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#40633 Election 2k4

Posted by okto on 02 November 2004 - 11:21 PM in News

He should not be allowed air time without prior arrangements on election day while the polls are open. If he wants air time, the opposition should have been notified before hand.

familiar with freedom of the motherfucking press? you know, the first item in the bill of rights?

if someone wants to give airtime to the Bush campaign, let 'em. Kerry could have done the same thing, it's not like
A. nobody but G Dub knew about this press conference, or
B. there aren't networks that would pratically pay Kerry to do the same.

#42063 N-strike Maverick

Posted by okto on 19 November 2004 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

it's real! it's real! the IX-6 is real! *dances about like a crazed leprechaun*

#42067 N-strike Maverick

Posted by okto on 19 November 2004 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

nope. this was referred to as the IX-6 in the nstrike DVD.

#41761 Halo 2

Posted by okto on 16 November 2004 - 02:33 PM in Off Topic

"So this weekend, I went over to Wicrosoft.
While I was there, I played a little game called Walo 2. That's two. It's the sequel to the original Walo.
That's it. Just try to figure it out. Try to figure out my code."

"Oh yeah, I'm going to be up all night. You're like the Goddamn Riddler."

#40361 Halo 2

Posted by okto on 31 October 2004 - 02:13 PM in Off Topic

Not even a good enough update to be a worthwile expansion pack: Its not an update or expansion pack. It's a whole other game. I don't quite understand what you are trying to say with this sentance.

that's my point. a new game should have, you know, new shit. this one doesn't, and my point was that this is not enough new material to make for an expansion pack for the same game, let alone releasing it as a standalone for full game price. it's little more than new levels and weapon mods.

on mac/pc release: bungie said they were releasing it for PC, but the code didn't exist. they were planning to port it at some point, but it was developed on Mac.

#40331 Halo 2

Posted by okto on 31 October 2004 - 03:32 AM in Off Topic

Yeah thats true, but you have to consider that halo 1 was originally made for PC.

BULLSHIT!! it was originally made for Macintosh, as the fourth chapter in the unbelievably underappreciated Marathon series, until M$ bought Bungie out.

more directly on topic: Halo 2 is not that good. i've played a leak: same engine, same style of play, slightly upgraded weapons, no better storyline. it's not even a good enough update to be a worthwhile expansion pack.
Microsoft can't bloody develop things. all they can do is buy, steal, and repackage in a crippled form. halo is unfortunately no exception.

RIP Bungie.

#31365 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 01:46 AM in Site Feedback

question: why the obsession with minimalism in posting? is the site in danger of maxing its allotted bandwidth, or are IP packets taxed? i mean, if the board were slowing down and getting clogged...thats one thing. but the post turnover as it is is appallingly slow compared to any board ive been a member of, and nerf modding isnt exactly something people are clamoring for to such an extent that we have to be überchoosy about who we admit/allow to post. as long as the idiots are just idiots, why censor so much?

#31535 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 02:17 PM in Site Feedback

i understand the frustration with those who cannot communicate in the only language they speak.
but the as-few-posts-as-possible policy seems to have been taken too far. yeah, ive doubleposted, sometimes the browser (or the board engine, i dont know who is at fault) likes to send the form data but not refresh the page. thats annoying.
but its not severe enough to worry about the overposting that much. scroll through the flames, you can tell three words in which ones they are anyway. in twenty minutes i can read the new posts im interested in...is your day that busy?
mostly, i think dealing with drivel on the boards is an individual responsibility, not that of the board. if the morons arent allowed to be morons for a while, theyre just silenced, theyll never learn to be contributing members. just dont read the stupid shit.

yes, its a damned good board.

#31367 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 01:54 AM in Site Feedback

fucking nonresponding browser. sorry about that.

#31366 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 01:53 AM in Site Feedback

question: why the obsession with minimalism in posting? is the site in danger of maxing its allotted bandwidth, or are IP packets taxed? i mean, if the board were slowing down and getting clogged...thats one thing. but the post turnover as it is is appallingly slow compared to any board ive been a member of, and nerf modding isnt exactly something people are clamoring for to such an extent that we have to be überchoosy about who we admit/allow to post. as long as the idiots are just idiots, why censor so much?

#49975 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by okto on 18 March 2005 - 07:20 PM in Homemades

The only people to whom office is easily accessible is college students (who can legally get it for free depending on their school) and people who use it at their place of buisiness.

