, though, since the pressure would be the same...

If you increased the pressure, then you would get a faster dart (depending on barrel length) which would result in less time for gravity to affect it within the shorter distances from themuzzle, gaining a longer hangtime, leading to an increased maximum distance, or something like that.

Now if you really wanted more speed with a long barrel, suck all the air out of it, using it to pressurize the reservoir. Hmm, that makes me think...

Anyway, really nice work here. I think I've seen something similar to it before (20oz pop bottle on a singled AT2k by a clan member), but this is much cleaner and more functional since it doubles as a shoulder stock.

#78199 Air Gun Stock

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 31 March 2006 - 09:24 AM in Modifications

I have a suggestion, but it involves a lot of guess work. It's caled GGDT, or Gas Gun Design Tool. Normally used for spudguns, I was able to create what I thought was a singled AT3k on it, with a MV of 66 ft/sec and ME of 1.6 ft-lbs. That seemed about right...It was with 20 psi, which also seems about right. PM me for the info to enter if you get GGDT...just Google it.

If you were to up the pressure to 40 psi, then you could use a barrel up to 35 inches with a MV of 106 ft/sec. That is not quite as fast as most homemades, but will be a lot better than any AT3k.

All of that was taken with a .5" barrel and 3/0 micro Stefan.

SuperSoakers work by having a large amount of air released through a long barrel, so...I dunno why that is opposite of what I posted earlier.

#78233 Air Gun Stock

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 31 March 2006 - 02:50 PM in Modifications

I have yet to take anything higher than Geometry, so...

By the way, I sleep in class and my teach doesn't care. I turn in most of my work and shtuff.

That program does everything for you; however, I am working on doing the math myself. Otherwise, every variable outside of what that program factors in I can name, especially certain ones in the environment.

Well, back to trying to make some homemades work and whatnot...

#77847 Air Tank Construction

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 March 2006 - 07:39 PM in Homemades

For PVC? Use primer and cement if pressures are over 40 psi. Otherwise, use brake cleaner and cement for lower pressures. Plumber's Goop I don't think would work to well; however, I don't have any experience with Plumber's Goop. I was under the impression it was a sealant, not an adhesion agent.

#77868 Air Tank Construction

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 March 2006 - 09:56 PM in Homemades

Brake cleaner is free for me and works the same as PVC cleaner. It also doubles as a propellant for certain...wrong forum.

Yeah, for what it's worth, just use primer if you have it. If you don't, you'll need it later so pick some up now.

Is "exposy" a brand of epoxy or something? All I know is that if you want your fingers to have to be surgically seperated, glue 'em together with an epoxy for use with either plastic or metal.

#77577 Airsoft Barrels

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 March 2006 - 06:55 PM in Off Topic

I dunno if I should post in this, but I will anyway.

.25" I.D. aluminum tubing. It's been rumored that brakeline works as well, but I was under the impression that that stuff was .25" O.D., not I.D. Otherwise, 1/8" Sch40 PVC.

#28757 Airsoft Mod To Nerf

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

Hmm...I may have to find that friend whose selling a working one for ten dollars. I need a new loser. I would probably use one of the extra Unknown Breeches I have than buying some CPVC. I'll get it to fit...eventually. ^_^

#28750 Airsoft Mod To Nerf

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 June 2004 - 05:32 PM in Modifications

No. The air output is way to small, unless you like having a gun that shoots five feet. I've tried to with my Tanfoglio and my friend's M-4, neither worked too well.

#51533 Airtanks

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 04 April 2005 - 11:44 AM in Homemades

I would recommend strongly against the RF20 valve; To small of an opening. Try for a half inch valve of some sorts, even if you have to make one in metal shop.

Just a thought here, but what about regged HPA? The prices may be slightly prohibitive however. It all depends on how badly you want multiple powerful shots.

#73529 Ammo

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 19 February 2006 - 08:01 AM in Homemades

Yes, I have tried that. It had poor range in my modded AT3k. On a good day, though, that thing could really only hit 50-60 feet anyway though. The .12g BBs only went about 20 feet. At that range, you couldn't even feel them to know if you were hit. This ins't Nerf though by definition. Just run big, sliced FBR in a big barrel.

#79005 Angels Bbb

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 06 April 2006 - 01:19 PM in Modifications

I have a few ideas about what that poster is behind there...care to enlighten us or is it what I think it is?

Hey, where did you get the music for that mask video...I must have it...

Nice job, or, congrats on a job well done. I really will have to think about getting a BBB now.

#81732 Angels Bbb

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 12 May 2006 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

Oh...you run a staggered stack, or double stack. Gotta add that to something over on bolt's forum...

I'm gonna attempt this thing sometime later in the week. Hopefully it will turn out at leasat half as well as angel's did...

#78994 Angels Bbb

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 06 April 2006 - 11:43 AM in Modifications

This may seem kind of weird to some people, but I save all of my old deorderant sticks. I mean, I have a stack of about three right now, but that'll go up by one in a few weeks. I'm gonna have to start cleaning those out, even though I have no idea what I will use them in. Perhaps I'm gonna have to pick up a BBB as well...

Unfortunatly I use micro Stefans that are 1.75" long, so my darts don't fit too well. I'd have to make a couple of plates out of aircraft plywood or balsa sheets.

#77331 Another Game Of Assassins

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 23 March 2006 - 06:44 PM in Off Topic

Bizket, you make it seem like something new; these have been around for years.

Yeah, I guess these games are spreading, albeit slowly, but still spreading. Hmm...I think that that would get a few dozen more people into the game at my school...make me some money for selling the information needed, too...

#76607 Anti Terrorist Game

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 17 March 2006 - 09:12 AM in Nerf Wars

I've tried this before. The only difference is that I actually wired up the whole deal as multiple electrical circuits. The only thing it was missing was an electrical detonator and an explosive. When a stopwatch (attached to the bomb, activated when current flowed through the whole shmere) had the alarm go off, that was the end of the round. Everything was controlled by a little under 20 wires, only one of which actually controlled the speaker on the alarm and a blinking light. I think I might remake this, only with some mini-cannon-device and maybe a remote phone trigger. Something like a Thunderpipe or other movie-spcFX device. Well, time to find an old cordless phone and an electrical signal amplifier... Actually, I have nothing better to do today, why not? I'll post a pic later...maybe... (ellipses are great)

I do not recommend this game. It was a crappy form of simulations which I thought sucked. CTF is better IMHO. Mmm...base defenses...

Lately the closest thing my team has been doing to a simulation is retrieving cannon parts. Otherwise, CTF is the mainstead. Always works well with how my field is. I think I need to make more bunkers or move a base; things are getting way too close to my house.

#79189 Any Other Pistol Finatics

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 April 2006 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

Think IMI in terms of pistol with mag through the grip. The cylinder and piston would be behind the grip, allowing the barrel to be placed in front of the grip, meaning that the grip would be the mag to supply ammo. So, the connection between the trigger and the catch would be a lengthed version of the same concept of bolt's Grammation pistol, or whatever that thing is called.

I think my latest mod speaks for itself. Pistol wars here in West MI really have more to do with looks than functionality, since we do not take them seriously. Hence, I am concentrating on beauty rather than practicality or performance from my NF and Mav. So, many aesthetic mods will be coming up when I get the time and some bondo...maybe some superglue as well.

I'd prefer to reach out and touch someone with one of my homemades. Shooting over a hundred yards is fun...

I think the best pistol match I have had was with akimbo NFs. That was rather interesting....

#79198 Any Other Pistol Finatics

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 08 April 2006 - 08:01 PM in General Nerf

^^what he said^^

It is run by compressed air. With a ten foot CPVC barrel, it should shoot a long-ass ways. The 80 footer was with a 4ft 1/2" iron pipe barrel (pictured) and a Nerf micro dart with the suction tip. When I upped the pressure to 100psi, the darts would just shoot irradically and spin crazily. The darts also would fold-in on themselves due to the hole in the middle of the dart. But anyway, with a 1/2" by 10' CPVC barrel, stabilized by something-or-other, it should shoot to the 200yd mark with an angled shot, if not the 100yd PtG (now there's an old term).

Anyway, pistols are great for their purpose, which is close ranged defensive combat. The only way I'd use one as a primary (or the like) is if I made a homemade based off of nothing but being offensive, which is what my SOBR was for. Then again, I'd need a handgun design, so hmm...it'd be bigger than a DEagle...

Okay, I might try my hand at making a pistol which utilizes compressed air via a precharged cylinder. I'll post what I find out when I finish it. I have no idea where to start, so this'll be interesting, similar to what the SOBR-timeline was.

#77532 Archived Website

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 25 March 2006 - 02:45 PM in General Nerf

Delete, lock, ban, whatever. That also violates the rules of his ISP, so cx go all out.

To further enhance what NerfMonkey said,

First off, that was fucking (no pun intended) gross.
If you do click it, hope that you are over 18 for the sake of that website and this one.

#76993 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 March 2006 - 05:11 PM in General Nerf

I'm too lazy to find it...