Or people with access to a good torrent tracker...

Seriously, though, OpenOffice does all the MS Office file formats, is free, is cross-platform, and works well.
Also, I'll be happy to trace Boltsniper's drawings in Illustrator and host them as EPS, AI, PNG, or whatever file format people want.

#31938 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 21 July 2004 - 02:16 PM in General Nerf

"almost invisible in grass red color" of the airjet darts

you must have some weeeeeird grass...

#32046 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 21 July 2004 - 11:45 PM in General Nerf

sentences! use them, cheese!

to straighten darts, toss them in the dryer for a couple (like two) minutes. straightens them up like a charm.
theres no way the FBR is gonna come in straightened lengths. the FBR gets extruded onto spools, it's coiled from the second it's made. straightened rod would probably cost three times as much, or more.
yall are unbelievably damn lazy.

ShortShit, what kind of minimum order are they quoting you?

#32098 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 22 July 2004 - 02:43 PM in General Nerf

100 feet here.

#31901 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 21 July 2004 - 02:03 AM in General Nerf

yeah, but theyll make even more if we buy special-order backer rod that costs twice as much.

#32225 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 24 July 2004 - 02:58 AM in General Nerf

ill trade you some 1/2" CPVC for some red backer rod :nugget:

#31806 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 20 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in General Nerf

"from nerf with love"
red sounds good. and then people can make stefans to look like stock micros. DO EET.

#31685 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 19 July 2004 - 02:33 PM in General Nerf

absolutely. after this poll runs a while, you should have a poll on what color. id vote red or blue. where/how are you going to get colored backer rod made?

#31739 Who Would Buy Colored Backer Rod?

Posted by okto on 19 July 2004 - 07:46 PM in General Nerf

i think dayglo orange would probably beat green since the average nerfer loses the most darts to grass, so as far from green as possible is good.
my grey backer rod costs $0.15/ft...i'd pay twice that much to be able to FIND my darts, so i'd pay $0.30/ft. maybe even as much as $0.40 or $0.50 if thats the cheapest it can be gotten, but that's pushing it.
if quantity is a question (like they want to know how big a run of colored stuff you want), put me down for 50 feet. again, i'd go up to 100 feet if it helps the availability; too many or too expensive findable darts is better than unfindable cheap ones.

#31370 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 02:08 AM in Modifications

short, a great gun with a shitty paint job is a halfass job. you think he's a pompous douche cos youre too apathetic to do it right. the mediocre will always despise and revile those who excel.

and spell your insults right, lest you insult yourself.

#31369 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 02:05 AM in Modifications

well said, katachi. duct tape, rubber bands, etc make a gun look amateurish. im all for WELL DONE paintjobs and case mods, not to mention doing things that havent been done before, but another nitefinder with bits hacksawed off of it with nothign to seal the holes, all duct taped together, makes me wonder why these people bother.
my opinion on banding is that if youre going to spend time to mod it well (which a lot of people dont anyway), why add a device that is guaranteed to reduce the life of your weapon and transform it into a pile of useless plastic with a lot of effort invested in it? i recognize the performance increase, but if you feel you need that, reinforce the case, especially the cocking lever and plunger, and don't apply lateral force with rubber bands! the gun was not meant to have any stress at all sideways on the plunger, and it will snap. if you must band, do it along the axis of the plunger and cylinder, creating attachemnt points if need be rather than just tying them to the barrel or trigger guard.

back on topic: what is bondo jelly and where does it come from? it looks very fun...ive been wanting to reshape my RF20's case, but didnt know how to do it without using a ton of wood and/or making it look like a halfass job.

#31375 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 16 July 2004 - 02:33 AM in Modifications

*laughs at paint a freaking picture* okay, nevermind.

#31533 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 02:07 PM in Modifications

*laughs heartily* wow...some kids like flame wars. this thread is moon-huge.

katachi, excellent job on your case.
for those of you who dont seem to notice what so special, its that he' gotten rid of all the extra shit on his gun. the nerf logo, that knob-loking thing it rests on, the light case, the ammo holders (holster prevention devices), the ribbed backstrap. he's reduced it to the essence of a nightfinder: a gun that performs well and feels good in your hand. and along the way, he's made it more holsterable, more comfy to hold, and nicer looking. minimalism is nearly always the best way to go about anything, functionally and aesthetically. less components mean less problems.

to the murphy-fearing: why are you gonna flash your gun around where there are cops? dont let them see it and they wont care.
if youre carrying it to school...thats beyond stupid. in this age of school shootings and zero tolerance, nerf wars cant happen in public school. so that's moot.
if youre on a college campus and they see you there, keep your damn gun down! i play at college, but we keep our guns hidden for just this reason. keep it in your pocket, in a bag, in a coat...theres really just no reason for the po to be a problem if you arent stupid about it.

#31578 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 09:55 PM in Modifications

anything related to trigun wins.

#31571 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 08:32 PM in Modifications

thine wit layeth me low. homosexuality is clearly the root of different standpoints on nerf modding.
if it makes your eyes bleed...dont read it. im not your mother, your ocular comfort is not my responsibility.

sorry, almost forgot. on windows systems, you'll find the close button in the upper right-hand corner of your window, it has an 'x' in it. on macintosh, the red jewel in the top left. on linux, ill assume you know how your window manager's widgets are set up.

#31573 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

who are you talking about?

#31564 Nite Finder Case Mod Done Right!

Posted by okto on 17 July 2004 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

its not either/or!! katachi's weapon has form AND function, and nothing he has done prevents you from modding it for 100 foot range. you can have both!!

cxwq, i dont think its fair to accuse katachi of telling everyone their way of nerfing is wrong, then tell everyone their way of boarding is wrong. i realize its your board, im not telling you how to run it, but consider. this is not an idiot case, this is a case of disagreeing with the established order, which is not a crime.
i understand weeding out idiots. i do not understand ideological censorship, unless it threatens the integrity of a community or restricts the freedoms of others.

#55471 Next-gen Console E3 Pics

Posted by okto on 22 May 2005 - 10:15 PM in Off Topic

Interesting that Sony and Nintendo went slot-load, and MS stayed tray, especially since 360 looks like it wants to be set up vertically as its normal mode (and we all know how Xboxen like to be turned sideways or upside down).

#43583 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 08 December 2004 - 08:42 PM in Homemades

However, expect a spring-loaded clip-fed loser rifle powered by CO2 in the quasi-near future.

Isn't that in everyone's quasi-near future? o_<

#43609 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 09 December 2004 - 06:22 AM in Homemades

I don't doubt you ompa. It seems like a springfed magazine, boltaction semiauto has been every Nerfer's dream for so long...sort of the Holy Grail. I have a design I've been working on too, I just can't afford the materials. Bleh.
Hope yours works out. I will be the first to congratulate you if it does. :(

#44050 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 14 December 2004 - 09:14 PM in Homemades

You shat your pants over Halo? Please.

#43426 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 06 December 2004 - 04:28 AM in Homemades

niiice...looks like v2 incorporates a bolt-action breech? or is that a different homemade?

#42427 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 25 November 2004 - 12:25 AM in Homemades

ompa, all you need is a hacksaw. sheet Al isn't very hard.

#42430 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 25 November 2004 - 12:34 AM in Homemades

eck, no! tinsnips leave an icky edge and are bad at cutting perfectly straight lines. also they warp the material being cut.

#42357 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 24 November 2004 - 03:29 PM in Homemades

i'd use something stronger than balsa for the sight rail...stuff breaks when you look at it. .032 aluminum would be perfect.

#42682 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 27 November 2004 - 06:55 PM in Homemades

nooo! stupid gunblade! esta una terrible idea.

#42433 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 25 November 2004 - 12:56 AM in Homemades

On a gun such as this that employs advanced quantum mechanics like "saw", "pipe", and "adhesive", I can see how you'd be lost. I would guess that with the proper funding, and years of painstaking research, one might be able to duplicate this feat of near-magical scientific achievement.
While on the topic of things pertaining to subatomic particles, you might need to turn up the bogon filter between your brain and your fingers, there seems to be a leak.

#42600 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 26 November 2004 - 07:16 PM in Homemades

i'm timing you.


#42594 Halo Shotgun

Posted by okto on 26 November 2004 - 06:25 PM in Homemades

vurrry noice, mr. ompa, vurrry noice.
is that the AT2k's original trigger? i don't own one, so i'm not familiar.

#49223 Somebody Hacked Spanky!

Posted by okto on 10 March 2005 - 01:39 AM in General Nerf

Okay, so socially unsatisfied douchebag hacker changed the passwords through a security hole.
Do we know what has been deleted, if anything, and what's left? Or what other sort of damage has been done?