Well, here's my arsenal for the time being. It will have a homemade or two in there hopefully Wednesday. Mmm...wide open spaces...I need to go make that pump if I want to use that thing by the weekend without being attached to my air compressor. I'll be back in a little bit...

#77014 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 March 2006 - 06:11 PM in General Nerf

Black Wrath, you have a good eye, or something. Alternatively, you could've followed my posts in other threads. Let's stick with the first explanation...

I love writing. That's why I have a feew papers which I have yet to finish and are already late...Shit...I should do those...

I decided that I will find a hand pump in a spare parts bin at my Shop or use a pump from a bus air brake system and a car battery. That latter system will weigh approx. 80lbs. Stick it in a surplus German ruck sack (my school bag...) and I believe I'd e good to go...I'd need an onboard reg and fill valve, but that's not a problem. I like that idea, with a 3" PVC storage tank, yeah. I'll see what I can do.

As to that field, it had a few meanings.
  • I have no arsenal
  • I like to confuse people (*cough*sistermol*cough*)
  • I need a new Nerf blaster which can shoot (accurately?), at most, half that distance of more than 400 yards
  • I like ducks...
  • That is where we have long range battles.
  • No one remembers me posting that in a new topic a while ago
I think that's all of 'em...

#77431 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 24 March 2006 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

...my girlfriend's.

Wait...your girlfriend Nerfs? Damn, you are a lucky bastard, now aren't you?

So, you have a massive arsenal, and a significant other who adds to it?

#76985 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 20 March 2006 - 04:51 PM in General Nerf

It appears to be a Tippman 98...

I was going to start a thread like this, but I was afraid I would get flamed.

For good reason. A written version is good enough. Also, there is a topic on these boards that has a few pages or arsenal pics...I'll find it and post it or edit it into this post...I remember seeing it due to about 120 sq ft of guns I saw awhile ago.

#27121 Arsenals

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 May 2004 - 05:46 PM in General Nerf

My arsenal is a bit smaller. I know some poeple will have a pages worth of a list, but I don't. Here's the lineup in order of most used to busted/not used.

-Super Soaker XP55 with cardboard barrel (15/32" ID), non-magnifying scope (accurate up to 45 feet), ten dart ammo holders, homemade ramrod (SM3k valve puller shoved onto an unsharpened pencil) and RF20 pump; painted green.
-NF (stubby modded) with Crayola breech and 1/2" of 1/2" PVC for a barrel stub; painted green.
-AT3K with Crayola barrels, removal of Goo Tube (replaced with 1.5 feet of tubing), air release valve plugged.<EDIT>Currently has one barrel, breech loaded, gets NF ranges<EDIT>
-B&A with 3/4" inch PCV barrel (for Nerf megas), spring stretched, forward handle replaced with 3/4" PVC and styrofoam, used rarely; it has no practical purpose and it sucks.
-RF20, stubby modified, clip modded, SM1500 pump added, valve instead of trigger, semi-auto valve removed, bladder bike tube modded (inner and outer), safety guard on top thing removed, used rarely; I hate full auto.<EDIT>currently not in working order. It shoots a little over ten feet and skips every fourth dart<EDIT>
-BF, top barrel disabled (busted, would let air through when pumped), no barrels at all, no pump, not in use.
-Homemade, cardboard barrel (17/32" ID), muzzle loaded, Crayola breech, double ball valve, BF pump, no endcap on tank, not in use.

#27334 Arsenals

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 31 May 2004 - 02:15 PM in General Nerf

I don't use all of them at once. Some are for assault, others for accuracy. I will lend out a few occasionally at "wars"(I only play with about four people max). Otherwise, they are just extras in case one of the others breaks. I think that is why most people have more than six guns.

#27136 Arsenals

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 27 May 2004 - 07:09 PM in General Nerf

Wow, nerfspecialforces, you must post pics.

Cx, you have one huge pile of weaponry. 64 guns. You could arm a battalion! :P

My AT3K now has one barrel, it gets farther than my NF and almost as far as my Super Soaker. I might get 2 SS1s. It depends on my sister's boyfriend (he's the one that has them).

#52146 At2k M4?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 April 2005 - 12:00 PM in Modifications

In other words, he's trying to make us think. Just adapt what you are yousing on boltsniper's homemade, only using the AT2K valve instead of a spring.

I think I'm the opposite. I can create these marvelous ideas which, mathematically and scientifically will work, but can't build them because I don't have the right tools. All I really need is two tools though; A drilling/milling machine and a precision lathe.

<EDIT>second paragraph</EDIT>